Wireless and Optical Communications    (WOC 2007)

May 30 – June 1, 2007
Montreal, Canada
Editor(s): A. Vukovic
565 pages
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Network Management, Services, and Protocols FreeSubscription
565-060 Fairness and Burstiness Evaluation of Router-Assisted Congestion Control with Window-based Sources
J. Borreicho and A. Almeida (Portugal)
565-065 Handoff Performance Enhancement in Wireless Overlay Networks
C. Makaya and S. Pierre (Canada)
565-067 Bandwidth Efficient Block Coding
S. Faruque and M.J. Mueller (USA)
565-111 Programmed Bandwidth & Wavelengths Pre-Allocation System for Lambda Grids (Through Lambda Grid Services)
F.M. Aymerich, G. Fenu, and S. Surcis (Italy)
565-128 Extensions of TETRA to Overcome Control Channel Limitations
P. Plans, C. Gomez, and J. Paradells (Spain)
565-132 Name Display for the Wireless Network
S. Ng and Y. Chang (Canada)
565-136 Detection and Cancellation of Narrowband Interference in Ultra Wideband Communication Systems
H. Quach and A. Dinh (Canada)
565-142 Multistage Parallel Interference Cancellation Receiver in a Frequency Selective Layered MIMO Scheme
A.O. Dahmane and A. Fawaz (Canada)
565-191 A Novel Approach for 4G Communication System: Multi-Carrier Interleave-Division Multiple-Access
O. Nawaz, Z. Bhadiar, W. Nasir, A. Javed, and I.A. Khokhar (Pakistan)
565-218 Mobility of Wireless Clients in Agent-based Distributed Event System
O.K. Sahingoz and A.C. Sonmez (Turkey)
565-220 A Strict Tabu Search Algorithm for OSPF Weight Optimization
Y. Zuo and J. Pitts (UK)
565-801 Routing and Communication Protocols for Higher Throughput in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
Y. Numata and H. Higaki (Japan)
565-803 Distributed Stable Storage for Copies of State Information in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
M. Ono, H. Higaki, and K. Furuta (Japan)
Track Sensor Network Security and Applications FreeSubscription
565-046 Reversed Message Authentication Code Chain Broadcast (RMCB) Protocol
A.E. Hegazy, A.M. Darwish, and R. El-Fouly (Egypt)
565-051 Recovery Target Tracking in Wildlife
H. Susanto, F. Lalooses, and C.H. Chang (USA)
565-087 Performance Analysis of the IEEE 802.15.4 based ECG Monitoring Network
X. Liang and I. Balasingham (Norway)
565-127 Location Concealing Probabilistic Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks
A.A. Nezhad, D. Makrakis, and A. Miri (Canada)
565-149 In-Situ Wireless Sensor Network Testing and Reconfiguration using Wireless JTAG
Y. Chen, Z. Zhai, and L. Wang (USA)
565-192 Geography-based Passive Clustering in Wireless Mobile Networks
F. Chender, A. Hafid (Canada), A. Benslimane (France), and T.J. Kwon (USA)
Track Communications Theory and Techniques FreeSubscription
565-031 New State Diagram for STBC in Single Carrier Frequency Selective Channels
S. Asoodeh, A. Rezazadeh, and H. Ramezani (Iran)
565-042 Global Blind Equalization via Generalized Pattern Search Optimization and Channel Surfing Reinitialization
A. Zaouche, I. Dayoub, J.M. Rouvaen, and F. Shebli (France)
565-061 Nonlinear Frequency Offset Estimators for Single Sinusoidal Signals with Time-Varying Envelope
P. Ubolkosold, G.F. Tchere, S. Knedlik, and O. Loffeld (Germany)
565-077 Bit Error Analysis of DS-CDMA Systems over Nakagami Flat Fading Channels
J.-S. Chen (USA)
565-089 Field Domain Segmentation Approach to Filter Encoding for Efficient Packet Classification with TCAM
D. Pao, P. Zhou, B. Liu (PRC), and X. Zhang (USA)
565-105 Cooperative Communications in a Novel HCOC-QAM OFDM Spread Spectrum System with MMSE Equalizer for High Speed Data Transmission
H.Y. Kong, H.V. Khuong, Asaduzzaman, S.-J. Park, and N.-S. Kim (Korea)
