Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks    (PDCN 2009)

February 16 – 18, 2009
Innsbruck, Austria
Editor(s): M.H. Hamza
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Networks FreeSubscription
641-024 A Novel MAC Protocol for Time Constrained Transmission in Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
J. Martyna (Poland)
641-029 Network-Controlled SIP Server Switching Methods for Active SIP Sessions
S. Komorita, T. Kubo, T. Hasegawa, and H. Yokota (Japan)
641-039 A Novel Security Model SaW: Security against Wormhole Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks
S.S. Mathiharan (USA), S. Poddar, and S. Selvakumar (India)
641-041 A Tool for Mean Value Analysis of Metro-Scale Ethernet Networks
F.K. Liotopoulos (Greece)
641-050 Virtual Cluster Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
D. Choi, J. Shen, S. Moh, and I. Chung (Korea)
641-056 Data Dissemination for Multiple Mobile Sinks in Wireless Sensor Networks
J. Lee, H. Park, T. Kim, M.-S. Jin, and S.-H. Kim (Korea)
641-058 Reliable Event Transport by Hop-by-Hop Control in Wireless Sensor Networks
H. Park, E. Lee, T. Kim, J. Lee, and S.-H. Kim (Korea)
641-061 Correlated Data Collection through using Local Sink in Geographic Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks
E. Lee, S. Park, M.-S. Jin, T. Kim, H. Park, and S.-H. Kim (Korea)
641-062 Permuting Ability of Uniaxial 2D and 3D Tori under Dimension-Order Routing
G. Veselovsky (Thailand)
641-063 A Solution for Hole Diffusion Problem Faced by Geographic Routing Scheme
F. Yu, S. Park, E. Lee, M. Jin, and S.-H. Kim (Korea)
641-069 Mobile Agent Platform for Embedded Systems
M.A. Ibrahim and P. Mabilleau (Canada)
641-074 Proposal and Evaluation of an Effective Method for Underlay-Aware Overlay Networks using LDAP
J. Togashi, A. Inomata, K. Fujikawa, and H. Sunahara (Japan)
Track Algorithms FreeSubscription
641-016 A Static Scheduling Framework for Deploying Applications on Multicore Architectures
M. Pelcat, P. Menuet, S. Aridhi, and J.-F. Nezan (France)
641-017 Extended Matchmaking with Availability Metrics in the WLCG/EGEE Production Grid
C. Bernardeschi and A. Domenici (Italy)
641-022 A Partially Network Reconfiguration Mechanism on Two-Dimensional Mesh and Torus with Faults
M. Koibuchi (Japan)
641-023 Service Discovery for Dynamic Semantic Web Service Selection
J. Li, D. Ma, L. Li, and H. Zhu (PRC)
641-034 An OLAP Query Decomposition Technique for PC-based Database Cluster Systems
Y.-J. Kang, T.-K. Kim, K.-E. Yang, S.-H. Jung, and W.-S. Cho (Korea)
641-043 A Cache-Aware Thread Scheduling Policy for Multi-Core Processors
M. Sato, I. Kotera, R. Egawa, H. Takizawa, and H. Kobayashi (Japan)
641-072 Task Scheduling for Clustered Heterogeneous Systems
J. Janecek, P. Mačejko (Czech Republic), and T.M.G. Hagras (Egypt)
641-073 An Efficient Bidiagonalization Algorithm for Combined CPU-Accelerator Environments
Y. Yamamoto, T. Fukaya, T. Uneyama, and Y. Nakamura (Japan)
641-078 Using the LCP based Decomposition for Permutation Routing on (2 log N -1) Stage Interconnection Networks
A. Massini and M.T. Raffa (Italy)
Track Parallel Processing FreeSubscription
641-011 Load-Balanced Parallel Solver for the Minimum k-Center and Related Problems
A. Černivec, D. Vladušič, and B. Slivnik (Slovenia)
641-013 Parallel and Concurrent Search for Fast AND/OR Tree Search on Multicore Processors
F. Takano, Y. Maekawa, and H. Kasahara (Japan)
641-026 Detecting Method of Parallelism from Nested Loops with Loop Carried Data Dependences
K. Iwasawa (Japan)
641-027 Parallel AES Development for Programmable Devices
I. Damaj (Oman)
641-030 Autovectorization-Friendly Program Transformation in the Array Processing Language
Y. Shirota, J. Segawa, Y. Matsui, and T. Kanai (Japan)
641-048 GPU based Parallel Algorithm to Solve Largest Empty Rectangle Problem in Discrete Domain
S. Sitamraju and A. Shrivastava (India)
Track Distributed and High Performance Computing FreeSubscription
641-015 Augmenting Collaborative Web Applications with RESTful Video Conferencing
M. Held and D. Lehle (Germany)
641-018 Collaboratively Mining Maximal Frequent Pattern Relations WITHOUT Disclosing Private Data
R. Hatakeyama, J. Wang, E. Kodama, and T. Takata (Japan)
641-037 Experience of Lattice Gas Automata Simulator: Toward Large-Scale Playstation 3 Cluster
Y. Arai, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Maruyama, and M. Yasunaga (Japan)
641-046 The Case for Modular Redundancy in Large-Scale High Performance Computing Systems
C. Engelmann, H. Ong, and S.L. Scott (USA)
641-052 Distributed Data Gathering and Data Multicasting for Wireless Sensor Networks with Multiple Mobile Sinks
S. Park, E. Lee, F. Yu, M.-S. Jin, and S.-H. Kim (Korea)
641-053 Distributed Backup Scheme for Delayed Report in Wireless Sensor Networks
T. Kim, J. Lee, H. Park, M.-S. Jin, and S.-H. Kim (Korea)
641-803 Simultaneous Multi-Threading versus Single-Chip Multiprocessing in a Distributed Real-Time Database System
W. Haque and M. Bellerive (Canada)
Track Modelling, Simulation, and Optimization FreeSubscription
641-002 A Military Mobility Model for MANET Research
A. Fongen, M. Gjellerud, and E. Winjum (Norway)
641-005 A Transformation Methodology for Capturing Data Flow Specifications
M. Rashid, F. Urban, and B. Pottier (France)
641-038 Analyzing Approaches for Network Interface Design by HDL Simulation
W.M. Haider, J. Ortega, and A.F. Díaz (Spain)
641-044 MAC Optimization for Half-Duplex Multi-Packet Detection in SC-FDE Saturated Systems
M. Pereira, L. Bernardo, R. Dinis, R. Oliveira, P. Carvalho, and P. Pinto (Portugal)
641-064 Embedding Dataflow Information on Arrays into SSA and Extended Optimization Schema for Parallelization
H. Sato (Japan)
Track Additonal Paper FreeSubscription
597-803 Cryptanalysis of Vigenere Cipher using Genetic Algorithm and Dictionary Analysis
T. Purusothaman, V. Gopalakrishnan, S. Arumugam, V. Palanisamy, S. Balraja, G. Parvathavarthini, and G. ManiKandan (India)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   $141.00 (Hardcopy) ;  $125.00 (Online) ;  $141.00 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

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Hard Copy $141.00
Online Edition $125.00
CD Edition $141.00
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ISBN: 978-0-88986-783-3 ;
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-784-0 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

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