Wireless and Optical Communications    (WOC 2009)

July 6 – August 7, 2009
Banff, Alberta, Canada
Editor(s): L. Trajkovic
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Peer-to-Peer and Ad Hoc Networks FreeSubscription
648-010 Dependable Peer to Peer Multi-Streaming using DHT-based Application Level Multicast
W.-C. He, K. Wang, and Y.-L. Hsieh (Taiwan)
648-052 A Sequential Multipoint Fibre Optic Methane Sensing System
J. Shemshad, S.M. Aminossadati, and M.S. Kizil (Australia)
648-104 A Mobility based Metric for QoS in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
K. Oudidi and M. Elkoutbi (Morocco)
Track Radio Systems FreeSubscription
648-027 Performance of a High Flexible Non-Coherent Multiband Impulse Radio UWB System
R. Moorfeld, A. Finger, H.-U. Dehner, H. Jäkel, and F.K. Jondral (Germany)
648-049 A Relative Constellation Error Calculation Model for Radio-over-Fiber of Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
K. Chinen (Japan)
648-059 Optical Generation of High-Order UWB Pulses Adaptable to Different Modulation Formats
M. Bolea, J. Mora, B. Ortega, and J. Capmany (Spain)
648-060 Performance Analysis of Radio Link Protocol using Four-State Markov Model
M. Safwat, H. ElBadawy, and M.I. Yussef (Egypt)
Track MIMO Channels FreeSubscription
648-018 MIMO in Tunnels: Influence of the Position of the Array Elements on the Channel Capacity
J.-M. Molina-Garcia-Pardo (Spain), M. Lienard, E. Simon, and P. Degauque (France)
648-057 Distributed Antenna Systems - Aspects and Deployment
K.S. Huq, R. Sadeghi, and A. Gameiro (Portugal)
648-079 A Secrecy Constrained Power Allocation for MIMO Wire-Tap Channels
M. Biagi, E. Baccarelli, N. Cordeschi, V. Polli, and T. Patriarca (Italy)
Track Wireless and Optical Networks FreeSubscription
648-055 Confidential Enhancement with Programmable Spectral Phase Codingover Fiber-to-the-Home Access Network
J.-F. Huang, Y.-T. Chang, and K.-J. Wang (Taiwan)
648-076 Performance Evaluation of Soliton-based and Non-Soliton All-Optical WDM Systems
S.K. Pavan, B. Mumey, and R.S. Wolff (USA)
648-080 Improving Scalable Video Transmission over IEEE 802.11e through a Dynamic Priority Adjustment Mechanism
H.-L. Chen, T.-Y. Chao, and S.-H. Hu (Taiwan)
648-093 A Game-Theoretic Model of Asymmetric Carrier Sensing in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks
E. Yang, J. Kang, and M.Q. Cha (Korea)
Track Modulation and Coding FreeSubscription
648-024 Optimization of a Corrugation-Pitch-Modulated Distributed-Coupling-Coefficient DFB Laser Structure
J.B.M. Boavida, C.A.F. Fernandes, and J.A.P. Morgado (Portugal)
648-056 Rateless Codes for Terrestrial Optical Wireless Communications
J. Anguita (Chile), M. Neifeld, B. Hildner, and B. Vasic (USA)
648-066 A Proposed MC-DS-CDMA System based on Finite Radon Transform
O.M.M. Faraj (Bahrain)
648-802 Adaptive GL-Coded Spectrally-Precoded OFDM with Constant Transmission Power
W.-L. Lin, C.-D. Chung, and Y.-R. Peng (Taiwan)
Track Signal Processing FreeSubscription
648-064 Experimental SCM Transmission System Employing Optical Broadband Sources Free from Carrier Suppression Effect
F. Grassi, J. Mora, B. Ortega, and J. Capmany (Spain)
648-068 Context-Aware Security Service based on FCM Clustering Algorithm and Fuzzy Decision Tree
M. Chung and S. Yang (Korea)
648-102 On Feature based Automatic Classification of Single and Multitone Signals
A.K. Das, P. Arabshahi, T. Wen, and W. Su (USA)
648-103 Multiband UWB Generation based on a Single Bandpass Filter with Tuning and Reconfiguration Capabilities
M. Bolea, J. Mora, B. Ortega, and J. Capmany (Spain)
Track Broadband and Fiber Networks FreeSubscription
648-014 Ultrasonic Beacon-based Local Position System using Broadband PN (Pseudo Noise) - Chirp Codes
Y. Lu and A. Finger (Germany)
648-042 Staged Competition Modelling in Broadband Business Field
G.N. Angelou and A.A. Economides (Greece)
648-107 Attenuation Model of Spatially Separated Co-Propagating Optical Channels of Same Wavelength in Standard Step Index Multimode Fibers
S.H. Murshid, A. Chakravarty, R. Biswas, and M. Shaikh (USA)
648-801 Different Single Mode Tapered Fibers and their Applications in Spatial Domain Multiplexing (SDM) System
S.H. Murshid, A. Chakravarty, R. Biswas, and M. Shaikh (USA)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   N/A (Hardcopy) ;  $74.00 (Online) ;  $88.00 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

For complete proceedings please choose one of the following:


Online Edition $74.00
CD Edition $88.00
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
Hard Copy Subscriptions are not available for WOC 2009
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-793-2 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

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