Analysis of Inter-area Mode Oscillations in Power Systems with TCSC Controller using Normal Forms

A.F. Domingues, I. Kopcak, and V.F. da Costa (Brazil)


Power system dynamics, inter-area mode oscillation,TCSC, normal form technique, nonlinear modal behavior


In this paper, the method of normal forms of vector fields is applied to a state space model with second order representation to investigate the nonlinear effects arising from the interaction between fundamental modes of oscillation in power systems with FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) controllers. This investigation is carried out for a two-area test power system with the inclusion of a TCSC (Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor) on the intertie. The simulations results presented show that the TCSC, represented by a simplified model, minimizes the effects of the system nonlinearities.

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