565-143 Cascade Filter MUD Scheme for a DS-CDMA Multirate Environment
A.O. Dahmane and P.-L. Sylvestre (Canada)
565-152 Improved Performance of a Single-User Detection Scheme Employing FFH-SSMA in Synchronous Mode
J.A. Momoh and S.A. Adeniran (Nigeria)
565-163 Beam Forming in Adaptive Array Antennas
S. Mumtaz (Portugal)
565-180 A Dynamic Traffic Shedding Algorithm for Soft-Handoff in MC-CDMA Systems
B. Khosravifar, M. Salamah, and M. Najiminaini (North Cyprus)
565-196 GA-based Low-Density Parity-Check Code Search Algorithm
H.-S. Li, M.-K. Ku, and C.-Y. Lin (Taiwan)
565-197 A Design of Two-Stage Hybrid ARQ Scheme using LDPC Codes
T.-H. Lo, M.-K. Ku, and C.-Y. Lin (Taiwan)
565-210 Inbound/Outbound Registrar Delay Effect over Various Media Types for SIP-based VOIP Calls
O.A. El Aleem, M. Khedr, and M.M. Selim (Egypt)
Track Architecture, Design, and Optical Networks FreeSubscription
565-002 A Local Search Algorithm for the Global Design of WDM Networks Including the Traffic Grooming
A. Bahri and S. Chamberland (Canada)
565-015 LDRI – A New Way to Interconnect SONET/SDH Rings
V.N. Swamy (India)
565-033 GA based Fiber Design Algorithm Including Very Small Pulse Broadening, Nonlinearity, and Bending Loss
A. Rostami, M.S. Oskouei, and S. Makouei (Iran)
565-073 Intensity Noise in Balanced Detection of Correlated Incoherent Signals
M. Abtahi, S. Ayotte, J. Penon, and L.A. Rusch (Canada)
565-078 Survivable Traffic Grooming for WDM Networks
A. Jaekel and S. Bandyopadhyay (Canada)
565-113 Broad Band Generation in the C and L Bands using an Erbium Doped Fiber Ring Laser
D. Venkitesh and R. Vijaya (India)
565-129 Influence of DCM Nonlinearity on the XPM Degradation in 10 Gbit/s Dispersion Managed NRZ-IM-DD Links
T.M.F. Alves, N.M.S. Costa, and A.V.T. Cartaxo (Portugal)
565-179 Distributed Storage Area Network Simulation Compared to True Performance
T. Brothers, S. Muknahallipatna, and J. Hamann (USA)
565-221 Performance Evaluation of a Metro WDM Slotted Ring Network with SAN Extension
R. Mehmood, B. Pranggono, T. El-Gorashi, and J. Elmirghani (UK)
565-810 An Effective Method for Searching Old Replica Holders to Update in Ad Hoc Networks
T. Nishihara, T. Sasama, and H. Masuyama (Japan)
Track Fundamental Optical Technologies FreeSubscription
565-005 80Gb/s All-Optical XOR using Four Wave Mixing Scheme in Highly Nonlinear Fibers
H. Sun, H. Dong, Z. Chen, and N.K. Dutta (USA)
565-034 A Novel Methodology to Design Dispersion-Flattened Fiber and Small Bending Loss Simultaneously using GA/CD
A. Rostami, S. Makouei, and M.S. Oskouei (Iran)
565-044 A Novel Data Burst Scheduling Algorithm in Optical Burst Switching Networks
Y. Guo, A. Wen, Z. Liu, and D. Wu (PRC)
565-082 Construction of Quasi-Cyclic Low-Density Parity-Check Codes to Combat Optical CDMA Interference Noise
C.-M. Huang, C.-C. Yang, and J.-F. Huang (Taiwan)
565-085 Securing Optical Burst Switched Networks
Y. Chen and P.K. Verma (USA)
565-109 Availability Performance of a Simulated 850 nm FSO/93 GHz MMW Hybrid System
V. Kvicera, M. Grabner, and O. Fiser (Czech Republic)
565-126 Dispersion Map Optimization for XPM-Limited 10 Gbit/s NRZ-IM-DD WDM Links
N.M.S. Costa, T.M.F. Alves, and A.V.T. Cartaxo (Portugal)
565-148 Performance Evaluation of Optical CDMA based Switching Techniques
D. Benhaddou, V. Mulani, M. Meso, and R. Barton (USA)
565-159 Convolutional Coded DPIM for Indoor Non-Diffuse Optical Wireless Link
S. Rajbhandari, Z. Ghassemlooy, N.M. Aldibbiat, M. Amiri, and W.O. Popoola (UK)
565-164 All-Optical Packet-Switched Routing based on Pulse-Position-Modulated Address
M.F. Chiang, Z. Ghassemlooy, H. Le Minh, and W.P. Ng (UK)
Track Wireless Technologies FreeSubscription
565-056 Fast Handoff Scheme with Accelerated Probe Function in Wireless LANs
