Computational Intelligence / 712: Circuits and Systems / 713: Human-Computer Interaction    (CI,CS,HCI 2010)

August 23 – 25, 2010
Lahaina, Maui, USA
Editor(s): F. Modave, S. Dascalu, A. Moallem
296 pages
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Computational Intelligence and Applications FreeSubscription
711-004 A Novel Immune Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization
J. Gao, H. Li, and Z. Fang (PR China)
711-005 A Quantum-Inspired Artificial Immune System for Multiobjective 0-1 Knapsack Problems
Z. Fang, J. Gao, and H. Li (PR China)
711-013 Multi-Instance Learning based on Gaussian Process for Detecting Regions of Interest
J. He, H. Gu, and Z. Wang (PR China)
711-014 Predicting Energy Crop Yield using Bayesian Networks
N.K. Newlands and L. Townley-Smith (Canada)
711-015 An Intelligent Model for Predicting Demand Pattern
W.K. Wong and Z.X. Guo (PR China)
711-017 Optimal Staff Allocation using Particle Swarm Optimization
T. Gonsalves and K. Itoh (Japan)
711-019 Fuzzy Aggregation in Neural Networks
T. Magoč (USA)
711-025 Toward Accurate Synthetic Age Progression of Three Dimensional Face Models for Adult Aging Representation
E.K. Patterson (USA)
711-026 Toward using Dynamics of Facial Expressions and Gestures for Person Identification
E.K. Patterson and A. Gaweda (USA)
711-027 GA-based Kinematical Synthesis of a Watt Type Mechanism for Prosthetic Knee Applications
E.A. Merchán-Cruz, E. Lugo-González, L.H. Hernández-Gómez, R.G. Rodríguez-Cañizo, J. Sandoval-Pineda, A. Soria-Moya, J. Ramírez-Gordillo, and G. Urriolagoitia-Sosa (Mexico)
711-030 Triangle-Conscious Positioning of Soccer Agents based on Delaunay Triangulation
K. Moriyasu, T. Yoshikawa, and H. Nonaka (Japan)
711-031 An Evaluation of Keyword Selection on Gene Clustering in Biomedical Literature Mining
V. Dasigi, O. Karam, and S. Pydimarri (USA)
711-039 A Model of Image Representation based on Non-Classical Receptive Field
H. Wei, B. Lang, and Q.-s. Zuo (PR China)
711-042 Simulating Intelligent Emergent Behaviour Amongst Termites to Repair Breaches in Nest Walls
C.J. Scogings and K.A. Hawick (New Zealand)
711-043 Application of 2D-3D Continuous Ant Colony Approach to Pipe Distribution Network Design Optimization Problems
R. Al-Shalabi and Y.H.F. Jbara (Jordan)
711-044 Towards a Pre-Processing System for Casual English Annotated with Linguistic and Cultural Information
E. Clark, T. Roberts, and K. Araki (Japan)
711-047 Performance Evaluation of PSO-based Algorithm for Option Pricing on Homogeneous Multi-Core Architecture
H. Prasain, P. Thulasiraman, R. Thulasiram, and G. Kumar Jha (Canada)
711-048 Evaluating Predictors of Abnormal Stock Returns Multivariate Models
A.J. Hoffman (S. Africa)
711-052 Learning Heuristic Functions for State-Space Planning
B. Satzger and O. Kramer (USA)
711-053 A Platform Design for Ubiquitous Medical Systems
E. Park and H.S. Nam (Korea)
Track Digital Circuits and Systems FreeSubscription
712-001 DWT Testing of DAC Effective Number of Bits
E. Awada and C.M. Akujuobi (USA)
712-010 Read / Write Stable Single Bit Line 7-Transistor SRAM
M.C. Wang and S.-E. Wang (USA)
712-011 A Novel, Area Efficient 7-Transistor D-Latch
M.C. Wang (USA)
712-027 A Novel Gate-Level to Behavior-Level Conversion Algorithm with High Microcell Identification Rate
Y. Ren, Y. Shi, and B.-H. Gwee (Singapore)
712-030 On Optimization of Multiple-Valued Logic Functions
M. Abd-El-Barr (Kuwait)
Track Analog and VLSI Circuits and Systems FreeSubscription
