S. Mitterdorfer, E. Teiniker, C. Kreiner, R. Weiss, and Z. Kovács (Austria)
UML, CORBA, CCM, Database
In recent years, middleware industry, and particularly the CORBA project, have strongly integrated several aspects derived from databases: persistence, transaction management, security, etc. However, there still is a conceptual ”impedance mismatch” between the CORBA concepts and the concepts used in connection with databases (often referred to as a foundation of persistence). Bridging this gap often leads to significant developing effort. We show a mapping of UML classes (components) to relational databases and focus our work on dynamically generated CORBA interfaces. Starting with an UML model represented in the XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) format, a code generator writes consistent interface definitions and SQL scripts for relational database schema manipulation. This provides enough details for a database access server to allow the building of a database access code at runtime. The server is based on the CORBA Dynamic Skeleton Interface (DSI).
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