Dispersion Map Optimization for XPM-Limited 10 Gbit/s NRZ-IM-DD WDM Links

N.M.S. Costa, T.M.F. Alves, and A.V.T. Cartaxo (Portugal)


Cross-phase modulation (XPM), dispersion compen sation, net residual dispersion per span, net residual disper sion, wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM).


The optimal dispersion maps (ODM) for cross-phase modulation (XPM)-limited 10 Gbit/s non-return-to-zero in tensity modulated with direct detection wavelength divi sion multiplexed links are investigated analytically and confirmed through numerical simulation for different trans mission fibers (TF) types. It is shown that there are usually two or three local ODM that lead to similar XPM-induced degradation. One local ODM occurs for low net residual dispersion per span (Csp), other for positive Csp and another for negative Csp. The local ODM with negative Csp is preferable because it shows the highest XPM tolerance to dispersion map vari ation and leads to lower degradation due to the combined effect of group velocity dispersion and self-phase modula tion. It is shown that, at the local ODM with negative Csp, the optimal Csp is mainly imposed by the channel spac ing (optimal Csp values are presented) and the optimal net residual dispersion of the link can be considered between -500 ps/nm and 1000 ps/nm, independently of the link pa rameters. Standard single mode fiber is proven to be the TF that leads to lower XPM-induced degradation at the ODM.

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