Databases and Applications    (DBA 2004)

February 17 – 19, 2004
Innsbruck, Austria
Editor(s): M.H. Hamza
306 pages
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Mobile, Distributed, Spatial, and Temporal Databases FreeSubscription
419-011 A Tool for Transforming Conceptual Schemas of Spatio-Temporal Databases with Multiple Representation
M. Minout (Belgium), C. Parent (Switzerland), and E. Zimányi (Belgium)
419-031 Logical Query Transformation in Bitemporal Databases
B. Stantic, J. Terry, and A. Sattar (Australia)
419-056 Database Schema Detection and Mapping on Mobile Applications: An Ontology-based Approach
V. Morocho, L. Pérez-Vidal, and F. Saltor (Spain)
419-063 Effective Decompositioning of Complex Spatial Objects into Intervals
H.-P. Kriegel, P. Kunath, M. Pfeifle, and M. Renz (Germany)
419-071 User Profiles in Location-based Services: Make Humans More Nomadic and Personalized
S. Yu, S. Spaccapietra (Switzerland), N. Cullot and M.-A. Aufaure (France)
419-073 Optimistic Concurrency Control for Inverted Files in Text Databases
M. Marín (Chile)
419-082 Modelling Real-time Database Systems in Duration Calculus
D. Van Hung and H. Van Huong (Macao)
419-094 Asynchronous Periodic Patterns Mining in Temporal Databases
K.-Y. Huang and C.-H. Chang (Taiwan)
419-099 A Locking Model for Mobile Databases in Mobile Environments
H.N. Le, M. Nygård, and H. Ramampiaro (Norway)
Track Information Filtering and Retrieval, Ontology, and Semantic Web FreeSubscription
419-020 Extracting Ontologies from Relational Databases
I. Astrova (Estonia)
419-022 Community Formation Scenarios in Peer-to-Peer Web Service Environments
O. Kaykova, O. Kononenko, V. Terziyan, and A. Zharko (Finland)
419-026 Structural Knowledge Graph Navigator for the Icons Prototype
M. Trzaska and K. Subieta (Poland)
419-028 Improving the Retrieval Accuracy by Dynamically Adjusting Metadata for Document Databases
X. Chen and Y. Kiyoki (Japan)
419-035 Improving Collaborative Filtering by W-clustering
H. Chen, K. Furuse, N. Ohbo, and S. Nishihara (Japan)
419-065 High Performance Associative Coprocessor Architecture for Advanced Database Searching
C. Layer and H.-J. Pfleiderer (Germany)
419-074 A New Heuristic Rule for Classification-based Relevance Feedback
I. Moghrabi and F. Yamout (Lebanon)
419-080 Overlapping Clustering Methods for a Japanese Meta Search Engine
M. Ohta, H. Narita, K. Katayama, and H. Ishikawa (Japan)
419-086 Towards the Architecture of P2P-based Information Retrieval
H. Ding, P. Küngas, and Y. Lin (Norway)
419-802 Database Oriented Parsing and Translation
S. Rezaei (Canada)
Track Data Warehousing and Data Mining FreeSubscription
419-027 A Peculiar Business Intelligence Application: OLAP Applied to Fault Data at Siemens Mobile Communications
M. Contini and D. Tagliabue (Italy)
419-039 Evaluation of the Serial Association Rule Mining Algorithms
F. Kovács, R. Iváncsy, and I. Vajk (Hungary)
419-044 Classification of Websites as Sets of Feature Vectors
H.-P. Kriegel and M. Schubert (Germany)
419-046 A Quality Measure for Distributed Clustering
E. Januzaj, H.-P. Kriegel, and M. Pfeifle (Germany)
419-062 The Case for an Agri Data Warehouse: Enabling Analytical Exploration of Integrated Agricultural Data
A. Abdullah (Pakistan), S. Brobst (USA), M. Umer (Pakistan), and M.F. Khan (Germany)
419-091 Anticipatory Clustering
M. Goller and M. Schrefl (Austria)
419-093 Building a Near Real Time Active Data Warehouse
D. Johnston-Bell, C. Moore, and B. Garner (Australia)
419-102 HDDV: Hierarchical Dynamic Dimensional Visualization for Multidimensional Data
K. Techapichetvanich, A. Datta, and R. Owens (Australia)
