Informatics    (PDCS,SEA,CIS,PLD 2010)

November 8 – 10, 2010
Marina del Rey, USA
Editor(s): P.J. Clarke, T. Gonzalez, G. Singh
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

Track Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 2010: Multi-Core Computing FreeSubscription
724-008 A 3D Solid Texture Feature Computation Method using Multi-Core CPU Architectures
M.T. Suzuki, Y. Yaginuma, and H. Kodama (Japan)
724-013 Energy Consumption of GPU with Molecular Dynamics
T. Udagawa and M. Sekijima (Japan)
724-027 Proposal of Thread Virtualization Environment for Cell Broadband Engine
M. Yamada, Y. Nishikawa, M. Yoshimi, and H. Amano (Japan)
724-028 Comparing Intra- and Inter-Processor Parallelism on Multi-Core CellBE Processors for Scientific Simulations
K.A. Hawick, A. Leist, D.P. Playne, and M.J. Johnson (New Zealand)
724-057 Multithreading Bioinformatics Software with OpenMP: SNPHAP Case Study
U. Ranok, S. Kittitornkun, and S. Tongsima (Thailand)
724-059 Parallel Application Communication Performance on Multi-Core High Performance Computing Systems
P.P. Veeraraghavan and J.J. Evans (USA)
724-064 Exact Inference on Manycore Processors using Pointer Jumping
N. Ma, Y. Xia, and V. Prasanna (USA)
Track Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 2010: Wireless and Mobile Systems FreeSubscription
724-020 An Agent Execution Control Method for Content-based Information Retrieval with Time Constraints
A. Narishige, Y. Hara, K. Kinoshita, K. Murakami, and N. Yamai (Japan)
724-021 Cross Domain QoS Mapping between WMN and Fixed Topology for End-to-End QoS Guarantee
H. Jabeen, M.u. Rehman, and M. Bano (Pakistan)
724-029 Estimation of Ad-Hoc Network Topology based on Neighbor Relations among Wireless Nodes
K. Itoh and H. Higaki (Japan)
724-035 Low Overhead Multicast Routing Protocol in MANETs with Uni-Directional Links
K. Suzuki and H. Higaki (Japan)
724-047 Lower Overhead Location Advertisement in Mobile Wireless Multihop Networks
R. Oneda and H. Higaki (Japan)
724-053 Extending CAODV to Accommodate Mobility Management of Participating Devices in MANETs
M. Roy, T. Das, S. Roy, and N. Mukherjee (India)
Track Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 2010: Distributed Databases and Security FreeSubscription
724-006 ECLIPS, A Distributed Data Space with Induced Structure and Capability-based Protection
E. Boasson (The Netherlands)
724-009 Investigating the 2-Way Semijoin for Distributed Query Optimization
N. Subhani and J. Morrissey (Canada)
724-019 Eventually Consistent Transaction
H. Kobashi, Y. Yamane, M. Murata, T. Saeki, H. Moue, and Y. Tsuchimoto (Japan)
724-025 Detecting Game Bots with Encrypted Game Traffic
Y. Lu, Y. Zhu, M. Itomlenskis, S. Vyaghri, and H. Fu (USA)
724-060 An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Skein Hash Functions
K. Atighehchi, A. Enache, T. Muntean, and G. Riserucci (France)
Track Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 2010: Grid and Cloud Computing FreeSubscription
724-012 Feedback-Control based Real-Time Divisible Load Scheduling
A. Mamat, Y. Lu, J. Deogun, and S. Goddard (USA)
724-014 Efficient Implementation of Large-Scale Workflows based on Array Contraction
K. Ohno, A. Mita, M. Matsumoto, T. Sasaki, T. Kondo, and H. Nakashima (Japan)
724-030 Constructing a Flexible Internet-Scale Time-Sharing System using Deterministic Checkpointing
A.L. Beberg and V.S. Pande (USA)
724-051 An Application of Bayesian Theorem for Optimal Replica Placement in Data Grids
T. Amjad and M. Alam (Pakistan)
724-052 Dynamic Rescheduling Scheme for Large-Scale Workflows
M. Matsumoto, K. Ohno, T. Sasaki, T. Kondo, and H. Nakashima (Japan)
724-054 Utilizing PAPI Features for Resource Requirement Prediction in Grid Environment
M. Sarkar, S. Roy, and N. Mukherjee (India)
724-062 Adaptive Transfer Adjustment in Efficient Bulk Data Transfer Management for Climate Datasets
A. Sim, M. Balman, D. Williams, A. Shoshani, and V. Natarajan (USA)
Track Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 2010: Software Tools, Methodologies, and Frameworks FreeSubscription
724-011 Thread-Level Automatic Parallelization in the Elbrus Optimizing Compiler
L. Mukhanov, P. Ilyin, A. Ermolitsky, A. Grabezhnoy, S. Shlykov, and A. Breger (Russia)
