The Effects of Telemedicine on the Pathology Process

D.A. Ludwick, C. Ludwick, and J. Doucette (Canada)


telemedicine, pathology, telepathology, quality of care


Telemedicine is the use of telecommunications to provide medical information and services at a distance. Anatomic pathology involves the evaluation of disease, often malignancy, by examining patient tissue samples under a microscope. Pathologists, similar to radiologists, visually examine images to provide other clinicians with diagnoses. Despite the growing popularity and widespread use of teleradiology, telepathology has not been integrated into standard pathology practice. Several telepathology technologies are currently under development. Whole slide imaging is an emerging telepathology technology which can produce accurate and detailed diagnostic reports. Telepathology could improve efficiency and quality of care in manners similar to teleradiology. Pathology workflow and related literature were reviewed to determine if telepathology could improve efficiency and quality of care.

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