Influence of DCM Nonlinearity on the XPM Degradation in 10 Gbit/s Dispersion Managed NRZ-IM-DD Links

T.M.F. Alves, N.M.S. Costa, and A.V.T. Cartaxo (Portugal)


Cross-phase modulation, dispersion compensation map, wavelength division multiplexing, nonlinearity, dis persion compensating module.


The impact of the nonlinear effects in the disper sion compensating module (DCM) on the dispersion maps that minimize the cross-phase modulation (XPM) induced degradation is studied extensively through numerical simu lation. Particularly, the dependence of the optimum dis persion map on the power level at the DCM input is ana lyzed for 10 Gbit/s wavelength division multiplexing links with 25 GHz, 50 GHz and 100 GHz of channel spacing and two types of transmission fibers. The dispersion map that leads to the XPM minimization is compared with the dis persion map that presents a good compromise between the XPM-induced degradation and the XPM tolerance to dis persion map variation. It is shown that the latter presents a XPM-induced degradation slightly higher than the first one but the optimum dispersion map remains unchanged when the power level at DCM input increases while the dis persion map that minimizes the XPM-induced degradation varies considerably. It is also shown that the influence of the DCM nonlinearity on the variance of XPM-induced in tensity distortion is higher for standard single-mode fiber than for e-LEAF fiber. For all the analyzed, situations the DCM nonlinearity has a weak influence on the XPM induced degradation, even for power levels at DCM input of -3 dBm.

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