Performance of a High Flexible Non-Coherent Multiband Impulse Radio UWB System

R. Moorfeld, A. Finger, H.-U. Dehner, H. Jäkel, and F.K. Jondral (Germany)


Multiband UWB, impulse radio, free space path loss, energy detection, link budget


This paper demonstrates the performance of a multiband impulse radio architecture with a non-coherent energy detection receiver in the IEEE802.15.3a channel model. Frequency dependent attenuation due to free space path loss lead to a significant performance degradation of any UWB system. The flexibility of the multiband impulse radio architecture in conjunction with a dynamic subband deactivation algorithm allows to fight this performance degradation. Furthermore an approximated log-likelihood ratio calculation for a non-coherent energy detector is introduced. Link budget calculations show the performance of different configurations of the proposed architecture.

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