Edureflex: A Light Weight Class Reflection Tool for Teaching Improvement through Video-Recording with "Clickers"

T. Nakajima (Japan)


Applications, Education, Teacher Training, Class Reflection, Clickers, Videotaping


Watching a video of yourself to find your strong and weak points in your class is an extremely valuable experience. However, university and college teachers are usually very busy to take hours of time to watch the video and analyze it in detail. In this research, we propose a system named EduReflex that a teacher can easily find her/his important class scenes during or immediately after the class. The system is made up of two subsystems. One is to record a class video on a computer with students’ real-time feedback or teacher’s self-evaluation sent through “clickers.” The other is to instantly replay the feedback or self-evaluation parts on the recorded video. The main contribution of EduReflex is casual and effective use of video-recording to help teachers or teaching assistants improve their teaching. To support the contribution, EduReflex is portable, has simple and easy user interfaces, and has instant recording/playback capabilities. The other potential contribution of EduReflex is that the system helps teachers or staffs create e-learning contents in a shorter time. This could be realized by EduReflex’s real-time index tagging capability into a video e-learning content during class recording.

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