Implementation of a Computational Tool for the Study of the I.S.I. in the Systems of Digital TV

E.M. Lopes (Brazil)


Inter Symbol Interference (I.S.I.), Graphic Interface, Equaliser.


A common problem in systems of wireless communication is the Inter Symbol Interference (I.S.I.), provoked by the multipath in this type of propagation environment. These multipaths provoke temporal dispersion in the impulsive response of the channel, making with that the symbols suffer mutual interference, causing an increase in the rate of error of symbols. To study the I.S.I., is proposed a computational interface in platform MATLAB[1], that presents graphs for analysis of the I.S.I.. The equaliser, part of the responsible system for the combat the I.S.I., also will be studied. The graphical interface will show the impulsive response of the communication channel, the impulsive response of the equaliser, the inter symbol interference provoked by the channel, and the parameters of configuration of the equaliser and the communication channel. The motivation for the implementation of this interface is the growth in the area of mobile communication, nets WLAN and the diffusion of the technology of digital television.

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