Fairness and Burstiness Evaluation of Router-Assisted Congestion Control with Window-based Sources

J. Borreicho and A. Almeida (Portugal)


TCP congestion control, explicit-rate feedback, max-min fairness, router algorithm.


We present an evaluation study of router-assisted explicit rate congestion control for implementations with modified TCP sources. We assess the impact on native rate-based router algorithms of having explicit-rate feedback to TCP sources which in turn convert the advertised rates into congestion window sizes. This approach reduces the implementation restrictions of pure rate-based sources, given the limitations of currently available operating systems in fine tuning of scheduling times. Also, this approach takes advantage of the merits of router-assisted congestion control, improving in a significant way the performance of existing mechanisms in the Internet. We present comparative results related to fairness of allocated resources, burstiness of window-based traffic and effectiveness of router algorithms for implementations with rate-based and window-based sources. The obtained results show that, for the tested scenarios and algorithms, converting the target transmission rate to a window size at the sources may be done without significant impact in the algorithms’ performance.

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