L.J. Zhang, S. Pierre (Canada), and L. Zhang (PRC)
565-074 Windows Streaming Media Performance Analysis on a IEEE 802.11g Residential Network
T. Grant, S. Gupta, H. Pandya, and R. Kinicki (USA)
565-097 On the Relationship between the FER and the Surplus Bandwidth Allowance in IEEE 802.11E WLAN
C. Dou and Y.-M. Li (Taiwan)
565-137 Information Broadcasting System based on Visible Light Signboard
S.-B. Park, D.K. Jung, H.S. Shin, D.J. Shin, Y.-J. Hyun, K. Lee, and Y.J. Oh (Korea)
565-139 Maximizing the Reverse Link Throughput for CDMA2000 1XEV-DO using Particle Swarm Optimization
A. Basyouni, A. Elhakeem, and A. Agarwal (Canada)
565-175 Multimodal Applications for Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting
J.-M. Bouffard, F. Lefebvre (Canada), and B.-H. Lee (Korea)
565-204 Performance Evaluation of On-Demand Multipath Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
H. Zafar, D. Harle, I. Andonovic (UK), and M. Ashraf (Pakistan)
565-215 WiMAX Security Vulnerabilities: The State of Affairs
S. Zehra and A. Akram (Pakistan)
565-802 No-Beacon GEDIR: Location-based Ad-Hoc Routing with Less Communication Overhead
M. Watanabe and H. Higaki (Japan)
Track Algorithm and Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks FreeSubscription
565-068 Self-Localization and Connectivity Maintenance Scheme for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks
J.F. Myoupo and I. Sow (France)
565-115 Probabilistic Flow-based Spreading Geographical Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks
N. Wang and C.H. Chang (USA)
565-117 A Self-Organize Multi-Channel Medium Access Control (SMMAC) Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
T.-T. Wu, K.-H. Kwong, C. Michie, and I. Andonovic (UK)
565-121 A New Robust Genetic Algorithm for Dynamic Cluster Formation in Wireless Sensor Networks
S.R. Mudundi and H.H. Ali (USA)
565-188 A Novel Energy-Efficient Media Access Control Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
S. Rahimi and D. Qiu (Canada)
565-198 Multipath Routing using Generalized Load Sharing for Wireless Sensor Networks
J.R. Gallardo (USA), A. Gonzalez, L. Villasenor-Gonzalez, and J. Sanchez (Mexico)
565-201 Distributed Retransmission Buffer Recovery for Node Failure in Sensor Networks
J. Wang, M. Masilela, and J.C.L. Liu (USA)
565-208 A Secure Routing Protocol for SensorNet
D.T. Fokum and G.J. Minden (USA)
Track Wireless Components and Systems FreeSubscription
565-037 A Hardware Efficient Algorithm for Cellular Mobile Positioning Calculation
M. Najiminaini, E. Doukhnitch, M. Salamah, and I. Kale (Turkey)
565-063 Forward Error Control Coding Based on Orthogonal Codes and Its Implementation Using FPGA
S. Faruque, N. Kaabouch, and A. Dhirde (USA)
565-110 Enhanced MAC Algorithm for Low Latency Applications in Beaconless CSMA/CA Ad Hoc IEEE 802.15.4 LR-WPANS
A. Athanasopoulos, C. Antonopoulos, E. Topalis, and S. Koubias (Greece)
565-131 Software Implementation of the DMB Transmission System
P. Charest and F. Lefebvre (Canada)
565-158 A New Criterion for MPR Selection in the OLSR Protocol
N. Enneya, A. Baayer, and M. Elkoutbi (Morocco)
565-165 Service Rate Determination for Group of Users with Random Connectivity Sharing a Single Wireless Link
H. Al-Zubaidy, I. Lambadaris, and J. Talim (Canada)
565-216 Adaptive Resource Allocation Scheme for Wireless Multimedia Systems
O. Alani and R. Mehmood (UK)
565-807 Extrapolation and Interpolation for Simplified Multi-User Channel Estimation Techniques in a 4G OFDM System
A.A. Tahat (Jordan) and D.R. Ucci (USA)
Track Optical Components and Systems FreeSubscription
565-022 Dual-Wavelength Erbium-Doped Fiber Compound Ring Laser WITHOUT Filter in Ring Cavity