419-804 Implementation of Temporal Databases
A. Gudelj, M. Krcum, and Z. Juric (Croatia)
419-805 Application of the Expert Diagnostic System for Marine Diesel Engine Condition
M. Krcum, G. Radica, and Z. Juric (Croatia)
Track Query Languages and Database Algorithms FreeSubscription
419-018 The System Architecture of the GOQL Language
E. Keramopoulos (Greece), T. Ptohos (UK), and P. Pouyioutas (Cyprus)
419-040 Methods in Query Languages of Object Oriented Databases
K. Gilarski (Poland)
419-050 A Flexible Database Authorization System
B. Blicharski and K. Stencel (Poland)
419-061 Explicit and Implicit LIST Aggregate Function for Relational Databases
W. Litwin (France)
419-077 Query and Relevance Feedback in Latent Semantic Index with Reduced Time Complexity
F. Yamout, I. Moghrabi (Lebanon), and M. Oakes (UK)
419-083 A Query Language Solution for Fastest Flight Connections
J.A. Bakker and J.H. ter Bekke (Netherlands)
419-084 A Query Language Solution for Shortest Path Problems in Cyclic Geometrics
J.A. Bakker and J.H. ter Bekke (Netherlands)
Track Storage and Retrieval FreeSubscription
419-024 Implementation and Performance Evaluation of SOM-based R*-Tree
D.-Y. Lee, C.-S. Cheung, and S.-H. Bae (Korea)
419-049 Image Retrieval using Symbol String
A. Amato, T. Delvecchio, and V. Di Lecce (Italy)
419-055 CIMWOS: A Multimedia Archiving and Indexing System
N. Hatzigeorgiu, N. Sidiropoulos, and H. Papageorgiu (Greece)
419-103 Optimised Hybrid Approach for Efficient Storage and Retrieval of Multidimensional Data Using Hilbert Curves
T.K. Srivani and K.T. Jagdish (India)
419-106 Extraction of Representative Melodies Considering Musical Composition Forms for Content-based Music Retrievals
K.-I. Ku and Y.-S. Kim (Korea)
Track XML Indexing, Query Processing, and Web-based Databases FreeSubscription
419-023 Evaluation of a Document Database Description by Different XML Schemas
M. Kenab, T. Ould Braham, and P. Bazex (France)
419-029 Combining XML and Databases - Perceptions in Six Finnish Organizations
J. Kontio (Finland)
419-032 XML Update Processing for Incremental Refresh of XML Cache
S. Han, D.H. Hwang, and H. Kang (Korea)
419-033 XML View Indexing using an RDBMS-based XML Storage System
D. Park, Y.-S. Kim, J. Park, and H. Kang (Korea)
419-036 Integrating Web Information with XML Concrete Views
T.-T. Dang-Ngoc, H. Kou, and G. Gardarin (France)
419-085 Indexing XML Data with a Schema Graph
O. Luoma (Finland)
419-092 SSUI: Semantic Search User Interface for Intelligent Information System
J. Zhou, M. Liu (Canada), and Y. Liang (PRC)
419-104 Design and Implementation of XML-RL Query System
I. Qi and M. Liu (Canada)
Track Papers from Other IASTED Conferences FreeSubscription
440-070 PN-based Security Design for Data Storage
L. Wang and B. Hirsbrunner (Switzerland)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   $66.00 (Hardcopy) ;  $60.00 (Online) ;  $66.00 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

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Hard Copy $66.00
Online Edition $60.00
CD Edition $66.00
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
ISSN: 1925-7937 ;
ISBN: 0-88986-412-8 ;
ISSN (CD): 1924-200X ;
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-381-4 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

This publication covers the following topics: Mobile, Distributed, Spatial, and Temporal Databases, Information Filtering And Retrieval, Ontology, and Semantic Web, Data Warehousing and Data Mining, Query Languages and Database Algorithms, Storage and Retrieval, Xml Indexing, Query Processing, and Web-Based Databases.

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