Programmed Bandwidth & Wavelengths Pre-Allocation System for Lambda Grids (Through Lambda Grid Services)

F.M. Aymerich, G. Fenu, and S. Surcis (Italy)


Wavelength and Bandwidth Management, Lambda Services, DWDM.


With the advent of the Optical networks and in particular of WDM technologies, the speeds of the networks in the recent years have been exponentially increased. To this advantage they also have use of the Virtual Organizations (VOs), making up part of a computational grid in which we have one optical network. When we use the WDM technology in the grid, we called it LAMBDA GRID. In a Lambda Grid, it is natural to consider the transmission capacity as real resource of the grid. Since all the resources within a computational grid must be managed by a middleware that interposes between the users pertaining to the grid and the same resources, it has been decided to extend the functions of this architectural level planning a model of match-making for the transmission capacity to the inside of a grid. In the paper we will introduce an architecture and a system for the programmed pre-allocation of bandwidth and wavelengths to employ in Lambda Grids. For the study case, we have taken into consideration the MAG (Metropolitan Area Grid) of the CYBERSAR Project (Consortium COSMOLAB of Cagliari, Sardinia - Italy) to realize one Cyberinfrastructure for scientific and technological research.

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