NoodleNav: Evaluating Head Tracking for Panning a 2-D Map

M.O. Derry and F.J. Kurfess (USA)


Spatial Information, Head Gestures, Monocular Head Tracking, Panning, 2-D Map, Human-Computer Interaction


Spatial information applications such as mapping tools, topological imaging, and geographic information systems are becoming increasingly available to the average com puter user. These systems, which were once the domain of government, scholastic, and corporate institutions with highly skilled operators, are highlighting a need for new and innovative ways for the average user to navigate and control spatial information intuitively, accurately, and effi ciently. Gestures provide a method of control that is well suited to navigating the large datasets associated with spa tial information applications. A proof of concept system is introduced that uses a visual head tracking scheme for controlling the most common navigation action in the most common type of spatial information application, panning a 2-D map. The proposed head tracking scheme uses head pointing to control the direction of panning. The head tracking method of control is evaluated against the tradi tional control methods of the mouse and touchpad, show ing a significant performance increase over the touchpad and comparable performance to the mouse, despite limited practice with head tracking compared to the traditional con trol methods.

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