Triangle-Conscious Positioning of Soccer Agents based on Delaunay Triangulation

K. Moriyasu, T. Yoshikawa, and H. Nonaka (Japan)


Artificial Intelligence, Agent Positioning, Delaunay Triangulation, Soccer Agent


We propose a method for triangle-conscious positioning of soccer agents based on Delaunay triangulations. The triangle-conscious positioning is known as a real soccer tactics, where players attempt to keep triangles of their cooperative actions. For implementing it in the RoboCup soccer simulation, we utilize a geometric method, Delaunay triangulations. Each agent treats the other agents in its sight as a set of points, computes Delaunay triangulations for the set, and modifies autonomously its position. To evaluate the performance of our method, we did an experiment in the RoboCup soccer simulation. By the result of the experiment, we show that our method is effective for agent's cooperative action.

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