Computer Simulation of Solar-augmented Heat Pump System in Jordan

B.A. Akash, S.D. Odeh, and S.D. Nijmeh (Jordan)


Solar-augmented heat pump, energy, Jordan.


This paper presents computer simulation of solar augmented heat pump. The system employs a concentric pipe evaporator of which solar collector water is pumped through an inner tube. Also, the refrigerant, R-134a, flows in the annular space between the inner and outer tubes. Such design characteristic provides enhancement of heating by the surrounding air in addition to the water. The system was applied to six different sites in Jordan during various time periods of the year (i.e., March, June, September, and December). These sites were Amman, Aqaba, Ghor-Essafi, Irbid, Ma'an, and Wadi-Dhlail. The proposed simulation model is also very useful for evaluating and comparing the heat output of different solar water heating systems.

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