724-023 A Software Implementation of a Cycle Precision Simulator of a Multiple Associative Model
W. Chantamas and J.W. Baker (USA)
724-024 A Decentralised Synchronisation Approach for Complex Hierarchical Models of Virtual Worlds
U. Farooq and J. Glauert (UK)
724-026 A Framework for Developing Parallel Optimization Algorithms
S. Ribas, M.H. de P. Perché, I.M. Coelho, P.L. Araújo Munhoz, M.J.F. Souza, and A.L.L. Aquino (Brazil)
724-031 Using Virtualization to Validate Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems
I. Hsu, A. Gallagher, M. Le, and Y. Tamir (USA)
724-048 DADS: A Dynamic and Adaptive Data Space for Interacting Parallel Applications
F. Zhang, C. Docan, M. Parashar, and S. Klasky (USA)
724-063 Architecting an Object Recognition System using Parallel Design Patterns
T.G. Brutch and B.-Y. Su (USA)
Track Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 2010: Applications FreeSubscription
724-015 Speed-Up of SAR Image Formation Processing using Graphics Processing Units
H. Sato, S. Takase, A. Ozaki, and T. Wakayama (Japan)
724-017 Real Time Edge Detection using Three Dimensional Systolic Array
Ö. Tamer, L.A. Rønningen, and M. Panggabean (Norway)
724-033 A Firefly Algorithm-based Approach for Scheduling Task Graphs in Homogeneous Systems
U. Hönig (Germany)
724-045 Implementation of a Multithreaded Branch and Bound Algorithm for Permutation Flowshop Problems
C.-S. Chung, J. Flynn, and J. Sang (USA)
Track Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 2010: Networks: Interconnections and Interfaces FreeSubscription
724-003 Selection of Switching Sites in All-Optical Network Topology Design
S. Saha, E.D. Manley, and J.S. Deogun (USA)
724-004 Design of an All-Optical WDM Lightpath Concentrator
S. Saha, E.D. Manley, and J.S. Deogun (USA)
724-010 A Node State Control System for a Low Power Hetero-Cluster
K. Hayakawa and M. Harada (Japan)
724-018 Node-to-Set Disjoint Paths Routing in Metacube
A. Bossard, K. Kaneko, and S. Peng (Japan)
724-055 Direct Inter-Node Communication between Vector Units of a Cell BE Cluster
Y.L. Gweth, S. Lankes, and T. Bemmerl (Germany)
Track Software Engineering and Applications 2010: Tutorial Summary FreeSubscription
725-800 The Power of Regular Expressions in the Software Development Process
A. Schmidt and D. Kimmig (Germany)
Track Software Engineering and Applications 2010: Software Security and Quality Assurance FreeSubscription
725-033 Regression Testing of Web Applications using FSMWeb
A. Andrews, S. Azghandi, and O. Pilskalns (USA)
725-045 Formal Verification of Lack of Existence of Illegal Scenarios in the Requirements of Distributed Systems
M. Moshirpour and B.H. Far (Canada)
725-046 Booting from Smart Card based Secure USB Tokens
G. Lutostanski and A.M. Ali (USA)
725-048 A Software Protection Method based on Time-Sensitive Code and Self-Modification Mechanism
Y. Kanzaki and A. Monden (Japan)
725-069 Spider-QA: A Systematic Approach for Quality Assurance Process
M.P. Teles, S.R.B. Oliveira (Brazil)
Track Software Engineering and Applications 2010: Software Engineering Applications FreeSubscription
725-003 CAMF - Context-Aware Machine Learning Framework for Android
A.I. Wang and Q.K. Ahmad (Norway)
725-009 Evaluation of a Social Multiplayer Game Featuring Multimodal Interaction
A.I. Wang and E.A. Føllesdal (Norway)
725-041 The Grayout Application: Exposing Relevant Information in a News Web Page
M. Obradovic and M. Hoffman (USA)
725-052 A Media-Mashup Engine with Interactive Cross-Media Association and Personalization Mechanisms
H. Fukai, A. Ichinose, S. Kurabayashi, and Y. Kiyoki (Japan)
725-054 A Fair Agent Scheduling Method Considering Individual Time Constraint for Content-based Information Retrieval
M. Morishita, Y. Hara, K. Kinoshita, K. Murakami, and N. Yamai (Japan)
725-058 Automatic Generation of ESB Configuration File from Extended BPEL
A. Jongtaveesataporn and S. Takada (Japan)
725-066 An Extension of an Environment for Building/using Ontologies "Hozo" toward Practical Ontology Engineering
M. Ohta, K. Kozaki, and R. Mizoguchi (Japan)
Track Software Engineering and Applications 2010: Databases and Data Mining FreeSubscription
