Enabling Teachers to Provide New Learning Environments

B. Ask and H. Haugen (Norway)


Teacher education, In-service, Netbased, Global E teaching 1. Background ICT is already well integrated into the society. Education is joining, but there is still much to desire when it comes to teacher qualifications and the integration of new tools like social software etc. into learning environ ments. This goes for all levels of education. There are two major tracks to follow in order to raise teacher qualifications with respect to optimal integration of technology, integrating ICT


A series of new tools are now available for the educational arena. Drastic changes in learning approaches have long been predicted, so far without the expected impact in schools or universities. Teachers have key roles here. In order to enhance their competence there are at least two angles of attack: • integration of new tools and learning environment throughout the initial teacher education • professional development of teachers through in service and further education for educators at all levels These strategies are important since tools and methods are changing and expanding. Focus should be on pedagogy and methodology, integrating technology into curriculum for better learning. Experiences from a teacher education institution with integrated ICT for all students and an option to a master’s programme for ICT in Learning are outlined in the paper. Online courses for in-service and upgrading of teachers, particularly aiming at university and college staff, including teacher trainers, have been tested in a global setting. This set of two courses at master’s level, named E-teaching I and E-teaching II, awarding 10 + 10 ECTS credits, has turned out to be a great success, and is presented here. Reactions from course participants document acquirement of new knowledge and skills.

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