Real-Time Implementation of Simulator for Seamless Lawful Interception

B. Yoon, S.-I.Choi, S.-J. Lee, J.H. Ahn, and D.S. Kwon (Korea)


Lawful Interception, Wireless Network, Packet Inspection, Multiple Access


Lawful interception (LI) is effective solution to prevent terrorist attack and analysis of crime evidence. Over the past several years, telecommunication environment have been profound changed. Migrations from circuit switch system to packet switch system and evolution of high speed network make impossible to get proper information from conventional lawful interception technology. As wireless IP technologies become more widespread, it becomes serious technical huddle in LI domain to keep track of target communication. This paper propose effective scheme of lawful interception for wireless IP network system. Proposed LI architecture supports seamless LI by introducing of automatic LI authorization in heterogeneous wireless networks. The simulation result shows that proposed LI architecture is effective to track down the target in wireless IP network system. We also developed the lawful interception simulator for verification of our lawful interception scheme in real communication environment.

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