C.-H. Yeh, C.-T. Chen, F.-Y. Shih, C.-N. Lee, and S. Chi (Taiwan)
565-023 Protection against Large Power Excursion in Network Failures
W. Lin, R.S. Wolff, and B. Mumey (USA)
565-026 Suppression of Optical Amplifier Transients by Channel Power Shaping
W. Lin, R.S. Wolff, and B. Mumey (USA)
565-083 Using Free-Spectral Range of Waveguide Gratings to Compensate for Optical CDMA Spectral Flattenness
J.-F. Huang, C.-M. Huang, and C.-C. Hsu (Taiwan)
565-091 Design of 3.125Gb/s Transimpedance Amplifier using CMOS Technologies for XAUI (eXtended Attachment Unit Interface)
S.-H. Kim and S.-B. Cho (Korea)
565-092 Design and Performance Analysis of a Hybrid Optical CDMA/WDMA System with the Position Code
P.-H. Chang, J.-R. Chen, and Y.-H. Huang (Taiwan)
565-106 High Pump Efficiency Tunable Fiber Lasers based on Optical Circulator and Fiber Bragg Gratings
S.-K. Liaw, W.-Y. Jang, C.-J. Wang, K.-L. Hung, T.-F. Wu (Taiwan)
565-124 SOA-based Noise Suppression in Spectrum-Sliced PONs: Impact of Bit-Rate and SOA Gain Recovery Time
F. Vacondio, W. Mathlouthi, P. Lemieux, and L.A. Rusch (Canada)
565-130 Realizing the "Needle Beam" in Dielectric Waveguide
V. Bondarenko (Ukraine) and Y. Zhao (USA)
565-155 Numerical Analysis of Remotely Pumped EDFA Incorporated with a CFBG
N. Hossain, M.A. Hasnayeen, A.W. Naji, V. Mishra, F.M. Abbou, A.A.R. Hairul, and A.R. Faidz (Malaysia)
Track Wireless Networks and Architecture FreeSubscription
565-014 Performance of Directional MAC Protocols in Ad Hoc Networks with Position Estimation Errors
K. Liu, A. Youssef, and W. Hamouda (Canada)
565-041 A SIP-based Roaming Protocol for Heterogeneous Multi-Operator Wireless Networks
O.S. Gaitán, P. Martins, J. Demerjian, and S. Tohmé (France)
565-058 Dynamic Caching in DSR with Clustering Coefficient
J.-H. Au-Yong (Malaysia)
565-062 Simulation Study of Media Streaming Performance on an IEEE802.11g WLAN
G. Bai and X. Huang (PRC)
565-088 A Realistic Approach for Energy-Saving Permutation Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
D. Karimou and J.F. Myoupo (France)
565-090 Hybrid Networks - Free Space Optics to Balloon Mounted Wireless LAN for Remote Emergency Operations
A. Harris, M.K. Al Akkoumi, F.N. Beainy, R.C. Huck, P.K. Verma, and H.H. Refai (USA)
565-138 Explicit-Feedback-based Congestion Control for Lossy and Dynamic Wireless Networks
J. Pu and M. Hamdi (PRC)
565-187 Enhanced Hold-Mode-based Inter-Piconet Scheduling in Bluetooth Scatternets
C.-F. Hsu, S.-M. Hsu, and C.-Y. Liu (Taiwan)
565-211 SAMEN - A Splitting Algorithm for Multihop Wireless Networks
X. Zhang (USA)
565-811 An Efficient Heuristic to Solve the Global Update Problem of UMTS Networks
M. St-Hilaire, S. Chamberland, and S. Pierre (Canada)
Track Other Papers FreeSubscription
565-213 Combating Routing Microholes in Hybrid Wireless Sensor Networks
M. Portnoy (Canada)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   $155.40 (Hardcopy) ;  $132.09 (Online) ;  $155.40 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

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Hard Copy $155.40
Online Edition $132.09
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ISBN: 978-0-88986-659-1 ;
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-660-7 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

