A Secure Routing Protocol for SensorNet

D.T. Fokum and G.J. Minden (USA)


Protocols for Sensor Networks, Security, Encryption


The secure delivery of data between a source node and a sink node is an open problem in wireless sensor networks. We review the security model used for The University of Kansas’s SensorNet project, and discuss how it might be improved by using a secure routing protocol. In this paper we extend work done in developing multipath extensions to AODV. Unlike previous proposals on multipath extensions to AODV, the scheme proposed in this paper allows each node to use multiple disjoint paths concurrently to reach another node. Each of the paths is validated by using zero-knowledge proofs. Under the new scheme data is protected by traditional cryptography as well as using separate paths for key and data delivery. This increases the resiliency of the network as well as the security of the data.

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