Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems    (PDCS 2009)

November 2 – 4, 2009
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Editor(s): T.F. Gonzalez
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Distributed Computing FreeSubscription
668-020 Design and Evaluation of a User-Oriented Availability Benchmark for Distributed File Systems
X. Chen, J. Langston, X. He, and S. Scott (USA)
668-022 Toward the Marriage of XML and Mobile Agents: Utilizing XML-RPC as a Migration Media
K. Meguro, S. Motomura, T. Kawamura, and K. Sugahara (Japan)
668-025 Processing Transactions with Greater Accuracy and Availability in COPAR
S. Beharry, M. Hosein (Trinidad and Tobago), S. Hartley, and J.M. Crichlow (USA)
668-032 GPRIDE - A Generalized Priority-based Distributed Floor Control Protocol for Collaborative Applications
S.M. Banik and T.-H. Chang (USA)
668-036 Distributed Algorithms for Computing Alternate Paths Avoiding Failed Nodes and Links
A.M. Bhosle and T.F. Gonzalez (USA)
668-066 Distributed Heterogeneous Hashing and Deterministic Dynamical Decompositions
D. Deveci, M. Kortenjan, and G. Schomaker (Germany)
Track Network Security FreeSubscription
668-011 Para-Snort: A Multi-Thread Snort on Multi-Core IA Platform
X. Chen, Y. Wu, L. Xu, Y. Xue, and J. Li (PRC)
668-023 OnePort RMI: RMI Protecting Integrity and Confidentiality for Mobile Agents
K. Meguro, S. Motomura, T. Kawamura, and K. Sugahara (Japan)
668-037 Authentication and Access Control QoSS (Quality of Security Service) for NoC-based Systems
M.J. SepĂșlveda, R. Pires, M. Strum, and W.J. Chau (Brazil)
668-074 Performance of an Intrusion-Tolerant Gossip Protocol
K.P. Kihlstrom and R.S. Elliott (USA)
Track Fault Tolerance and Network Performance and Multicore Systems FreeSubscription
668-009 Performance and Reliability Evaluations on Stochastic Activity Networks
H.-y. Tu (USA)
668-012 Pancyclicity in Faulty k-ary 2-Cubes
Y. Xiang and I.A. Stewart (UK)
668-013 On the Surface Area of the Alternating Group Networks
E. Cheng (USA), K. Qiu (Canada), and Z. Shen (USA)
668-018 Highly Parallel Multi-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform on Fine- and Coarse-Grained Many-Core Approaches
A. Beliz Saybasili (USA, Turkey), A. Tzannes, B.R. Brooks, and U. Vishkin (USA)
668-049 An Exploration of CUDA and CBEA for a Gravitational Wave Source-Modelling Application
G. Khanna and J. McKennon (USA)
668-077 Topologically Adaptive Parallel Breadth-First Search on Multicore Processors
Y. Xia and V.K. Prasanna (USA)
Track Miscellaneous FreeSubscription
668-016 Dynamic P2P Topology Management for Scalable H.264 Multiple-Description Coded Video Streaming
C.-M. Huang, C.-C. Yang, and C.-H. Chang (Taiwan)
668-021 Partitioning Strategies: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Program Decomposition
H. Hoffmann, A. Agarwal, and S. Devadas (USA)
668-034 A Data Flow Implementation of Agent-based Distributed Graph Search
I. Hamchi, M. Hoarau, A. Fillinger, N. Crouzier, L. Diduch, M. Michel, and V. Stanford (USA)
668-043 Real-Time Computation of Point-to-Multipoint Routes in Optical Networks for Digital Television
R. Messmer (Austria) and J. Keller (Germany)
668-056 Applying Source-Address-based NAT for IPsec NAT Traversal: PtoP IPsec with NAT Router
M. Katsunori and K. Toshihiko (Japan)
668-064 An Analysis of Threshold-Sensitive Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks
D. Choi and I. Chung (Korea)
668-069 An Adaptive Scheduling Scheme for Large-Scale Workflows on Heterogeneous Environments
K. Ohno, M. Matsumoto, T. Sasaki, T. Kondo, and H. Nakashima (Japan)
668-073 Improved Algorithms for Constructing Hypercube SP-Multicasting Trees
C.C. Cipriano and T.F. Gonzalez (USA)
668-800 Smart and Scalable Communications between Dynamic Entities
A. Nurminen (Finland)
Track Grid and Cloud Computing FreeSubscription
668-035 Shared Workspaces: A Concept for Implementing a Distributed eScience-Environment in Grid- and Cloud-based Infrastructures
U. Hönig and W. Schiffmann (Germany)
668-059 A History-based Heuristic to Optimize Data Access in Distributed Environments
