Estimation of Receiver Clock Parameters for Improving Accuracy of GPS Relative Satellite Positioning and Attitude Determination

S.G. Lin and C.P. Tseng (Taiwan)


Receiver clock bias, GPS relative positioning and Attitude Determination


During GPS satellite data process, precise carrier phase observables are adopted to achieve high positioning accuracy. However, the high correlation between the receiver clock bias and the GPS-determined height components make the vertical accuracy worse than the horizontal accuracy theoretically, even the double difference phase model still cannot solve this problem. Therefore, this paper proposes a de-correlation technique to improve the height accuracy by calibrating the receiver clock bias. The improvement of the proposed de correlation technique is verified by Ashtech 3DF data. Based on our experimental results, the determined height accuracy does improve from 0.61 cm to 0.13 cm, by nearly 470%. In addition, when this method is applied for the attitude determination, the standard deviations of estimated attitude angles can be reduced from 0.973o to 0.106o in the ω component, from 0.309o to 0.073o in the ϕ component, and from 0.143o to 0.139o in the κ component, respectively.

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