Improving the Level of Knowledge Acquisition by Technology Enhanced Learning

D.D. Burdescu, M.C. Mihăescu, C.M. Ionascu, and B. Logofatu (Romania)


Document retrieval, e-Learning, Concept map, Machine learning


Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) is an area of e Learning which is getting very much attention. We think that this is one of the key points that may bring a great enhancement for an e-Learning process. This paper presents a methodology for improving the level of knowledge of a learner by retrieving a document (or a set of documents) considered to be the one that must be accessed and studied by a learner. Finding the documents is based on following things: (1) usage of a well structured form of studied discipline; (2) data regarding the performed activities (e.g. testing, reading, etc.); (3) usage of machine learning algorithms. There is presented a study on real data with baseline results and conclusions.

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