Modelling and Simulation    (MS 2006)

May 24 – 26, 2006
Montreal, QC, Canada
Editor(s): R. Wamkeue
630 pages
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Automation, Control, and Robotics FreeSubscription
530-037 Development of Qualitative Rules for Simulation Disturbances and Actions in a Hot Strip Mill by using a Thermomicrostructural Model
M.L.P. Machado, J. Denti Filho, and J. Fagundes Jr. (Brazil)
530-082 Synthesis and Design of a Variable Structure Controller for a DC Motor Speed Control
C.R. Marcano-Gamero (Venezuela)
530-084 Numerical and Experimental Study of Multi Degree of Freedom Vibration Isolation System with a Parallel Mechanism
L. Ma, X. Chen (PRC), Y. Shen (Canada), Q. Yang, X. Yin, W. Wu, and N.Q. Shi (PRC)
530-088 A Real Time Human Grasp Simulation with Deformable Fingertips
M. Rougeron, J. Le Garrec, A. Micaelli, and F.B. Ouezdou (France)
530-172 On the Zeros of the Transfer Function of a Single Flexible Link Manipulator
M. Vakil, R. Fotouhi, and P.N. Nikiforuk (Canada)
Track Environmental Systems FreeSubscription
530-042 Modeling and Simulation of Double-Pass Sheet-and-Tube Solar Water Heaters
C.-D. Ho and T.-C. Chen (Taiwan)
530-050 A Fast Response System for Aerosol Dispersion Forecasting
A. Smirnov and S. Rowan (USA)
530-057 Modeling of the Heavy Water Enrichment in Double-Flow Thermal-Diffusion Columns
J.-J. Guo and C.-D. Ho (Taiwan)
530-075 Airflow Simulation for Preventing the Stack Effect in High Rise Buildings
M. Khoukhi, H. Yoshino, S. Hayakawa (Japan), J.H. Lee, and K.H. Woo (Korea)
530-080 State-Space Models of Pipelines
G. Geiger (Germany) and D. Matko (Slovenia)
530-115 Prediction of Environmental Flow to Improve the Water Quality in the River Buriganga
M.M. Islam, M.K. Akhtar, and M.S. Masud (Bangladesh)
530-166 Modeling Ionospheric Effects with Multiple Reference Stations for GPS Satellite Surveying
S.G. Lin, C.P. Tseng, W.L. Chiang, C.H. Tsai, and C.W. Chen (Taiwan)
530-821 On the Representation of Atmospheric Stability in Modelling the Mechanism of Transport in the Low Troposphere
R. Morbidelli, C. Corradini, C. Saltalippi, and A. Flammini (Italy)
Track Biomedicine and Biomechanics FreeSubscription
530-005 A Study on Cardiac Energetics using Computer-Simulated Modelling
A. Vrettos and S.T. Karamouzis (USA)
530-012 Risk Factors for Lumbar Spines
J.A. Hodgdon and C.S. Putcha (USA)
530-070 Patient Video Compression using 3-D Block Transforms for Telemedicine Applications
C. Eswaran, R. Shyamsunder, and N. Sriraam (Malaysia)
530-071 Eye-Tracker Data Filtering using Pulse Coupled Neural Network
S. Chartier and P. Renaud (Canada)
530-073 A Method for Cloth-Color Match for Skin based on Computer-Aided Color Harmony
S.-W. Hsiao, F.-Y. Chiu, and H.-Y. Hsu (Taiwan)
530-155 Modeling and Animating for the Dense Laser-Scanned Face in the Low Resolution Level
L. Zhu and W.-S. Lee (Canada)
530-187 Modelling of Hemodynamic Stress Effects on Rupture Mechanics and Fibrous Cap Collagen Architecture of Atherosclerotic Plaques
R. Galaz, R. Mongrain, V. Pazos, R. Leask, and J.C. Tardif (Canada)
530-813 Predicting Rehabilitation Potential with the K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm: A Comparison with the Current Clinical Assessment Protocol
M. Zhu, W. Chen, J. Hirdes, and P. Stolee (Canada)
530-814 A Decision Support Framework for Clinicial Needle EMG
A. Hamilton-Wright and D.W. Stashuk (Canada)
530-815 Data Mining in Mental Health
A.G. Eapen, K. Ponnambalam, J.F. Arocha, R. Shioda, T.F. Smith, J. Poss, and J. Hirdes (Canada)
Track Economics, Management, and Operations Research FreeSubscription
530-009 A New Authentication Protocol for GSM and UMTS Networks
J. AL-Saraireh and S. Yousef (UK)
530-010 Development of a New Traffic Flow Model
C.S. Putcha, J.H. Kreiner, R.R. Tadi, and M. Charoensuphong (USA)
530-015 Integrating Product Modularization and Assembly Line Reconfiguration Decisions: A Genetic Algorithm Approach