R. Porfirio Ishii and R. Fernandes de Mello (Brazil)
668-060 Adaptive Grid Computing for MPI Applications
J. Zhang and W. Meleis (USA)
668-071 Evaluating I/O Isolation of Virtual Machines in OpenVZ
F. Westphal, A. Sulistio, and C. Reich (Germany)
668-076 Grid Authentication and Authorization based on Role Translation and Delegation
S. Tang and S. Shen (PRC)
668-080 Design and Implementation of ITcell System: Towards the Next-Generation Data Center for Cloud Computing
S. Shigeta, A. Savva, Y. Imai, T. Yoshida, K. Fukui, K. Nishikawa, and H. Kishimoto (Japan)
Track Distributed Computing and FPGA and GPU Processing FreeSubscription
668-017 A New Protocol to Optimize the Degree of Concurrency in Object-Oriented Databases
D. Saha and J. Morrissey (Canada)
668-024 A Scalable Pipeline Architecture for Line Rate Packet Classification on FPGAs
J.M. Wagner, W. Jiang, and V.K. Prasanna (USA)
668-027 Implementation and Evaluation of Self-Organizing Map Algorithm on a Graphic Processor
A. Shitara, Y. Nishikawa, M. Yoshimi, and H. Amano (Japan)
668-038 Analyzing the Number of Slow Reads for Semifast Atomic Read/Write Register Implementations
C. Georgiou (Cyprus), S. Kentros, N. Nicolaou, and A.A. Shvartsman (USA)
668-057 A Highly Parallel GPU-based Hash Accelerator for a Data Deduplication System
X. Li and D.J. Lilja (USA)
668-065 Parallel Transient Simulator by GPU using CUDA
Y. Isoda, M. Yokota, I. Taniguchi, and M. Fukui (Japan)
668-072 3f-Eventual Timeliness is Enough for Consensus of Resilience f
X. Liu and J. Pu (PRC)
668-075 Automatically Generating Streaming Architectures from Ordinary Programs
L. Gao, G. Mittal, D. Zaretsky, D. Schonfeld, and P. Banerjee (USA)
Track Wireless and Mobile Networks FreeSubscription
668-010 Multi-Path Position-based Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
K. Day (Oman), S. Harous (UAE), B. Arafeh, and A. Touzene (Oman)
668-014 A Programming Model for High-Performance Adaptive Applications on Pervasive Mobile Grids
C. Bertolli, D. Buono, S. Lametti, G. Mencagli, M. Meneghin, A. Pascucci, and M. Vanneschi (Italy)
668-028 Movement Aware Routing for VANETs
C. Wu and T. Kato (Japan)
668-055 Cost Performance Analysis in Parallel Computing Networks with Divisible Load Scheduling
K. Choi and T.G. Robertazzi (USA)
668-078 High Throughput and Highly Reliable Wireless Multihop Transmissions in MANET
M. Kosugi and H. Higaki (Japan)
668-079 Wireless Multihop Communication with Pair of Uni-Directional Multihop Routes in Wireless Access Networks
S. Kushiya and H. Higaki (Japan)
Track Applications and Tools FreeSubscription
668-019 Cache-based Bounds Checking for Multi-Threaded C Programs
Y. Arahori, K. Gondow, and H. Maejima (Japan)
668-026 Bypass Method based on Neighbor Node Determination Algorithm for Automatic Human Tracking System
H. Kakiuchi, S. Iwasaki, T. Kawamura, and K. Sugahara (Japan)
668-031 Network Performance Evaluation in a Web Browser
A. Janc, C. Wills, and M. Claypool (USA)
668-033 Parallel Implementation of the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi/Lanczos Method
G.O. Ainsworth Jr., F.L.B. Ribeiro, and C. Magluta (Brazil)
668-044 Automatic Speech Recognition Front-End Implemented by Means of Algorithmic Skeletons and Partial Reconfiguration
N. Montealegre and V. Kataev (Germany)
668-053 Efficient Implementation of Air Traffic Control using the ClearSpeed CSX600 System
M. Yuan, J.W. Baker, F. Drews, and W. Meilander (USA)
668-063 Shallow Ontology based Deep Web Probing
H. Lu and O.O. Maruatona (Australia)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   $130.00 (Hardcopy) ;  $110.00 (Online) ;  $130.00 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

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Hard Copy $130.00
Online Edition $110.00
CD Edition $130.00
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
ISBN: 978-0-88986-838-0 ;
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-811-3 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

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