European Power and Energy Systems    (EuroPES 2004)

June 28 – 30, 2004
Rhodes, Greece
Editor(s): P.D. Bourkas, P. Halaris
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Energy Efficiency and Management FreeSubscription
442-018 Direct Conversion of Low-Grade Heat to Electricity using Pyroelectric Conversion
J. Yu (PRC) and M. Ikura (Canada)
442-054 Feasibility of Engine-driven Systems for Space Heating
G.M. Tashtoush and Y.S.H. Najjar (Jordan)
442-061 Short-term Load Nonlinear Forecasting with High-Embedded Dimensions using Wavelet Decomposing and Chaos Theory
C. Jiang, C. Wang, and Y. Ma (PRC)
442-109 Load Profile Modeling and Its Application to the Analysis of a Load Levelling Strategy using a Vanadium Redox Battery Storage System
R. Herman and M. Diko (South Africa)
442-130 Investigation of Impacts of SVC on Power System Performance
R.J.O. Carvalho (Brazil) and D.W.P. Thomas (UK)
442-155 Optimal Reactive Power Allocation in Electrical Distribution Feeder using a Genetic Multi-objective Approach
E.M. Amazonas Filho, U.H. Bezerra, J.N. Garcez, and G. Jucá (Brazil)
442-165 Landfill Low Emission Micro Turbine Generator
E.K. Stefanakos, B. Krakow, G. Moore, E. Todd, A. Pasley, J. Cascio, and A. Denham (USA)
442-206 Identification and Evaluation of Non-Quality Effects on the Production Cost of Large Power Transformers
C. Boccaletti, A. Buonomini, S. Elia, and E. Santini (Italy)
442-276 Natural Gas Transport Strategy for Peak Shaving Power Plants
I. Poljanšek (Slovenia)
442-279 Genetic Algorithms Optimization of Energy Storage in a HV/MV Substation
F.A. Chacra, P. Bastard, G. Fleury, and R. Clavreul (France)
442-287 Economic and Technical Viability of Cogeneration for Dublin City University
T. Elkarim and B. Corcoran (Ireland)
442-298 Verification and Amending of SIP Solver
N. Zhang (PRC)
442-306 Part-load Performance Characteristics of a Novel Nutating-disk Engine
T. Korakianitis (UK), L. Meyer, and M. Boruta (USA)
Track Removable Distributed Generation FreeSubscription
442-065 The Adjacency Model and Wind Power
S. Heikkinen and M. Linna (Finland)
442-136 Review of Wave Energy Resource and Wave Generator Developments in the UK and the Rest of the World
J.R. Halliday and D.G. Dorrell (UK)
442-145 A Study of Remote Monitoring for Medium/Small Wind Power and Solar Power Systems
T.-L. Chen, J.-K. Lung, and W.-S. Kao (Taiwan)
442-161 A Power Balance Control for Photovoltaic/Wind/Diesel Generation System
B.-H. Jeong, J.-S. Cho, Y.-K. Lee, and G.-H. Choe (Korea)
442-191 Electronic-controlled Power Supply System for Solar Cell Characteristics
B.-H. Jeong, B.-H. Kang, G.-H. Choe, and H.-G. Kim (Korea)
442-192 Computational Fluid Dynamic Modelling of a Wells Turbine
D.G. Dorrell and M. Findlater (UK)
442-226 New Vanadium Bromide Redox Fuel Cell
M. Skyllas-Kazacos (Australia)
442-243 Implementation of an Optimal Control for Wind Synchronous Generator Turbine
A. Martinez, J.Y. Zhao, D. Philippe, and P. Borne (France)
442-257 A Photovoltaic Generation System Acquiring Efficiently the Electrical Energy Generated with Solar Arrays
N. Mutoh, T. Inoue, and M. Ohno (Japan)
442-269 Solar Turbine Power Stations with Floating Solar Chimneys
C.D. Papageorgiou (Greece)
442-271 External Wind Effects on Floating Solar Chimney
C.D. Papageorgiou (Greece)
442-280 Computer Simulation of Solar-augmented Heat Pump System in Jordan
B.A. Akash, S.D. Odeh, and S.D. Nijmeh (Jordan)
442-288 Real-Time Simulation Model of Wind Parks
K. Johnsen (Denmark, Sweden) and B. Eliasson (Sweden)
442-299 Design of Wind Energy Distributed Power Systems: Investigation of Stochastic Bounds using Monte Carlo Simulation
G. Papaefthymiou, P.H. Schavemaker, L. van der Sluis (The Netherlands), and A. Tsanakas (UK)
442-302 Application of Solar Technology to Reduce Local Demand in the Grid System: A Case Study
G.O. Anderson and E. Bakaya-Kyahurwa (Botswana)
Track Power Quality and Harmonics FreeSubscription
442-079 Does the Instantaneous Reactive Power p-q Theory Specify Power Properties of Electrical Loads?
