A DVD Movie-based Call System Enabling Control of Learner Environment via the Web

T. Okura, T. Koyama, J. Noguchi, and A. Iwasaki (Japan)


DVD movie, EFL, CALL, remote control


We have developed a CALL system for EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners which uses DVD movies to promote and enhance learner motivation. It is presented as a worksheet that includes a DVD viewer, caption-display area and control buttons. Using this system with EFL learners led to positive results (Okura [1]). To further improve the system, functions were added to control the environment of learner PCs, such as the selection of subtitles and whether or not to use them, the language audio and the chapter(s) to be viewed. The instructor can now better control the overall PC settings and learning environment but also allow individual students to study at their own pace. We report on the concepts and development of this system.

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