Z. Xu and M. Liang (Canada)
530-016 Vertex Method for Fuzzy Availability Computation of Semi-Markovian Mechatronic System
A.K. Verma, A. Srividya, and R.P. Gaonkar (India)
530-056 Modeling of Mass Transfer in Multi-Pass Mass Exchangers with External Recycle
J.-W. Tu and C.-D. Ho (Taiwan)
530-060 Current Trends in Transmission System Planning Needed in Competitive and Deregulated Environment using Artificial Intelligence
A.M. Ilahi and S.A. Qureshi (Pakistan)
530-067 Determination of Optimum Process Parameters using Taguchi's Approach to Improve the Quality of SLS Parts
T.A.J. Reddy, Y.R. Kumar, and C.S.P. Rao (India)
530-085 Approach to Optimize Production Networks by Means of Synchronization
B. Scholz-Reiter and J.T. Tervo (Germany)
530-094 Aggregated Conditional Regularized Enhancement of Environmental Imagery: Numerical Techniques and Simulation Study
Y. Shkvarko and R.B. Garibay (Mexico)
530-096 Chain Conveyor System Simulation and Optimization
S.V. Sergueyevich, M.G. Ortega Rosales, J. Marcos García, L.A. Zamora Quintana, and R. Peña López (Mexico)
530-100 Modelling of Networks of Production and Logistics and Analysis of their Nonlinear Dynamics
B. Scholz-Reiter, U. Hinrichs, R. Donner, and A. Witt (Germany)
530-110 Optimum Arrangement between Natural Disasters Insurance and Risk Control
C.P. Tseng, W.L. Chiang, W.K. Hsu, S.G. Lin, C.H. Tsai, C.W. Chen, and D.M. Hung (Taiwan)
530-111 Impact of Law Enforcement Activities on Risk of Firearm Deaths in Brazil
K. Tiedemann (Canada)
530-112 Importance Measures for Customer Requirements and Technical Attributes in Fuzzy Environment
X.D. Li, Y.L. Tu, D.Y. Xue, and Y. Dong (Canada)
530-132 A Computational Approach Optimizing Push/Pull Flow in an Aerospace Transmission Overhaul Shop
H.A. Kaylani and J.K. Cochran (USA)
530-139 Diagnostic Modelling of Digital Systems with Multi-Level Decision Diagrams
R. Ubar, J. Raik, T. Evartson, M. Kruus, and H. Lensen (Estonia)
530-167 Set Confidence Interval for Customer Order Cycle Time in Supply Chain using GERT Method
M. Zanddizari (Iran)
530-174 Default Risk-based Probabilistic Decision Model on Natural Disasters Risk Control
C.P. Tseng, W.L. Chiang, W.-K. Hsu, D.-M. Hung, C.H. Tsai, and C.W. Chen (Taiwan)
530-179 A Novel Fuzzy Regression Approach on Managing Target Cash Balance for Construction Firms
C.W. Chen, C.H. Tsai, C.P. Tseng, M.H.L. Wang, and P.Y. Chung (Taiwan)
530-181 Application of Modeling and Control to Structural Systems
C.W. Chen, C.H. Tsai, C.B. Tseng, S.G. Lin, M.H.L. Wang, and P.Y. Chung (Taiwan)
Track Modelling and Simulation Methodologies FreeSubscription
530-024 NORTA and Neural Networks based Method to Generate Random Vectors with Arbitrary Marginal Distributions and Correlation Matrix
S.T.A. Niaki and B. Abbasi (Iran)
530-046 Topological Shape Signature for 3D Object Modelling
M. Aguilera, Y. Zhang, and A.B. Hamza (Canada)
530-052 The Modular Architecture of the Engine Room Simulator
S. Kluj (Poland)
530-055 Application of 3D Simulation in Exploitation of Marine Machinery
L. Tomczak (Poland)
530-090 Meshless Modeling for Joining Process Simulation
R. Canas, H. Mak, and P. Woodard (Canada)
530-099 Mechanical Gain Measurement for a Langevin Vibrator While under Electromechanical Coupling
F. Wen and C.-C. Wen (Taiwan)
530-113 Simulating Option Prices and Sensitivities by Higher Rank Lattice Rules
Y. Lai (Canada)
530-122 Magneto-Rheological Fluid Dampers Modeling: Numerical and Experimental
N. Yasrebi, A. Ghazavi, M.M. Mashhadi, and A. Yousefi-Koma (Iran)
530-131 Toward a Model of Language Acquisition Threshold
H. Fukś and C. Phipps (Canada)
530-137 A Mathematical Model for a Flapping-Wing Micro Aerial Vehicle
B. Tarvirdizadeh, A. Yousefi-Koma, E. Khanmirza, and H. Maleki (Iran)
530-144 Simulating Saturn's Keeler Gap Region
M.C. Lewis and G.R. Stewart (USA)
530-146 A Simulation for Distributed Systems
P. Bayat, M. Bordbar, and M. Challenger (Iran)