L.S. Czarnecki (USA)
442-148 A Genetic based Algorithm for Power Quality Measurement under Non-sinusoidal Conditions
W.M. AL-Hasawi and K.M. EL-Naggar (Kuwait)
442-153 Minimal Energy Control of the DC Link Energy in Dynamic Voltage Restorer
S.H. Hosseini and M.R. Banaei (Iran)
442-252 Power Quality Event Recognition using Fisher Discriminant Kernel and Artificial Neural Networks
R. Sureshkumar, G. Bharath Kumar, S. Vasantharathna, and P. Anbalagan (India)
442-259 A New Method for Estimating Fault Locations on Series Compensated High Voltage Transmission Lines
M. Al Dabbagh and S. Kapuduwage (Australia)
442-284 Decision Making Support at Emergency Situations in Electric Systems
Y. Biletskiy (Canada), V. Chikina, A. Yerokhin, O. Grib, D. Kaluzhny, and G. Senderovich (Ukraine)
442-286 A System for the Generation and Detection of Electrical Disturbances
I. Monedero, C. León, J. Ropero, J.L. de la Vega, J.C. Montaño, and J.M. Elena (Spain)
Track Power Electronic Drives and Converters FreeSubscription
442-194 State Feedback Controller for a Three Phase PWM Voltage Source Inverter
S. Mohan, H. Güldner, and H. Wolf (Germany)
442-229 A Comparative Analysis of Passive Power Factor Correctors for Three-Phase Rectifiers
R. Carbone and A. Scappatura (Italy)
442-295 A Hybrid Carrier-based Hysteresis Current Controller for PWM Rectifiers using an Internal Voltage Reference Signal to Achieve a PWM Cycle Zero Current-Error
J. Salmon and H. Zhang (Canada)
442-300 A Control Method for Electric Vehicle System Independently Driving Front and Rear Wheels
N. Mutoh, T. Kazama, and T.S. Lee (Japan)
442-304 Artificial Neural Network based Control of Hight Performance DC Motor Drive Systems
M.M Gouda and A.A. El-Samahy (Egypt)
Track Strategies and Electricity Markets FreeSubscription
442-051 A Study on the Dilemma of Learning in the Linear Supply Function Bidding in Power Markets
Y. Liu, Y.X. Ni, and F.F. Wu (PRC)
442-085 Portfolio Management with Multi-Agent Systems in the Deregulated German Electricity Market
R. Biernatzki, B. Bitzer (Germany), H. Convey, and A.J. Hartley (UK)
442-086 Intelligent Decision Support System for an Electric Energy Distribution Utility
J. Nascimento Garcez, U. Holanda Bezerra, and R.C. Limão de Oliveira (Brazil)
442-115 An Investigation on the Accuracy of DC Methods for Losses Allocation in Electricity Power Markets
T.V. Menezes and L.C.P. da Silva (Brazil)
442-125 Transmission Investments in an Open Electricity Market
D. Bajs, G. Majstrović, and M. Majstrović (Croatia)
442-141 Determination of Wheeling Contract Paths in Deregulated Electricity Markets
Y.-Y. Hong and J.-S. Lin (Taiwan)
442-171 Need for New Business Strategies for Driving Value in a Liberalised Electric Power Market
K. Johnsen (Denmark)
442-182 Wheeling Tariff Computation under Power Industry Liberalization
H.-T. Yang and C.-J. Chen (Taiwan)
Track Motors, Generators, and Transformers FreeSubscription
442-078 A Hybrid Speed Sensorless Scheme for Induction Machine Control
I. Al-Bahadly and W. Phipps (New Zealand)
442-122 Radial Basis Function Neural Network Speed Controller for Separately Excited DC Motor
M.S.B. Shah Rizam and A.H. Razali (Malaysia)
442-149 An Agent based System for Electrical Components Protection
L. Ippolito and P. Siano (Italy)
442-180 Voltage Stability Improvement Technique by Optimal Transformer Tap Changer Setting using Evolutionary Programming Technique
I. Musirin, T.K.A. Rahman, and M.K. Idris (Malaysia)
442-233 Digital Speed Controller for Woodworking Machine Applications
I. Al-Bahadly and R. Latimer (New Zealand)
442-267 Dual-Axial Flux PM Motor Drive for High Capacity Forklifts
