New Vanadium Bromide Redox Fuel Cell

M. Skyllas-Kazacos (Australia)


Redox flow battery, vanadium bromide cell.


A Generation 2 Vanadium Redox Fuel Cell and Battery employing a vanadium bromide electrolyte (the V/Br system) is described. The vanadium concentration in the Generation 2 electrolyte can range from 3-4 Molar which means that much smaller electrolyte volumes and system foot-print areas should be achievable, providing benefits for stationary applications such as wind and solar energy storage systems. Its potentially increased energy density (30-50 Wh/kg) will also make it suitable for use in a much wider range of electric vehicle applications including on-road buses and trucks as well as in delivery vans and vehicles for urban areas. The Vanadium Bromide Redox Fuel Cell, employs the VBr2 /VBr3 couple in the negative half-cell electrolyte and the Br /ClBr2 or Cl /BrCl2 couples in the positive half-cell. The initial feed solution for the V/Br cell is a 50:50 mixture of V(III) and V(IV) bromides. Having the same electrolyte in both half-cells, the V/Br system has no problems of cross-contamination and combines the best features of the original VRB system with a high energy density and wider temperature capability. The development of the Vanadium Bromide Redox Fuel Cell will therefore allow installations in extreme climates such as Northern China, Canada and Scandinavian countries that may not be suitable for the original VRB electrolyte.

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