Power System Transient Stability Analysis by Object oriented and Component based Methodologies

H. Suyono, K.M. Nor, and S. Yusof (Malaysia)


: Modeling and simulation of power systems ,transient stability analysis, object oriented programming,component based development.


This paper presents development of the transient stability (TS) analysis using object oriented programming (OOP) and component based development (CBD). One of the advantages of OOP and CBD methodologies is reusability which is achieved by features, such as encapsulation, generalization, polymorphism and aggregation. These advantages reduce cost and resources in application development and maintenance. Many components have been reused, such as load flow (LF) components, input data component, linear equation solver component which have been developed for LF application. The power system classes of the LF application also have been extended for new devices such as exciter, power system stabilizer and machine model, required in TS applications. The TS solver components were developed from scratch. The TS solver components implemented Modified Euler and Trapezoidal methods to solve the stability differential equations. The application has been tested with IEEE test cases. Comparisons are made between the OOP and CBD approaches and structural programming, in terms of execution speed, computational resources as well as qualitative comparison in development resources requirement and maintainability.

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