530-151 Modeling and Analysis of a Resonant Sensor Actuated by a Bent Beam Thermal Actuator
P.A. Hassanpour, W.L. Cleghorn, E. Esmailzadeh, and J.K. Mills (Canada)
530-159 Toward an Integrated Verification Environment for Embedded Systems
D. Du, K. He, H. Cao, and Y. Ma (PRC)
530-160 Genetic Operators Design using Division Algorithm in the Integer Solution Space
G. Li, B. Wang (PRC), and A. Li (USA)
530-161 Catastrophe Risk Modeling and Application-Risk Assessment for Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Pool
W.-K. Hsu, D.-M. Hung, W.L. Chiang, C.P. Tseng, and C.H Tsai (Taiwan)
530-173 Maximizing Weld Strength in Chrome Moly Space Frames
J. Wood, B. Jawad, and C. Riedel (USA)
530-176 Performance Study of using a New Approach to Transaction Processing in Real-Time Systems
K.-W. Lam, W. Leung (PRC), R.J. Millar, and J.R.P. Hanna (UK)
530-802 Projective Clustering using Itemset Discovery for Multi-Dimensional Data Analysis
M.U. Arshad and M.N. Ayyaz (Pakistan)
530-805 Modelling Wave-Induced Pressure on Breakwaters
G. Elchahal (France), R. Younes (Lebanon), and P. Lafon (France)
530-806 Finite Element Modeling of Smart Structures Integrated with Piezoelectric Materials
N. Shaeri, M.H.S. Lahidjani, and A. Yousefi-Koma (Iran)
530-812 Liquid Slip and Thermal Effects on Electroosmotic and Pressure-Driven Flow in a Microchannel
G. Dituba Ngoma and F. Erchiqui (Canada)
530-822 Estimation of Velocity Profiles in Natural Channels during High Floods
A. Burnelli, T. Moramarco, and C. Saltalippi (Italy)
Track Communications, Computers, and Informatics FreeSubscription
530-032 Graphic Tool for a Comparative between Fractionally Spaced Equalizers and Synchronous Equalizers
A.C. Ferreira, E.M. Lopes, and S.A. Fasolo (Brazil)
530-034 Implementation of a Computational Tool for the Study of the I.S.I. in the Systems of Digital TV
E.M. Lopes (Brazil)
530-040 AES Efficient Implementation for Extensible Firmware Interface
T. Chen, Z. He, and W. Hu (PRC)
530-041 A Generic Intelligent Network Model
G. Németh (Hungary)
530-049 Simulation and Visualization of Resource Allocation, Control, and Load Balancing Procedures for a Multiprocessor Architecture
C. Zheng and J.R. Heath (USA)
530-064 User Interface Characteristics and Network Utilization in Mobile Networks
M. Koivisto (Finland)
530-076 A New General Parser for Extensible Languages
I. Lewis (Australia)
530-079 Adaptive Code Acquisition with Receive Diversity under Homogeneous Fading Circumstance
H.G. Kang, H. Kwon, I. Song, and J. Bae (Korea)
530-095 Modeling of Air/Ground Air Traffic Control Communications for Fast-Time Simulation
L.C. Monticone, R.E. Snow, and P.T.R. Wang (USA)
530-103 CACIP: A Pattern for Interfacing Components in a Context-Aware Mobile Environment
S.M. Zuma and M.O. Adigun (South Africa)
530-118 A New Security Architecture for Mobile Communication
T. Chen, Y. Huang, F. Chen, and W. Hu (PRC)
530-147 Switch Performance Dependent upon Topology in Heavy Load Conditions – An Argument for Modelling
H. Tammam and W. Fone (UK)
530-153 High Speed Routers Design using Reconfigurable Technology
A. El Kateeb and M. Gadde (USA)
530-171 A Fuzzy Algorithm for Scheduling Periodic Tasks on Multiprocessor Soft Real-Time Systems
M. Sabeghi, H. Deldari, and S. Khajouei (Iran)
530-800 Automated Testing in Software Engineering: Using Ant Colony and Self-Regulated Swarms
P.K. Mahanti (Canada) and S. Banerjee (India)
530-803 Implementation of e-Learning in the Western China: A Review
Y. Gao, Y. Lui (PRC), and P.K. Mahanti (Canada)
530-807 Conception of Adaptive Programming Languages
A.V. de Freitas and J.J. Neto (Brazil)
530-809 Using Signal-Oriented Feature Trees for Model-based Automotive Functions
S. Kubica, W. Friess, T. Koelzow, and W. Schroeder-Preikschat (Germany)
Track Modelling, Optimization, Identification, and Simulation FreeSubscription
530-022 A Robust High-Order Recursive Quadratic Algorithm for Linear-in-the-Parameters Models