The conference will consist of the following symposia: 1. Communication Systems and Applications (CSA 2007) 2. Optical Communication Systems and Networks (OCSN 2007) 3. Wireless Networks and Emerging Technologies (WNET 2007) 4. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN 2007). 1) IASTED International Symposium on COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS (CSA 2007) - COMMUNICATIONS THEORY AND TECHNIQUES - * Coding Techniques * CDMA Systems * Spread Spectrum Techniques * Turbo Codes * Space-Time Codes * Multiplexing * Multiple Access Techniques * Channel Estimation * Fading Channels * MIMO Channels * Multi-User Detection * Transmission Diversity * Modulation * Adaptive Modulation and Coding * Demodulation * Equalization * Synchronization * Queuing Theory * Filtering Techniques * Noise Reduction * Signal Processing in Communications; COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOLS AND STANDARDS - * Internet Protocols (IP) * Mobile IP * Congestion Control Protocols * Transport Control Protocols (TCP) * Routing Protocols * Wireless Application Protocols (WAP) * IP and ATM over Optical Networks * IP over WDM * IP over Wireless * IP over ATM * MAC Protocols * Photonics-based Communications Protocols * Communications Standards (GSM, UMTS, GPRS, CDMA2000, 802.11 WLANs, HiPerLAN, 802.15 WPANs) * Interference and Coexistence of Wireless Standards; NETWORK MANAGEMENT, SERVICES, AND SECURITY - * Intelligent Networks and Services * Digital Integrated Services (ISDN, BISDN) * System Capacity Analysis * Optimization * Routing and Signaling Issues * Wavelength Assignment * Resource Management * Bandwidth Management * Dynamic Channel Allocation * Performance Management * Traffic Measurements and Modelling * Location-based Services * Location Management * Roaming and Handoff * Traffic Engineering and Control * Network Performance * Network Security * Congestion Control Mechanisms * Admission and Flow Control * Packet Scheduling * Regulatory Issues * Network Modelling and Simulation * Performance Modelling and Evaluation * Quality of Service * Multicast Services * Service Security and Privacy * Wireless LAN Security * Reliability; APPLICATIONS - * m-Commerce * e-Commerce * Electronic Banking * Mobile Internet * Video Conferencing * Distance Education * Multimedia Applications * Virtual Home Environments (VHE) * Telemedicine * Streaming Applications * IP Telephony * Online Gaming * Web Services; 2) IASTED International Symposium on OPTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS (OCSN 2007) - ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN, AND INFRASTRUCTURE - * Optical Network Architecture * Fiber Design and Fabrication * Network Design Software * Synchronous Optical Networks (SONET) * Inter-Satellite Optical Links * Inter-Working between Optical and Wireless Networks * Architecture, Design, and Infrastructure of Optical Networks * Modelling and Simulation * WDM Systems and Networks * Passive Optical Networks * Broadband * FTTx Architecture and Design * Ethernet and Packet-based Networks * Optical / Wireless Convergence * Optical Network Planning * Optical Performance Monitoring * Long-haul, Metro and Access Networks * Reconfigurable Networks; OPTICAL SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS - * Light-Emitting Diodes * Lasers * Optical Amplifiers * Modulators * WDM Systems * Optical Switches * Optical MEMS Components * Filters for DWDM * Transmitter and Receiver Subsystems * Transceivers * Amplifiers * Active and Passive Components * Fiber Wave-Guided Components * Optical Splitting and Directional Couplers * Array Wave-Guided Devices * Sensors * Fiber Cables * Specialty Fiber * Ultrafast Optical Communications * Secure Optical Communications * ROADM; OPTICAL FUNDAMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES - * Optical Switching Technologies * Optical Packet Switching * Light Matter Interaction * Wave-Guide Fabrication Techniques, including Ultra-Short Pulse Approaches * Propagation Characteristics * Polarization Compensation * Chromatic Dispersion Compensation * Modulation