G. De Donato, L. Del Ferraro, F. Giulii Capponi, and O. Honorati (Italy)
442-268 Fuzzy Neural Network (FNN)-based Model Analysis Techniques for Enhancing the Development Evaluation for Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) Drives
W.-N. Huang, C.-C. Teng, and C.-H. Chen (Taiwan)
442-281 Turbogenerator Thermal Test Verifying Cooling System Modernization
T.B. Paspalovski, Dragan D. Hristovski, and Damjan D. Hristovski (FYROM)
442-290 A Knowledge based Fault Diagnosis and Supervisory Expert System for Generators and Distribution Substations in Power Plants
C.C. Kontogiannis and A.N. Safacas (Greece)
442-303 Passive PFC for Single Leg SRM under High Speed Operating Conditions
Y.-H. Lee, J.-Y. Lim, S.-Y. Kim, Y.-W. Choi, and J.-C. Kim (Korea)
Track Power System Dynamics and Stability FreeSubscription
442-048 Determination of Transmission Reliability Margin using Probabilistic Load Flow
J.-K. Lee, D.-J. Shin, H.-S. Lee, H.-S. Jung, and J.-O. Kim (Korea)
442-049 Genetic based Algorithms for Estimating Synchronizing and Damping Torque Coefficients
K.M. EL-Naggar and A.R.K. AL-Othman (Kuwait)
442-108 Modeling Non-Dispatchable Wind Energy Sources in Generating Capacity Reliability Planning
A.A. Chowdhury (USA) and D.O. Koval (Canada)
442-110 Analysis of Confidence Bounds in Power System State Estimation with Uncertainty in Both Measurements and Parameters
A.K. AL-Othman and M.R. Irving (UK)
442-116 Voltage Stability Improvement by Optimizing Reactive Power Reserves
C.M. Affonso and L.C.P. da Silva (Brazil)
442-126 Evaluation of Effective Location for Power System Stabilizer by Means of Prony Analysis
Y. Yanase, M. Goto, Y. Yokomizu, and T. Matsumura (Japan)
442-256 Design of a Fuzzy Controller for FACTS Devices to Damp Power System Oscillation
A. Kazemi and M.V. Sohrphoroozan (Iran)
442-270 Comparative Study among Shunt Capacitor, SVC and STATCOM for Prevention of Voltage Collapse
K. Mori, M. Goto, T. Matsukawa, Y. Yokomizu, and T. Matsumura (Japan)
442-275 Calculation of Feasibility Boundaries for Distribution of Power Generation against Oscillatory Instabilities
I. Genc (Turkey)
Track Transmission Operation and Planning FreeSubscription
442-013 A New Model of PV Nodes in Distribution Networks Backward/Forward Analysis
A. Augugliaro, L. Dusonchet, S. Favuzza, M.G. Ippolito, and E. Riva Sanseverino (Italy)
442-024 A New Method for Planning Secondary Distribution Networks
A.M. Costa, V.J. Garcia, P.M. França, and C.L. Filho (Brazil)
442-151 Benefits of Coordination in the Operation of Cascaded Hydroelectric Power Systems
T. Marques, M. Cicogna, and S. Soares (Brazil)
442-154 Scheduling of Head-Sensitive Cascaded Hydro Systems: A Comparison based on Numerical Simulation Results
J.P.S. Catalão, S.J.P.S. Mariano, V.M.F. Mendes, and L.A.F.M. Ferreira (Portugal)
442-195 Power System Planning: Evaluation of a Transmission Network Flexibility Index
A. Capasso, M.C. Falvo, R. Lamedica, and S. Lauria (Italy)
442-308 Application of a Genetic Algorithm based Distribution Planning Method for Creating Diverse Link Layouts
Z. Zmijarević, M. Skok, D. Škrlec, and S. Krajcar (Croatia)
Track Insulation and Grounding FreeSubscription
442-138 A Unified Control Strategy for Electrical Power Converters
I. Mougharbel, I. Costantine (Lebanon), and G. Roy (Canada)
442-168 Spectrum of the Emitted Electromagnetic Radiation during Dielectric Ageing of Polymeric Solid Insulators under HVDC Stress
P.G. Halaris, P.T. Tsarabaris, M.P. Paisios, C.G. Karagiannopoulos, and P.D. Bourkas (Greece)
442-187 Evaluation of the Reliability of Electrical Screw Couplings of Lightning Protection Systems
