SAMEN - A Splitting Algorithm for Multihop Wireless Networks

X. Zhang (USA)


MAC, contention resolution, splitting algorithm, Ad Hoc networks, Sensor networks, multihop wireless networks.


The Splitting Algorithm for Multihop wirEless Networks (SAMEN) 1 is a contention resolution scheme designed for multihop wireless networks, such as Ad Hoc networks and sensor networks. It has two features: 1) using the medium idle periods and the collision tone to overcome imprecise feedback and the lack of feedback caused by the character istics of the multihop wireless environment, and 2) using two-fold splitting, i.e., nodes are split not only before con tending but also after contending. The first feature makes SAMEN effective in multihop wireless networks and the second feature makes it efficient in resolving contentions. SAMEN can be used to replace the backoff mechanism in IEEE 802.11. The simulations show that compared with IEEE 802.11, SAMEN reduces the packet end-to-end delay by as much as 20%, increases the packet delivery rate by as much as 36%, and saves as much as 48% of the energy. The simulations also show that SAMEN performs better than IEEE 802.11 in event driven sensor networks, where an event generates an impulse of arrivals that are destined for a common sink.

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