Q. Zhu (USA), S. Tan (Singapore), and Y. Qiao (USA)
530-027 Automotive Systems Indentification: Application of Neuro-Hybrid Models
V. Assuncao (Germany)
530-030 A Method for the Minimum Coloring Problem using Genetic Algorithms
H. Harmanani and H. Abas (Lebanon)
530-086 Modeling and Optimization of Chemical Processes: ASCEND IV and Stochastic Optimizers
H.G. Silva and R.L.R. Salcedo (Portugal)
530-091 Design Optimization of an Automotive Universal Joint Considering Manufacturing Cost
N. Cristello and I.Y. Kim (Canada)
530-093 Dynamics Modelling of Constraints for Reconfigurable Systems
H. Xue, X. Huang, P. Woodard, and J. Dickinson (Canada)
530-102 Identification of Chemical Reaction Mechanism from Batch Process Data
D.P. Searson, S.C. Burnham, M.J. Willis, and A.R. Wright (UK)
530-109 Variable Identification in Modeling by the KS Monte Carlo-Bootstrap Method in P19 Aluminum Pot Cells
J.I. Paolini R. (Venezuela)
530-114 Efficient Computations of Multivariate Normal Distributions with Applications to Finance
Y. Lai (Canada)
530-117 Analysis of a Software Reliability Growth Models: The Case of Log-Logistic Test-Effort Function
M.U. Bokhari and N. Ahmad (India)
530-124 Investigation of Superposition Method in Smart Structures Actuation and Control
S. Haddadi and A. Yousefi-Koma (Iran)
530-140 System Identification Techniques of Smart Structures with Piezoelements
S. Akbari, A. Yousefi-Koma, and E. Khanmirza (Iran)
Track Special Session: Hydraulic and Hydrologic Modelling FreeSubscription
530-816 Influence of Space-Time Rainfall Variability on Urban Runoff
M. Giulianelli, F. Miserocchi, F. Napolitano, and F. Russo (Italy)
530-817 Real Time Flood Forecasting of Tiber River in Rome
B. Calvo and F. Savi (Italy)
530-818 Structural Measures to Protect Rome from Floods along Tiber River
L. Natale and F. Savi (Italy)
530-820 On the Adaptive Component of a Real-Time Flood Forecasting Model
C. Corradini, A. Flammini, R. Morbidelli, and C. Saltalippi (Italy)
530-829 On the Adaptive Scheme of a Stage Forecasting Muskingum Model
S. Barbetta, F. Melone, and T. Moramarco (Italy)
Track Special Session: Applications in Processes and Design Optimization FreeSubscription
530-823 A Simulation-based Dynamic Evaluation Methodology for Enterprise Process Performance
W.A. Tan (PRC, Canada), J. Zhao (PRC), and W. Shen (Canada)
530-824 Estimation of Receiver Clock Parameters for Improving Accuracy of GPS Relative Satellite Positioning and Attitude Determination
S.G. Lin and C.P. Tseng (Taiwan)
530-825 Molecular Dynamics Study of Velocity Slip in Microchannels
A.S. Ziarani and A.A. Mohamad (Canada)
530-827 Finite Element Model for New Continuous Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP) using GFRP Bars
M. Eisa, E. El-Salakawy, and B. Benmokrane (Canada)
530-830 On Obtaining Material Parameters for General Purpose Finite Element Models
A.S. Milani (USA), W. Dabboussi, C. El-Lahham, J.A. Nemes (Canada), and R.C. Aberyaratne (USA)
530-831 Ballistic Penetration into Targets: Use of F.E. Technique
A. Mimaroglu, O. Iyibilgin, and H. Unal (Turkey)
530-832 Portfolio Selection with Fuzzy MCDM using Genetic Algorithm – Application of Financial Engineering
H.-W. Wang (Taiwan)
Track Additional Paper FreeSubscription
530-810 Utilizing Use Case Classes for Requirement and Traceability Modeling
J. Kelleher (South Africa) and M. Simonsson (Sweden)
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This publication covers the following topics: Automation, Control and Robotics; Environmental Systems; Biomedicine and Biomechanics; Economics, Management and Operations Research; Modelling And Simulation Methodologies; Communications, Computers and Infomatics; Modelling, Optimization, Identification and Simulation; Hydraulic and Hydrologic Modelling; and Applications in Processes and Design Optimization.

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