A.D. Polykrati, N.E. Koyngelis, M.P. Paisios, P.T. Tsarabaris, and P.D. Bourkas (Greece)
442-188 An Experimental Investigation of the Thermal Coefficient of Stationary DC-Contacts using Different DC-Current Values
M.P. Paisios, A.D. Polykrati, P.G. Halaris, C.G. Karagiannopoulos, and P.D. Bourkas (Greece)
442-218 The Effects of Shipyards' Environment in Electrical Contacts Crossing Resistance
C.S. Psomopoulos, C.G. Aronis, C.G. Karagiannopoulos, and P.D. Bourkas (Greece)
442-241 Damping of Generator Oscillations using Phasor Measurement Units and Breaking Resistors
L. Lindgren. B. Eliasson, and C. Andersson (Sweden)
442-285 PMU based Damping Algorithm of Power Oscillation by Resistive Load Switching
N.R. Ullah, O. Olasumbo, and J. Daalder (Sweden)
442-301 Field Measurements of Leakage Current on Porcelain and RTV Silicone Rubber Coated Insulators
K. Siderakis, D. Agoris, and E. Thalassinakis (Greece)
Track Power System Transients FreeSubscription
442-084 Impact of Distributed Generation Grid Connection Strength on Power System Transient Stability
M. Reza, P.H. Schavemaker, W.L. Kling, L. van der Sluis, and J.G. Slootweg (The Netherlands)
442-186 Radiation Emission Phenomena in 20 kV High Voltage Porcelain Insulators
P.T. Tsarabaris, P.G. Halaris, A.D. Polykrati, C.G. Karagiannopoulos, and P.D. Bourkas (Greece)
442-199 Power System Transient Stability Analysis by Object oriented and Component based Methodologies
H. Suyono, K.M. Nor, and S. Yusof (Malaysia)
442-205 Transient Stability of Multimachine Power Systems with Decentralized Finite Time Excitation Control
H.E. Psillakis and A.T. Alexandridis (Greece)
442-220 A Neuro-Control Approach for Flexible AC Transmission Systems
N.M. Hanoon, K.B. Basu, and O.M. Ahtiwash (Malaysia)
442-249 A d-q Axis Process Model for Simulation of Transients in Magnetically Saturated Synchronous Machines
L. Lupşa-Tătaru and D. Ilea (Romania)
442-305 Transient based Ground Fault Location using Wavelets
P. Imriš and M. Lehtonen (Finland)
Track Modeling and Simulation of Power and Energy Systems FreeSubscription
442-025 Design of Robust Controllers via a Separation Procedure for Small-Signal Angle Stability
A.B. Nassif, A.F. Domingues, M.C. de Oliveira, L.C.P. da Silva, and V.F. da Costa (Brazil)
442-027 Comparison of PSS, SVC and STATCOM for Damping Power System Local Mode Oscillations
A.B. Nassif, A.F. Domingues, M.C. de Oliveira, L.C.P. da Silva, and V.F. da Costa (Brazil)
442-127 Analysis of Inter-area Mode Oscillations in Power Systems with TCSC Controller using Normal Forms
A.F. Domingues, I. Kopcak, and V.F. da Costa (Brazil)
442-143 Design, Control and Simulation of Unified Power Flow Controller using MATLAB
A. Jayalaxmi, G. Tulasi Ram Das, and K. Uma Rao (India)
442-144 Simulation Model of a Hybrid Power Generation System for Humanoid Robots
F. Tappero and T. Kato (Japan)
442-152 Neural Network Modeling of Temperature and Humidity Effects on Residential Air Conditioner Load
S. El Ferik and C.A. Belhadj (Saudi Arabia)
442-172 Real-Time Simulation Studies of Large Scale Integration of Wind Power in Southern Sweden
K. Johnsen (Denmark)
442-238 PLC Signal Propagation Modeling
D. Sabolić, V. Varda, and A. Bažant (Croatia)
442-250 Continuous Non-linear Model of Series Compensated Transmission Line for Sub-synchronous Resonance Investigation
M. Al Dabbagh, N. Yousif, and P. Graszkiewicz (Australia)
442-263 The Modelling of Electricity Generation of Large Interconnected Power Systems
K.R. Voorspools and W.D. D'haeseleer (Belgium)
442-803 Parameter Study of a Wood Residue Indirectly Fired Gas Turbine