Techniques * Multiplexing (WDM, OTDM, CDM) * Non-Linear Optical Effects * Nanostructural Material Technology * Ultrafast optical communications * Secure Optical Communications * Wavelength Switching * Integrated Optics * 40G Technologies * Hybrid and Monolithic Integration; 3) IASTED International Symposium on WIRELESS NETWORKS AND EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES (WNET 2007) - WIRELESS NETWORK ARCHITECTURE - * Radio Access Network Architecture * Core/Backbone Network Architecture * Multimedia Wireless IP Network Architecture * RF Systems Engineering * RF Network Planning * Core Network Planning; WIRELESS SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS - * Broadband Mobile Communication Systems * Satellite Communication Systems * Antennas * Amplifiers * High-Speed Routers * Mobile Terminal Systems * GSM/W-CDMA/Bluetooth Chips * WLAN/WPAN Chips * CDMA2000/WLAN Chips * Transmitter and Receiver Components * RF Electronics; WIRELESS TECHNOLOGIES - * IP over Wireless Networks * Wireless ATM Networks * Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANET) * Wireless PANs * Wireless LANs * Remote LANs * ATM and IP Integration * Multimedia over Wireless Networks * High-Speed Switching * 3rd and 4th Generation Wireless Network Technologies * Broadband Wireless Access * Cellular Technology * Bluetooth and Wideband Technology * OFDM Technology * WCDMA Technology * IrDA Technology * Broadcast Technologies * GPS Technology * Mobile and Personal Computing * Software Defined Radio * Reconfigurable Radio * Ultra-Wide Band Radio * Home Network Technologies * Wireless Local Loops * Wireless Technologies for Sensors * Wi-Fi * WiMAX Technology; 4) IASTED International Symposium on WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS (WSN 2007) -ALGORITHM AND PROTOCOL - * Cross-Layer design * Data Aggregation * Distributed Algorithms and Complexity Analysis * Localization * MAC & Link Layer Problem * Mobility Support * Network Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks * Protocols for Sensor Networks * Redundancy * RFID * Routing & Transport Protocol * Self-Configuration and Maintenance Algorithm * Self-Healing Ad-Hoc Networks * SoC and SiP with Integrated Sensors * Time Synchronization * Target Tracking * Trends in Technology and Standards; SYSTEM - * Bandwidth Management * Data Storage and Retrieval * Energy Efficient Design * Fault Tolerance and Reliability * Middleware Design * Power Management * System Debugging and Testing * System Implementation * Trade-Off Analysis * Traffic Scheduling; SECURITY - * Base Station Secure Management * Encryption Algorithm * Data Aggregation * Information Processing * Integrity Control * Location and Mobility * Mechanisms for Authentication * Mobility * QoS * Reconfigurability * Security and Encyption; HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE - * Battery Technology * Embedded Chip Design * Operating System * Programming Abstraction * Programming and Interfacing * Sensor Interfaces and Placement * Software Tools for Chip Programming * Topology Control * Transceiver and Antenna Design * Ubiquitous Wireless Connectivity; PERFORMANCE EVALUATION - * Modeling and Validation of Sensor Network Architectures * Monitoring Tools * Performance Comparison on Capacity, Coverage and Connectivity * Performance Measurement * Simulation and Theoretical Analysis * Tracing and Trace Analysis; APPLICATIONS - * Application Evaluation and Comparison * Application of Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks * Application Requirements * Demos and Prototype Testing * Potential Application Areas * Real Life WSN Applications.

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