Information Systems and Databases    (ISDB 2002)

September 25 – 27, 2002
Tokyo, Japan
Editor(s): Katsumi Tanaka
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Spatial and Temporal Databases and Image Retrieval FreeSubscription
367-036 Extending SQL to Support Image Content-based Retrieval
M.R.B. Araujo, A. Traina, and C. Traina, Jr. (Brazil)
367-085 Spatial Clustering for Facility Location Problems
M. Indulska and M.E. Orlowska (Australia)
367-090 Cosmos: Convenient Image Retrieval System of Flowers for Mobile Computing Situations
M. Noda, H. Sonobe, S. Takagi, and F. Yoshimoto (Japan)
367-101 Clustered R-trees: Improving R-trees for Nearest Neighbor Search
Y. Feng and A. Makinouchi (Japan)
367-124 Providing Persistence for Sensor Data Streams with Temporal Consistency Conscious Wal
H. Kawashima, M. Imai, M. Toyama, and Y. Anzai (Japan)
Track Information Filtering and Retrieval, Ontology, and Semantic Web FreeSubscription
367-015 A Compact Patricia Trie for a Large Set of Keys
Y.-K. Chan, C.-C. Chang, and J.-J. Shen (Taiwan)
367-053 Application of Chinese Natural Language Generation in Semantic Web
C.-L. Yeh (Taiwan)
367-095 A Metric Index for Approximate Text Management
V. Dohnal (Czech Republic), C. Gennaro (Italy), and P. Zezula (Czech Republic)
367-122 An Ontology Model for the XML-based Knowledge-enriched Integration Server
Z. Hu (Germany)
Track Collaborative Databases and Multi-Databases FreeSubscription
367-028 An Integrated Benchmark Suite for Database Systems
H.J. Jeong and S.H. Lee (Korea)
367-100 Metadata Search: A New Approach to Natural Language Database Interfaces
V. Boonjing (Thailand) and C. Hsu (USA)
367-104 Message Ordering based Global Concurrency Control in Multidatabase Systems
A. Moon and H. Namgoong (Korea)
367-110 A Technique for Semi-automatic Database Integration in Database Federations
Y. Stavroulas and T. Varvarigou (Greece)
367-113 Schemalet: A Modeling Language for Data and Schema Translation
K. Kuramitsu (Japan)
367-116 A CORBA Persistent State Service based on a UML Model to a Relational Database Mapping
S. Mitterdorfer, E. Teiniker, C. Kreiner, R. Weiss, and Z. Kovács (Austria)
Track Mobile and Distributed Processing, Information Broadcasting, and Stream Processing FreeSubscription
367-042 An Intelligent Prefetching Policy for Interactive Video Applications
C.-M. Huang and T.-H. Hsu (Taiwan)
367-060 2DS: A Two-dimensional Scheduling Scheme for Data Broadcast
X. Kan, K. Asada, A. Iizawa, and K. Furuse (Japan)
367-065 A Dynamic Mobile Transaction Management Strategy for Data-intensive Applications based on the Behaviors of Mobile Hosts
I. Park and S.J. Hyun (Korea)
367-068 GlobData: A Platform for Supporting Multiple Consistency Modes
F. Mữnoz, L. Irún, P. Galdámez, H. Decker, J. Bernabéu, J. Bataller, and M.C. Bañuls (Spain)
367-086 An Active Database System for Receiving Broadcast Data
T. Terada, M. Tsukamoto, and S. Nishio (Japan)
367-129 Query Processing in Containers Hosting Virtual Peer-to-Peer Nodes
W. Hoschek (Switzerland)
Track Web-based Systems FreeSubscription
367-025 A Study of Performance Testing of Web-based Systems
H. Leung, S. Liang, K. Chan, and M. Li (PRC)
367-034 An Example-based Web-site Construction Tool and its Implementation
A. Morishima, T. Mouri, and H. Kitagawa (Japan)
367-067 Focusing on Sites in the Web
Y. Asano, H. Imai, M. Toyoda, and M. Kitsuregawa (Japan)
367-108 A Web Annotation System with Access Control and Evolutional Restructuring Capabilities
T. Saito and K. Tanaka (Japan)
367-117 Web-Chat PHP Based System Using MYSQL Database as Interactive Communication Media on Daskom On-Line
A.A.P. Ratna, J. Samuel, and L. Bayuaji (Indonesia)