G.D. Ngoma (Canada)
Track Electric Fields and Human Safety FreeSubscription
442-166 The Occupational Safety and Health Conditions in the Collective Labour Agreements: The Case of the Greek Electric Power Industry
P.E. Batra (Greece)
442-167 Cogeneration in Hospitals
J.S. Katsanis, P.G. Halaris, G.N. Malahias, and P.D. Bourkas (Greece)
442-230 Measurements and Computations of Inductive Interference Caused by Three Power Transmission Lines on a Gas Pipeline in a Complex Rights-of-Way
G.C. Christoforidis, D.P. Labridis, P.S. Dokopoulos, N. Kioupis, and G.P. Christoforidis (Greece)
442-289 Magnetic Induction Measurements in Substation in the Low Frequency Area
A.A.P. Paraskevopoulos, A.D. Polykrati, and P.D. Bourkas (Greece)
Track Special Topics of Electric Drives FreeSubscription
442-804 Diagnostic Methods for AC Electric Motors. Part 1: Mechanical, Chemical and Thermal Monitoring
O.A. Syggeridou and M.G. Ioannides (Greece)
442-805 Diagnostic Methods for AC Electric Motors. Part 2: Electromechanical Monitoring
O.A. Syggeridou and M.G. Ioannides (Greece)
442-806 Evaluation of Acoustic Noise Emission by Electric Motors of Bench Engines
S. Yannikakis, E. Dimitropoulou, F.G. Ioannidou, and M.G. Ioannides (Greece)
442-807 Electricity Hazards: Accident Preventation at the Workplace
M.G. Ioannides, M.S. Pisimisi, and I.K. Papaioannou (Greece)
442-808 Electrical and Computer Engineering: Studies, Students, Academic Staff and Women Representation
M.G. Ioannides, I.K. Papaioannou, and F.G. Ioannidou (Greece)
Track Protection, Communication, and Metering FreeSubscription
442-019 A Genetic based Filter for Removal of DC-Offset in Current and Voltage Signals
W.M. AL-Hasawi and K.M. EL-Naggar (Kuwait)
442-082 A Genetic based Technique for Identification of Symmetrical Components for Power System Protection
K.M. EL-Naggar and A.R.K. AL-Othman (Kuwait)
442-114 Simulation and Experiment for Surge Immunity according to EN 61000-4-5
G.P. Fotis, I.F. Gonos, and I.A. Stathopulos (Greece)
442-137 An Instrumentation System for On-line Winding Fault Diagnosis of Three-Phase Power Transformers
M.A.M. Esteves and A.J. Marques Cardoso (Portugal)
442-244 A Comparison of Residual Current Devices with Insulation Resistance Monitoring Devices when Considering Safety in DC Systems
P.J.L. Van Tichelen, D. Weyen, and G.K.J. Meynen (Belgium)
442-277 An Improvement on Steam Turbine Generator Trip Caused by Voltage Sag
T.P. Tsao and C.C. Ning (Taiwan)
Track Additional Papers FreeSubscription
409-160 Recommendations for the Effective Initialisation of FACTS Controllers in Newton-Raphson Power Flow Algorithms
O.L. Tortelli (Brazil), C. Angeles-Camacho, E. Acha (UK), and A. Santos, Jr. (Brazil)
409-163 Reactive Power Tracking in FACTS Upgraded Power Networks
O.L. Tortelli (Brazil), C. Angeles-Camacho, E. Acha (UK), and A. Santos, Jr. (Brazil)
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ISSN: 1482-7891 ;
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This publication covers the following topics: Energy Efficiency and Management; Removable Distributed Generation; Power Quality and Harmonics; Power Electronic Drives and Converters; Strategies and Electricity Markets; Motors, Generators, and Transformers; Power System Dynamics and Stability; Transmission Operation and Planning; Insulation and Grounding; Power System Transients; Modelling Simulation of Power and Energy Systems; Electric Fields and Human Safety; Special Topics of Electric Drives; and Protection, Communication, and Metering.

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