ASCIT Sick Children: Again at my School by Fostering Communication through Interactive Technologies for Long Term Sick Children

F. Di Fiore, P. Jorissen, F. Van Reeth, E. Lombaert, M. Valcke, G. Vansichem, P. Veevaete, and L. Hauttekeete (Belgium)


E-Learning, E-Health, Edutainment, Collaborative Learn ing, Virtual Learning Environment, Virtual Interactive Communities


In this paper, we present the design, development, imple mentation and evaluation of a virtual learning environment that supports the learning process of long term sick chil dren. We envision a solution that helps to establish high quality involvement of the long term sick children in a communication-based scenario between the place where the child stays/has been moved and the original class room/school setting. Analysis of existing ICT-based so lutions reveals weaknesses such as the exclusive focus on instruction (and absence of social involvement), the high cost of developing, and mobility issues. Our system, how ever, is based on concrete user needs, is educationally and socially sound and relevant, and offers a scalable and af fordable solution. To this end we incorporate innovative hardware, software and connectivity features, set in a user friendly user interface based on 3D technologies.

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