725-022 Processing Predictions through Embedded Simulation
J. DeKeyrel (USA)
725-044 Imagination-based Image Search System with Dynamic Query Creation and its Application
D.T.N. Nguyen, S. Sasaki, and Y. Kiyoki (Japan)
725-061 MarlinDB - A High-Speed, Scalable, Distributed Database
I. Roşoiu and T. Crivăţ (Romania)
725-068 Knowledge Base-Centric Customization Approach for Different Software Product Lines
X. Lu, J. Yin, Y. Yin, S. Deng, and S. Luo (PR China)
725-078 Data Processing on Executable Data Representation with an Aspect Weaver
K. Maeda (Japan)
Track Software Engineering and Applications 2010: Software Tools and Techniques FreeSubscription
725-019 A Unified Approach to Feature-Centric Analysis of Object-Oriented Software
A. Olszak and B.N. Jørgensen (Denmark)
725-024 Composing Objects in Open Contexts using Dynamic Links
M. Rytter and B.N. Jørgensen (Denmark)
725-027 A Programming Environment Consisting of Web Services
K.-i. Nakatani, T. Omori, and K. Maruyama (Japan)
725-060 Composing Non-Functional Concerns with Use Cases for Trade-off Analysis
A.M. Laurito and S. Takada (Japan)
725-063 Effects of Source Code Regularity on Software Maintainability: An Empirical Study
A. Ghazarian (USA)
725-073 Requirements Changes Rework Effects: A Case Study
B.B. Chua (Australia)
Track Communication and Information Security 2010: Communication, Internet, and Web Security FreeSubscription
726-005 Computer Network Security Event-Ranking using a Fuzzy Risk Analysis Approach
M. Dondo (Canada)
726-008 A Modified Butterfly-Graph based Hash-Chaining Scheme Providing Partial Authentication
D. Miller, A.S. Ahmadzadeh, and G. Agnew (Canada)
726-019 Secure Satellite Communications in Network Centric Operations
S.A. Barbulescu, N.H. Ngo, and O.C. Barbulescu (Australia)
726-020 MiND: Misdirected DNS Packet Detector
S. Yadav and A.L.N. Reddy (USA)
726-023 Digital Signature Web Service using Smart Cards
H.K. Lu and K. Sachdeva (USA)
726-026 Implementation of Bytecode-based Software Watermarking for Java Programs
J. Chen, C. Wang, Q. Shi, and G. Lv (PR China)
726-027 On Property-based Attestation
S.-J. Li and Y.-P. He (PR China)
Track Communication and Information Security 2010: Authentication and Access Control FreeSubscription
726-009 Trust-based Packet Transfer in Wireless Sensor Networks
Y.B. Reddy and R. Selmic (USA)
726-010 Face Classification using Optimum Features of LPWT Face Images
N. Kato and S. Wada (Japan)
726-021 Four-Party Password-based Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol
F. Zhou, J. Xu, E. Zhou, and B. Zhang (PR China)
726-022 Distributed Authenticated B+-Tree* for P2P Storage
J. Xu, B. Zhang, J. Liu, and F. Li (PR China)
726-024 An Access Control Model based on Language Theory for Service Oriented Architecture
A. Dara, F. Shams Aliee, and P. Mehregan (Iran)
Track Portable Lifestyle Devices 2010 FreeSubscription
727-001 Interface and Packaging of a Portable Autonomous Mulitsensory Intervention Device (PAMID)
C. Riley-Doucet, H. Qu, S. Rajasekaran, and C. Luteran (USA)
727-002 D.I.P. - A Digital Interactive Pinboard with Support for Smart Device Interaction
S. Thelen, D. Cernea, P.-S. Olech (Germany), A. Kerren (Sweden), and A. Ebert (Germany)
727-003 Porting the Google Android Mobile Operating System to Legacy Hardware
M. Johnson and K. Hawick (New Zealand)
727-004 Health Recommendation System based on Cellular Network in a Secure Way
D.Z. Rodríguez, R.L. Rosa, and J. Souza (Brazil)
727-006 The Economics of Spectrum Allocation for Personal Communications Services Devices
K.H. Tiedemann (Canada)
727-011 An Empirical Analysis of the Demand for Wireless Services in the OECD Countries
K.H. Tiedemann (Canada)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   $301.00 (Hardcopy) ;  $193.00 (Online) ;  $228.00 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

For complete proceedings please choose one of the following:


Hard Copy $301.00
Online Edition $193.00
CD Edition $228.00
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
ISBN: 978-0-88986-878-6 ;
ISSN (CD): 1924-200X ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-851-9 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

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