Telehealth    (Telehealth 2007)

May 31 – June 1, 2007
Montreal, QC, Canada
Editor(s): R. Bashshur
208 pages
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Remote Monitoring and Clinical Systems FreeSubscription
564-008 Force Sensitive Resistor (FSR)-based Wireless Gait Analysis Device
H. Tanwar, L. Nguyen, and N. Stergiou (USA)
564-020 A Smart Vision-based Human Fall Detection System for Telehealth Applications
S.-G. Miaou, F.-C. Shih, and C.-Y. Huang (Taiwan)
564-021 Applications of Tele-Health Technology in Endocrine Surgery: Indian Experience
P.V. Pradeep, A. Mishra, L. Kapoor, R. Daman, and S.K. Mishra (India)
564-032 Realising Multiplayers Scenarios for Remote Biomonitoring
N. Kara and A. Dragoi (Canada)
564-034 A Nonlinear Viscoelastic Model for Pre-Puncture Liver Deformation by a Needle
B. Chebbi (Canada)
564-036 Accelerometery-based Adaptive Noise Cancellation for Remote Physiological Monitoring by a Wearable Pulse Oximeter
Y. Mendelson and G. Comtois (USA)
564-037 Telehealth Support System for Evaluation of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Treatment
M. Kwiatkowska, A. Idzikowski, and L. Matthews (Canada)
564-045 Mobile Virtual Communities in Healthcare: Self-Managed Care on the Move
C. El Morr (Canada)
Track Wireless Systems and Other Innovations FreeSubscription
564-006 Developing a Wearable System for Real-Time Physical Activity Monitoring in a Home Environment
C.-C. Yang and Y.-L. Hsu (Taiwan)
564-015 The Effects of Telemedicine on the Pathology Process
D.A. Ludwick, C. Ludwick, and J. Doucette (Canada)
564-023 Consideration of Security in Telehealth Wireless Sensor Network Monitoring Systems
J. Adams (USA), J.M. Eklund (Canada), T. Roosta, R. Bajcsy, and S. Sastry (USA)
564-024 Camera Networks and Computer Vision for Telehealth Applications
J.L. Webb (USA), J.M. Eklund (Canada), M. Meingast, R. Bajcsy, and S. Sastry (USA)
564-027 Empirical Robustness Analysis of Wireless Connectivity in Sensor Network Deployments for Assisted Living at Home
T. Bhattacharjee (USA), J.M. Eklund (Canada), P.W. Chen, R. Bajcsy, and S. Sastry (USA)
564-028 Perspectives on Consumer Telehealth
S.C. Simmons, P.J. Kragel, and G.L. Jones (USA)
564-029 Digital Tutorial Archive
E. Racanska, O. Dostal, M. Javornik, P. Ventruba, and M. Petrenko (Czech Republic)
564-031 Real-Time Coaching using Robot-based Semi-Teleoperated Cameras
R. Lemieux, M. Martin, C. Bellemare, P. Masson, F. Michaud, M.-E. Bernard, P. Fauteux, C. Julien, M. Lalonde-Filion, C. Morier, A. Morin-Guimond, M.-A. Patry, and A. Saint-Pierre (Canada)
564-043 An Information Delivery and Display System for Deaf People in Times of Disaster
A. Ito, H. Murakami, Y. Watanabe, M. Fujii, T. Yabe, Y. Haraguchi, Y. Tomoyasu, Y. Kakuda, T. Ohta, and Y. Hiramatsu (Japan)
Track Web-based Telehealth Applications and Related Technologies FreeSubscription
564-005 Effectiveness of a Web-based Wellness Program
A. Omar (Malaysia)
564-011 ASCIT Sick Children: Again at my School by Fostering Communication through Interactive Technologies for Long Term Sick Children
F. Di Fiore, P. Jorissen, F. Van Reeth, E. Lombaert, M. Valcke, G. Vansichem, P. Veevaete, and L. Hauttekeete (Belgium)
564-012 Applying Lessons Learned in Distance Education to Telehealth
M.S. Atkins, F. Belli, M. Kouadio, and R.N. McTavish (Canada)
564-018 An Agent-based Self Risk Assessment and Monitoring System for Cardiovascular Disease Patients
J.-I. Pan, K.-J. Huang, Y.-H. Lee, C.-K. Yang, and S.-Y. Shih (Taiwan)
564-019 Automatic Extraction of HRV Sequences from Noisy ECG Data for Reliable Analysis and Telediagnosis
P. Padmanabhan, Z. Lin, M.E.H. Ong, W. Ser, and G.-B. Huang (Singapore)
564-033 Simulated Neonatal Intensive Care Units to Support Neonatologist International Mobility
C. McGregor and B. Kneale (Australia)
564-041 Costs and Benefits of Teleradiology in South Africa
K.H. Tiedemann (Canada)
564-044 Internet based Tele-Diagnostic Interface for Breast Pathology
Y. Shen, N. Xi, N. Methil-Sudhakaran, R. Mukherjee, D. Zhu, Z. Cen, M.W. Mutka, C.A. Slomski, and K.N. Apelgren (USA)
Track Poster Sessions FreeSubscription
564-003 Development of Application Software for a Wireless Position Tracking System
X. Liu and J.R. Luo (Canada)
564-004 TeleOftalWeb 3.2: A Web-based Application to Exchange Electronic Health Records in Ophthalmology
I. De La Torre, R. Hornero, J. Poza, M. López, and M.I. López (Spain)
564-007 The Essential Harmonics of Arterial Blood Pressure Signals
A.J. Ebenal, S. Vasana, and T. Shine (USA)
564-010 A Subscription based Generic Medical Event Management System for Telemedicine Applications
G. Sorwar and D. Blair (Australia)
564-016 Detection of Head Motions using a Vision Model
X.W. Gao, S. Batty (UK), L. Podlachikova, D. Shaposhnikov (Russia), and J. Clark (UK)
564-047 Implementation of Miniaturized Telemetry Module for Biomedical Signal Transmission at Wearable Computing
H.J. Park, J.S. Jin, J.H. Lee, S.H. Woo, Y.K. Moon, J.H. Cho, and Y.N. Kim (Korea)
Track Special Session: Telediagnosis using Visual Communications FreeSubscription
564-802 Region of Interest Video Compression: Delivering Diagnostic Quality Video over Limited Throughput Mobile Telemedicine Networks
M.E. Stachura, S.P. Rao, E.V. Khasanshina, A. Pearson-Shaver, and S.L. Robertson (USA)
564-803 Perceptually Lossless Medical Image Coding and Its Significance in Telemedical Applications
D. Wu, H.R. Wu, D.M. Tan, C. White, J. Decampo, and M. Baird (Australia)
564-804 National Rollout of a Web based Telemedicine Stroke Care Service: REACH 2.0
D.C. Hess and S.J. Agate (USA)
564-805 H.264 Standard for Left Ventricle Video Compression and Telediagnosis
H. Yu, Z. Lin, R.S. Tan, T.T. Le, and D.N. Ghista (Singapore)
564-806 Role of Visual Communications in Home Telehealth
M.A. Hebert (Canada)
Track Additional Paper FreeSubscription
564-042 Fetal and Abdominal Echography Teleoperated using a Robotic Arm and Telephone or Satellite Link
P. Arbeille, J. Ayoub, V. Kieffer, J. Ruiz, G. Poisson, P. Vieytres, and F. Perrotin (France)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   $75.00 (Hardcopy) ;  $63.75 (Online) ;  $75.00 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

