Simulation and Experiment for Surge Immunity according to EN 61000-4-5

G.P. Fotis, I.F. Gonos, and I.A. Stathopulos (Greece)


Coupling Network, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), European Standard EN 61000-4-5, PSPICE Simulation, Switching Transient


The scope of this paper is the presentation of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) in relation to the interference caused by surge voltages. For this purpose, the EN 61000-4-5 Standard has been instituted, describing the procedure of testing and verification of a device for immunity against surge voltages. The investigation of the above mentioned immunity is very important, as surge voltages are a very common and usual phenomenon. Their causes are either natural (lightning) or man-made (switching transients). Specifically, an investigation of the test set-up defined by the EN 61000-4-5 Standard was made. The simulation by computer of the coupling network located between the device under test and the power supply network was done using the PSPICE program and a 3-phase coupling network was constructed. Measurements and tests were performed. This construction and also the methodology described can become a useful tool for anyone who wishes to perform simple tests to a device for immunity in surge voltages according to the mentioned Standard.

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