712-009 Implantable Front-End Architecture for In-Vivo Detection Biosensor Applications
J. Colomer-Farrarons, P. Miribel-Català, and J. Samitier (Spain)
712-015 Automatic Gain and Hysteresis Control with Fast Clock Start Up for Crystal Oscillators
A. Mansano, A. Vilas Boas (Brazil), and A. Olmos (USA)
712-016 CMOS LC Voltage-Controlled Oscillator Design using Carbon Nanotube Wire Inductor
A. Srivastava, Y. Xu, Y. Liu, A.K. Sharma, and C. Mayberry (USA)
712-019 On Variable-Transformation for Exact Discretization of First-Order n-th-Degree Nonlinear Systems
T. Kittaka, N. Hori (Japan), and C.A. Rabbath (Canada)
712-020 An Object-Oriented System LSI Design Methodology and Its Evaluation
T. Kambe and T. Kohara (Japan)
712-022 Novel Field Programmable Transistor Array (FPTA) for Rapid Prototyping of Circuits
G. Villeneuve, M. Voyer, D. Savard, and H.T. Bui (Canada)
712-023 A Seamless Design Technique from Mathematical Representation to Electric Implementation for Intelligent Transportation Systems
M. Fukui, M. Tsuzuki, Y. Isoda, T. Ishii, T. Kinoshita, Y. Koike, and Y. Kamono (Japan)
Track Applications FreeSubscription
712-012 Designing and Developing Robotic Training Orthosis for Cardiopulmonary Reserve of Cardiopulmonary Patients
S.J. Kang, J.C. Ryu, G.S. Kim, M.S. Mun, and K.M. Roh (Korea)
712-017 A Design and Development System of Banknote Speaker Device for Blind People
A. Sirikham and Y. Sae-ear (Thailand)
712-024 A High Fidelity Method Estimating Interconnect Delays to a Ramp Input
D. Orui, S. Tsukiyama, and I. Shirakawa (Japan)
712-025 Real-Time Implementation of Simulator for Seamless Lawful Interception
B. Yoon, S.-I.Choi, S.-J. Lee, J.H. Ahn, and D.S. Kwon (Korea)
712-026 Constrained Time-Optimal Control of Discrete-Time Systems with Known Waveform Disturbances
J.L. Riffer, K.H. Barhouse, S.C. Schneider, and E.E. Yaz (USA)
Track Interaction Devices and Tools FreeSubscription
713-006 Multi-Finger Movement Decoding using EMG
K.-J. You and H.-C. Shin (Korea)
713-010 NoodleNav: Evaluating Head Tracking for Panning a 2-D Map
M.O. Derry and F.J. Kurfess (USA)
713-012 Mobile Augmented Barcodes: Experiences with a Novel Mobile Barcode Scanner in the Wild
M. Fuchs, P. Reichl, and M. Baldauf (Austria)
713-023 A Novel Proxy-based Content Adaptation System for Mobile Devices
W. Hao, A. Lopez, and C. Walker (USA)
Track User Interface Development FreeSubscription
713-013 Brain Control of Robotic Arm using Affective Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials
H. Bakardjian, T. Tanaka, and A. Cichocki (Japan)
713-020 Usability Aspects of Ensuring Temporal Integrity Constraints: A Critical Appraisal
G.F. Knolmayer and L.E. Helfenstein (Switzerland)
713-022 Research on the Intelligent Driving System using Analytical Methods of Physiological Signals
T. Kim, S. Kim, M. Lee, Dongil Shin, and Dongkyoo Shin (Korea)
713-025 Angeled Arrays of Fly's Eye Lens to Display Objects Close to Observers
Y. Ishihara and M. Ishihara (Japan)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   $182.00 (Hardcopy) ;  $125.00 (Online) ;  $147.00 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

For complete proceedings please choose one of the following:


Hard Copy $182.00
Online Edition $125.00
CD Edition $147.00
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
ISSN: 1482-7913 ;
ISBN: 978-0-88986-869-4 ;
ISSN (CD): 1922-8066 ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-846-5 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

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