Computers and Advanced Technology in Education / 673: Human-Computer Interaction    (CATE 2009)

November 22 – 24, 2009
St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands
Editor(s): V. Uskov
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Mobile Learning FreeSubscription
672-013 Developing Informal Education through Mobile Collaborative Learning
J.C. dos Reis, R. Bonacin, and M.C. Martins (Brazil)
672-041 Flying WiFi Robots as Mobile Research Platforms
K. Henke, St. Ostendorff, Th. Volkert, and A. Mitschele-Thiel (Germany)
672-072 Copyright Protection for Vocabulary Learning Materials
H. Lee, K. Kaneko, M. Ishikawa, and H. Miyakoda (Japan)
Track Collaborative Learning FreeSubscription
672-027 A Moodle Extension for Supporting Workflow-Driven Collaborative Learning
R. Perez-Rodriguez, M. Caeiro-Rodriguez, and L. Anido-Rifon (Spain)
672-038 Networked Virtual and Remote Laboratories for Research Collaboration in Natural Sciences and Engineering
S.Jeschke, E. Hauck, O. Pfeiffer, and T. Richter (Germany)
672-054 Assessment of Learning in Concerto III: A Collaborative Learning Support System based on Question-Posing
Y. Hirai, A. Hazeyama, and T. Inoue (Japan)
672-070 Supporting Learning Communities through a Lifecycle in a Serious Games Context: Requirements for Social Tools
E. Prasolova-Førland and L.M. Hokstad (Norway)
Track Faculty Development, Courseware, and Curriculum Issues FreeSubscription
672-011 Agent based Intelligent Courseware Generation in e-Learning Systems
A. Grubišić, S. Stankov, and V. Glavinić (Croatia)
672-039 Online Distance Learning for Francophone Teachers and School Principals
C. IsaBelle, H. Fournier, and E. Duplàa (Canada)
672-040 Visual Analysis of Online Test Logs for Instructional Improvement
H. Inoue, K. Yasutake, T. Sumiya, O. Yamakawa, T. Tagawa, and S. Hirokawa (Japan)
672-049 A Quantifiable Approach in Strategic and Operational Planning in Educational Institutions
V. Pougatchev (Jamaica)
672-053 Enabling Teachers to Provide New Learning Environments
B. Ask and H. Haugen (Norway)
672-068 A Visualization Enhanced Hypertextbook for Computer Science Education
C. Hill and B. Slator (USA)
Track Advanced Teaching and Learning Technologies FreeSubscription
672-002 Embedding Reflective Agent in Educational Simulation Games
X. Bai (USA)
672-006 ICT Supported Engineering Course - Case Study and Guidelines
J. Rutkowski and K. Moscinska (Poland)
672-007 Improving Predictions of Student Performance using a Fuzzy Prediction System
E.-T. Yeoh and P. Woods (Malaysia)
672-028 A New Dimension for SCORM Compliant Online Courses
X. Wang (PRC), Y.E. Shih (USA), F. Li (PRC), and S. Shih (USA)
672-030 Design and Implementation of Virtual Networking Experiment System
X.-L. Han, G. Chen, W.-X. Zhang, and C.-S. Huang (PRC)
672-032 Evaluation of Learner Engagement in Program Visualization
E. Kaila, M.-J. Laakso, T. Rajala, and T. Salakoski (Finland)
672-043 Personalisation of e-Learning Content via Metadata
A. Diab and H.-D. Wuttke (Germany)
Track Software Systems, Virtual Reality, and Virtual Labs FreeSubscription
672-004 Power Transformer Virtual Reality based on MAS
G. Zheng and F. Dai (PRC)
672-017 Embedded Laboratory Instruction: C8051F330-GP and the ISPM4A5-64/32
D.R. Wilcox, S.E. Wilson (USA), and G.W. Wöstenkühler (Germany)
672-035 A DVD Movie-based Call System Enabling Control of Learner Environment via the Web
T. Okura, T. Koyama, J. Noguchi, and A. Iwasaki (Japan)
672-047 A Digital Environment Dedicated to Distributed and Cooperative Practical Activities
J.-P. Gerval (France), D.-M. Popovici (Romania), A. Assoum (Lebanon), Y. Le Ru (France), and M. Polceanu (Romania)
672-050 Improving the Level of Knowledge Acquisition by Technology Enhanced Learning
D.D. Burdescu, M.C. Mihăescu, C.M. Ionascu, and B. Logofatu (Romania)
672-067 Simulating Ethical Dilemmas: Teaching Ethics through Immersive Virtual Environments
Y. Wang, A. Dudley, J. Braman, and G. Vincenti (USA)
672-071 Teaching Diagnostic Modeling of Digital Systems with Decision Diagrams
R. Ubar, J. Raik, D. Mironov, T. Evartson, M. Aarna, E. Orasson (Estonia), and H.-D. Wuttke (Germany)
672-073 A Web-based Factorial Experiment Testing System (FETS): A Pilot Study
N.W. Schlecht, P. McClean, and B.M. Slator (USA)
Track Best Practicies in Technology-based Education FreeSubscription