367-123 A Web Service Model for the Industrial Information System with Multi-Structures
Z. Hu (Germany)
Track Web Databases and Multimedia Databases FreeSubscription
367-089 Summarization and Presentation for Web Documents using Context Paths
K. Sumiya, M. Takahashi, and K. Tanaka (Japan)
367-097 Creating an Application with W2000, A First Step Towards a Complete Framework
I. Contursi, R. Paiano, and A. Pandurino (Italy)
367-103 VWDB2: A Network Virtual Reality System with a Database Function for a Shared Work Environment
C. Watanabe and Y. Masunaga (Japan)
367-112 A Calculation Method of Document Scores for Multimedia Document Retrieval
Y. Suzuki, K. Hatano, and S. Uemura (Japan)
367-130 An Inverse Halftoning Technique using Genetic Algorithm
C.-C. Chang, C.-S. Chan, and Y.-P. Pan (Taiwan)
367-800 Optimal Client Constrained Multiplexing: A Linear Programming Approach
O. Hadar and H.I. Stern (Israel)
Track XML Querying and XML Processing FreeSubscription
367-033 XML Querying with Functions
J. Pokorny (Czech Republic)
367-054 Transforming XPath Queries for Bottom-up Query Processing
Y. Ishikawa, T. Nagai, and H. Kitagawa (Japan)
367-056 Filtering XML Target Documents for EDMS
J.-W. Lee and K. Lee (Korea)
367-105 XNODE: Fast Retrieval of XML Data from Relational Tables
V. Ng, L.H. Kit, and C.S. Wong (PRC)
367-107 Join Operation over XML Data
H-C. Liu (Taiwan) and G. Dobbie (New Zealand)
367-114 An XML-based Active Rule Support for Fast Reconfiguration of Business Processes
I. Park, S.J. Hyun, S. Kang, and D. Lee (Korea)
Track Database Technology, Data Models, and Language FreeSubscription
367-044 Vectorization of Structure to Index Graph Databases
S. Srinivasa, S. Acharya, H. Agrawal, and R. Khare (India)
367-064 A Data Model for Reconstructable Kanji Documents using XML
M. Ishikawa, T. Amagasa, K. Hatano, S. Uemura, and T. Katsumura (Japan)
367-115 A Personalization Technique using Multiple Decision Trees in Recommender System
D. Lee and S.J. Hyun (Korea)
367-118 Exception Specification and Handling in Workflow Management Systems
Y. Song, D. Han, and I. Kim (Korea)
Track Information Visualization, Data Warehousing, and Data Mining FreeSubscription
367-011 Online Analytical Mining for eSignature
J. Fong and S.K. Cheung (PRC)
367-029 An Association Rule Mining Method for Spatial Database
T.-C. Lu, C.-C. Chang, and S.W. Changchien (Taiwan)
367-030 Multidimensional Partitioning of a Data Warehouse Star Schema
S. Mukherjee, H. Sharda, and D. Taniar (Australia)
367-063 Data Visualization in RDBMS
M.C. Barioni, E. Botelho (Brazil), C. Faloutsos (USA), H. Razente, A.J.M. Traina, and C. Traina, Jr. (Brazil)
367-094 Visual Querying of Multidimensional Data using Implicit Functions
O. Sourina (Singapore)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   N/A (Hardcopy) ;  $70.80 (Online) ;  $70.80 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

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Online Edition $70.80
CD Edition $70.80
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ISBN: 0-88986-362-8 ;
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): N/A ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

This publication covers the following topics: Spatial and Temporal Databases and Image Retrieval; Information Filtering and Retrieval, Ontology, and Semantic Web; Collaborative Databases and Multi-Databases; Mobile and Distributed Processing, Information Broadcasting, and Stream Processing; Web-based Systems; Web Databases and Multimedia Databases; XML Querying and XML Processing; Database Technology, Data Models, and Language; and Information Visualization, Data Warehousing, and Data Mining

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