In-Tic Project: A New Assistive Technology for Children with Cerebral Palsy to Computer Access

T. Pousada, B. Groba, L. Nieto, I. Mourelos, A. Moreiras, J. Pereira, and A. Pazos (Spain)


Computer Access, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, AAC, Assistive Technology, Disabled People, Infantile Cerebral Palsy


Infantile Cerebral Palsy (ICP) is characterized by impairment of neuromuscular systems, and sensory disorders, which produce a limitation on the activity. At present, the latest developments in Information Technologies (IT) and assistive technology (AT) provide a wide variety of techniques and resources that can be used to facilitate acquisition of motor skills, processing and communication in people affected by ICP and whose management requires responses more simples. In-Tic is a free software development for the authors. This tool can be individually adapted and adjusted to suit the needs of users with activity limitations or participation restrictions. These interfaces follow the principles of Design for All and they have been drawn up by a multidisciplinary team of health science professionals (an occupational therapist, geriatrist, speech therapist, etc.) and computer engineers and users, thereby guaranteeing their operability and functionality for the latter group This document presents two practical cases that, with the same type of ICP, use different devices to access the computer and communication by In-TIC software; after an assessment of their capabilities and functional requirements. The presentation of these case studies is relevant because its presentation of case studies that nourish, in a constructive manner, the process of research and development of new tools for intervention.

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