672-003 The United States' Challenges in Science and Engineering Education: The Hispanic Factor
H. Kettani (USA)
672-018 Fast Prototyping of Learning Experiences: An Attempt of Modelling
U. Barchetti, A. Bucciero, and L. Mainetti (Italy)
672-036 Engaging Students in STEM Careers with Project based Learning - MarineTech Project
A.K. Verma and S.E. McKinney (USA)
672-048 Technology of Learning Process Construction in Adaptive Systems of Distance Learning
P. Fedoruk (Ukraine)
672-057 Design and Implementation of Digital Forensics Labs: A Case Study for Teaching Digital Forensics to Undergraduate Students
H. Chi, E.L. Jones, C. Chatmon, and D. Evans (USA)
672-058 21st Century Game Design: A Model and Prototype for Promoting Scientific Problem Solving
R. Van Eck, W. Hung, F. Bowman, and S. Love (USA)
672-060 Module-based Courseware for Teaching Secure Wireless Sensor Networks
B. Sun, L. Osborne, and T.A. Yang (USA)
672-065 Web 2.0 as an Enabler of Developing Open Content Online Hypertextbooks
T.A. Yang, V.S. Jadhav, D. Chipade, and B. Sun (USA)
672-066 Social Networking as a Social and Cultural Reconfiguration: A Case Study of AcessaSP
B. Passarelli, C. Pontes Freire, and J. Kiyomura Moreno (Brazil)
Track Research on Technology-based Education FreeSubscription
672-014 C, Java, Ruby: A Student Experience
R. Eggen, S. Rumancik, and M. Eggen (USA)
672-052 Applying the Artifact Development Analysis to the Optimal Development of Means for Learning
M. Kurosu (Japan)
672-062 Exploring the Usage of Web 2.0 and Associated Communication Tools in Professional Learning
A. Jerman-Blažič, F. Novak, and B. Jerman-Blažič (Solvenia)
672-081 Impact of Hypermedia Resource VelTIC on Ethno Linguistic Vitalization and Inclusion in Franco-Ontarian Schools
L. Weatherall, A.Gélinas Proulx, and C. IsaBelle (Canada)
Track Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction: Usability and Design FreeSubscription
673-009 Visual Exploration of Complex Information Spaces based on Cluster Analysis
T. Smaoui and C. Müller-Schloer (Germany)
673-015 Investigating Perception of Vibration Directions in Touchscreens
Y. Liu (Germany)
673-016 Proposal of a Protocol to Support Product Usability Evaluation
Y.P.C. Aguiar and M.F.Q. Vieira (Brazil)
673-025 Audio-Tactile Location Markers: Accessible Real-World Tagging for the Blind
R. Schlögl (Austria), M. Tomitsch (Australia), C. Wimmer, T. Grechenig, and K. Kappel (Austria)
673-026 A GUI Wizard for Developing Command & Control Applications in CAVE
S. Buntha, M. Muhanna, S. Okamoto, S. Dascalu, and F.C. Harris (USA)
673-032 In-Tic Project: A New Assistive Technology for Children with Cerebral Palsy to Computer Access
T. Pousada, B. Groba, L. Nieto, I. Mourelos, A. Moreiras, J. Pereira, and A. Pazos (Spain)
673-033 A Force Estimation Method based on Deformation of an Object using a High-Speed Camera
Y. Tanaka, T. Tsuji, and M. Shiokawa (Japan)
Track Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction: Applications FreeSubscription
673-007 Improvement of the Guilin-Hills Myoelectric Signal Classifier for Prostheses Control under the Influence of Fatigue
S. Herrmann and K. Buchenrieder (Germany)
673-008 Tag-based Interaction with Large High-Resolution Displays
S. Thelen (Germany), J. Meyer, A. Middel (USA), P.-S. Olech, A. Ebert, and H. Hagen (Germany)
673-010 Formants Analysis of American, Australian and British Accents
J. Chupan, M. Asadinia, and S. Ghorshi (Iran)
673-029 Designing Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Interfaces: Localisation for Low Literacy Users
A. Sharma Grover (South Africa), O. Stewart, and D. Lubensky (USA)
673-030 Illuminance Adaptive Marker-based Mixed Reality with HDR Processing
Y. Yasumuro, S. Yamazaki, and M. Fuyuki (Japan)
673-035 Key Disciplines in Multimodal User Interface Development with Interaction Design
D. Ertl, R. Popp, and M. Vallée (Austria)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   $140.00 (Hardcopy) ;  $107.00 (Online) ;  $126.00 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

For complete proceedings please choose one of the following:


Hard Copy $140.00
Online Edition $107.00
CD Edition $126.00
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
ISBN: 978-0-88986-927-1 ;
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-816-8 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

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