For complete proceedings please choose one of the following:


Hard Copy $75.00
Online Edition $63.75
CD Edition $75.00
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
ISBN: 978-0-88986-667-6 ;
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-668-3 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Clinical Applications of Telehealth - * Primary Care * Nursing * Home Care * Rehabilitation * Pediatrics * Geriatrics * Dermatology * Radiology * Surgery * Ophthalmology * ENT * Cardiology * Pathology * Oncology * Emergency Medicine * Mental Health * Chronic Disease Management * Dentistry * Consultations; Other Applications of Telehealth - * Sociological Aspects * Data Security and Reliability * Privacy * Cost/Benefit Analysis * Legal, Policy, and Regulatory Aspects * Organizational Aspects * E-Learning * Health Administration * Knowledge Management * Underserviced Communities and Demand for Telehealth * Case Studies; Telehealth Technologies and Interoperability - * Monitoring (Sensors, Receivers, Transmitters, Recorders) * Diagnostics * Digital Imaging * Computed Radiology * Computed Tomography * Ultrasound Imaging * Signal Processing * Image Processing * Image Compression * Data Transmission * Image Transmission * Videoconferencing * Decision Support Systems * Web-based Telehealth * Database and Information Systems * Networking and Interfaces * Robotics * Remote Controls * Surgery Simulations * Visualization * Simulation and Training * Interoperability.

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