Improved Performance of a Single-User Detection Scheme Employing FFH-SSMA in Synchronous Mode

J.A. Momoh and S.A. Adeniran (Nigeria)


Single-user detection, fast frequency-hop, multiple access, interference reduction.


This paper proposes an improved single-user detection scheme based on the introduction of a two-stage detection (TSD) technique in reducing effects of noise and multi-user interference for synchronous operating systems employing Fast Frequency Hopping – Spectrum Multiple Access (FFH-SSMA). We consider M-ary Frequency Shift Keying (MFSK) modulation and assume a system of diversity N, in which a single M-ary FSK modulated symbol, is transmitted in N frequency hops. The TSD reduces the bit error rate (BER) by exploiting the diversity that further enables a hard decision of a symbol bit after a conventional first stage detection of the symbol message. The performance in terms of the BER of the TSD is analyzed to investigate the effect on user capacity as well as the associated normalized throughput. Furthermore, we compare the TSD with a conventional detection scheme, a convectional detection scheme with Reed-Solomon coding and other previously proposed detection schemes ( [7] and [8] ). It is shown that in most cases the propose TSD scheme offers significant improvement in performance compared to these other detection schemes.

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