Multimodal Applications for Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting

J.-M. Bouffard, F. Lefebvre (Canada), and B.-H. Lee (Korea)


Broadcast, Multimedia, User interaction, Multimodal inter face.


The arrival of many new digital broadcasting systems such as DRM, DAB/DMB, DVB-H and MediaFLO is currently generating a lot of interest in multimedia broadcasting ap plications. These systems are mainly used with mobile and portable devices. This characteristic should definitely be a key consideration when creating new applications to take advantage of these systems. Some innovative ways of in teracting with these devices will become essential for a bet ter usability of the increasingly compact devices. Multi modal user interfaces, including human voice recognition and synthetic text to speech rendering, are major candidates to resolve these issues. In this paper we survey the general context for mul timodal applications in mobile multimedia broadcasting. Then, we introduce the issues and the requirements that we have identified in the creation of such a system. We also present a new, backward compatible approach to incorpo rate multimodal applications capabilities into the current Eureka 147 DAB/DMB system. We will go through some concepts and ideas that will lead to an open implementa tion of the multimodal system. Finally, the focus of this paper mainly targets broadcasting technologies but it can obviously be applied to protocols that include interaction channels.

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