Agent based Intelligent Courseware Generation in e-Learning Systems

A. Grubišić, S. Stankov, and V. Glavinić (Croatia)


e-learning, Courseware generation, Intelligent agent, Curriculum design and development, System architecture


Since involvement of computers in educational, academic and business communities has increased, e-learning systems present involvement of information and communication technology as constituent part of education that supports a teacher in traditional learning and teaching process. In this paper, our focus is placed on learning materials in e-learning systems, how they are selected, sequenced and presented in a form of courseware. The main idea of this preliminary research related to intelligent courseware generation is in dynamic planning of courseware elements based on a student’s knowledge. A term “intelligent courseware generation” has not been used so far in this form and with the semantics described later on. Here, we define a multiagent system model for intelligent courseware generation that would enable collaboration of different intelligent agents that would, eventually, enhance student’s learning and teaching process.

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