Optimal Reactive Power Allocation in Electrical Distribution Feeder using a Genetic Multi-objective Approach

E.M. Amazonas Filho, U.H. Bezerra, J.N. Garcez, and G. Jucá (Brazil)


Reactive Power Allocation, Electrical Energy DistributionPlanning, Genetic Algorithm, Loss Minimization.


The objective of this work is the development of an intelligent technique to evaluate the reactive power allocation in electric energy distribution feeders. As the most of the electrical energy distribution network planning problems, this one has presented high complexity in the optimal solution search, exhibiting combinatory characteristics and discrete variables. In this sense, the adopted technique Genetic Algorithm (GA) has become adequate in the optimal solution search, since the GA is flexible in the treatment of discrete, multiobjective problems. The GA has inherent parallelism, which utilizes a set of solutions denominated: population. That population is subjected to the evolutionary process through genetic operators crossover and mutation. The GA is easily implemented through computational programs, demanding only a few code lines in the main program and a few more additional code lines in the evaluation function. Every proposed solution makes use of load flow program to calculate voltages and real power losses to be used in the evaluation of the multi-objective cost function. In this paper, the simulation results were obtained utilizing data of Belm's electrical energy distribution feeders provided by CELPA the local utility that operates the metropolitan distribution grid of Belm city, in the State of Par-Brazil.

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