An Ontology Model for the XML-based Knowledge-enriched Integration Server

Z. Hu (Germany)


XML, Ontology, Knowledge enrichment, Integration Server.


XML is becoming an efficient and powerful integration platform for integration of heterogeneous industrial data, different applications and systems. The knowledge-enriched integration server is a result of this development. One import issue of the knowledge–enriched integration server is the use of ontology. In this paper we propose a layered ontology model that covers the linguistic, the logic, the XML representation and the implementation aspects and can be used for the XML-based knowledge enriched integration server. The XML representation layer provides a unified mapping and manipulation mechanism. We also extend the Is-A and part-whole relations with the ranking order. Three new relations - the sibling, the buddy and the con-text-related relation – are defined in this paper for effective and efficient information search and query. We also define some rules for matching implication.

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