A New Method for Planning Secondary Distribution Networks

A.M. Costa, V.J. Garcia, P.M. França, and C.L. Filho (Brazil)


Power System Distribution Planning, Secondary Networks, Heuristics


The electrical distribution system is the part of the power systems that connect the primary substations to the street transformers (primary system) and these to the consumers (secondary system). Due to the low voltage levels, it is in the distribution systems, particulary in the secondary sys tem, where occur most of the system losses. The greenfield secondary network planning problem always appears when a new area needs to be supplied. Therefore, well planned networks, even when small gains are obtained, may yield a large final savings due to the great number of times the pro cedure is repeated. In this work we present a new 2-phase planning methodology that has shown to present cost re ductions of up to 3.9%, when compared to a strategy found in the literature.

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