Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications    (IMSA 2007)

August 20 – 22, 2007
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Editor(s): A. Hać
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

Track Applications FreeSubscription
577-026 A Digital Artwork Expression Language (DAEL)
R. Smith, B. Pham, and S. Choudhury (Australia)
577-037 A New Digital Literature Retrieval System based on Information Analysis
C. Chen, X. Ji, L. He, and L. Tian (PRC)
577-048 BabyMobile: Virtual Baby Visit at the Hospital using UMTS
R. Spanjers, A.-F. Rutkowski, and M. van Genuchten (The Netherlands)
577-049 An Innovative Lab Environment for Supporting Hands-On Networking Exercises to Distance Learning Students
J.T. Yu (USA)
577-051 Edureflex: A Light Weight Class Reflection Tool for Teaching Improvement through Video-Recording with "Clickers"
T. Nakajima (Japan)
577-053 MVC Extension: Evaluation According to Rating Criteria and Possible Integration
J. Dargham (Lebanon)
577-059 Object-Oriented Case-based Reasoning System for New Product Development
C.T. Ho (Taiwan)
577-072 Visually Imperceptible Image Hiding Scheme based on VQ
S.-C. Shie and S.D. Lin (Taiwan)
577-073 An Efficient Scheme for Data Aggregation with Star-Graph Hierarchical Clustering Structure in Wireless Sensor Networks
T.-S. Su and W.-S. Hsieh (Taiwan)
577-081 A Media Handover System with an IrDA Pointer
E. Kamioka and S. Yamada (Japan)
577-082 A Three Dimensional Box Counting Method for Measuring Fractal Dimensions of 3D Models
M.T. Suzuki (Japan)
577-086 Improving QoS in Unicast and Multicast IP-based Networks through Capacity Planning
M. Hoang (Germany)
577-090 E-Ticketing with Visual Seat Allocation for Entertainment Industry
A. Gautam (India) and H. Shi (Australia)
577-091 An Algorithm for Matching Resource based on Semantics and QoS in Manufacturing Grid
Y. He, T. Yu, and D. Hu (PRC)
577-093 The Chinese Speech Emotion Interaction and Recognition on Internet
K.-M. Chen, M.-J. Wang, H.-W. Niu, and K.-C. Chiang (Taiwan)
577-101 Scalable Integer based Frequency Error Estimation Technique for Clock Recovery in Packet Switched Networks
M. Mathur and K. Saha (India)
577-103 Distributed Architecture System for Monitoring Intensive Care Patients
M.A. Pereira, J. Pereira, A. Curra, R. Rivas, G. Baos, A. Pazos, and J. Teijeiro (Spain)
577-106 Lane Detection using Support Vector Machines
S. Kim, J. Park, S.I. Cho, S. Park, and K. Choi (Korea)
Track Web and Internet Systems and Tools FreeSubscription
577-012 Hierarchical Scheduling Mechanism for Grid Systems
K. Park, C. Kang, C. Choi, and D. Shin (Korea)
577-014 Estimating Geographical Position of Nodes in the Internet
H. Mousavi, M. Semnani, M.E. Rafiei, and A. Movaghar (Iran)
577-024 A New Algorithm for Tree Mapping in XML Databases
Y. Chen (Canada)
577-038 Access Control System to XML Databases A Framework
K.A. Islam and Y. Watanabe (Japan)
577-040 Quality of Web Search Quantification, Standardization and Representation
D.J. Baishya (USA)
577-058 WSNView System for Wireless Sensor Network Management
J.-L. Chen, H.-F. Lu, and M.-Y. Lee (Taiwan)
577-066 Design of an Optical Internet Switch Fabric
N.F. Mir (USA)
577-095 Workload Characterization for the Multimedia Files Embedded in the Popular Web Pages
A. Abhari and M. Soraya (Canada)
577-107 A Web-based Control System
A. Malek-Zadeh and H. Dietsch (Germany)
Track Data Management FreeSubscription
577-009 Server Decision Making Process for the Wireless Network Environment
J. Tsiligaridis and R. Acharya (USA)
577-015 Loculus: A Metadata Wrapper for Digital Motion Pictures
S. Choudhury, B. Pham, R. Smith, and P. Higgs (Australia)
577-036 Temporal Reasoning System for the Digital Theater Library
S. Yoshioka, S. Tani, S. Toda, M. Morii, and K. Kohno (Japan)
577-044 Iterative Incremental Shot Clustering Algorithm by Haar Wavelets
J. Liao, G. Wang, B. Zhang, and Miao Li (PRC)
577-047 A Methodology of Translation of Sentences into Iconic Expressions
K. Fujisawa and K. Aihara (Japan)
577-087 A Study on Agent for Integration of Scattered Human Resources Information
H.-J. Han, J.-H. Park, I.-Y. Yeo, K.-R. Shon, and Y.-H. Yae (Korea)
Track Multimedia Information Systems FreeSubscription
577-025 Adaptive Embedding Tolerance based on Motion Characteristics for Imperceptible Video Watermarking
L. Zhi (PRC), S. Yamamoto, Y. Takashima (Japan), and X.-W. Chen (PRC)
577-076 An Efficient Patch Transmission Scheme for P2P Video Streaming
C.-F. Kao, C.-N. Lee, P.-J. Wu, and J.-Y. Wang (Taiwan)
577-083 A Cost-Effective Allocation Scheme for Contents and Video Servers in Content Networks
Mingfu. Li and C.-H. Wu (Taiwan)
577-088 Content-based Summarization of Foreign Language Learning Video using Multiple MPEG-7 Visual Features
H.-J. Han and I.-Y. Yeo (Korea)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   N/A (Hardcopy) ;  $64.26 (Online) ;  $75.60 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

For complete proceedings please choose one of the following:


Online Edition $64.26
CD Edition $75.60
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
Hard Copy Subscriptions are not available for IMSA 2007
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-678-2 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

This conference covers all aspects of Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications including but not limited to: Web and Internet Systems and Tools - * Internet Architectures * Web and Internet Tools * Web Design * Internet Search Technologies * Optimization Techniques * Protection and Security * Privacy * Fault Tolerance * Internet Computing * Parallel and Distributed Processing * Java-based Applications for Web * Software Agents * Expert Systems * Knowledge-based Systems * Computer Vision; Multimedia Information Systems - * Multimedia Tools and Architectures * Multimedia Broadcasting Systems on the Web * Operating System Support for Multimedia * Multimedia Communication Systems * Multimedia Networking * Distributed Multimedia Systems * Content-based Multimedia Retrieval * Multimedia Performance and Management * Mobile Multimedia * Video-on-Demand * Digital Video Broadcasting * IP-based Networks * ATM Networks * Transport Protocols * Routing Protocols * Quality of Service * Scheduling * Resource Management; Networked Multiplayer Games - * Multimedia Technologies and Games * Internet-based Multiplayer Games * Game Architecture and Development; Data Management - * Database Management Systems * Databases and the Web * Intelligent Databases * Multimedia Databases * Digital Libraries * Data Modelling * Data Warehousing * Data Mining * Database Ontology * Coding and Compression * Digital Watermarking * Video Storage Servers * Information Retrieval * Collaborative Systems and Distance Learning * Distance Learning * Educational Multimedia * Distributed Learning * Collaborative Learning * Collaborative Systems and Applications * Virtual Reality * Video Conferencing * Computer Animation * Human-Computer Interfaces * Modelling and Simulation; Applications - * Electronic Commerce * Mobile Commerce * Internet Banking * Business * Medicine * Engineering * Graphics and Virtual Worlds * Education * Entertainment * Others.

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