Simultaneous Multi-Threading versus Single-Chip Multiprocessing in a Distributed Real-Time Database System

W. Haque and M. Bellerive (Canada)


Distributed real-time database, hyper-threading, multithreading, multiprocessing.


Simultaneous multi-threading and single-chip multiprocessing are two methods of increasing the throughput of the central processing unit of a computer. Intel’s Hyper-Threading Technology is one form of simultaneous multi-threading that creates two states in a single processor allowing it to execute two threads of one process simultaneously. This produces two logical processors, but they must share the resources (cache and system bus, for example) of a single processor. Single chip multiprocessing, on the other hand, is actually two physical processors each with its own resources. In this paper, we examine what effect each of these technologies has on the performance of a distributed real-time database system when the processor becomes the bottleneck of each of the system’s machines.

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