Environmentally Sound Technology in Water Resources Management    (ESTW 2006)

September 11 – 13, 2006
Gaborone, Botswana
Editor(s): Otlogetswe Totolo
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Water Supply and Sustainable Use FreeSubscription
515-022 Water Quality Variation WITHIN a Distribution System: A Case Study of Eldoret Municipality, Kenya
J.M. Ndambuki (South Africa)
515-023 Precision Farming: A Water Management Tool?
P.A. Kagoda (South Africa)
515-032 Modelling Responses of Savanna Grass Species to Water Supply and Competition
J. Segarra, J. Raventós, M. Acevedo, and J.F. Silva (USA)
515-036 The Institutional Challenge in the Implementation of Water Demand Management: A Case of the City of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
M. Ncube and A.E. Taigbenu (South Africa)
515-041 Water Pricing: A Key to Sustainable Water Supply and Demand Management in Southern Africa: A Comparative Study of Botswana and Zimbabwe
W.L. Hambira (Botswana) and C.P. Gandidzanwa (Zimbabwe)
515-043 Predicting the Role of Antioxidants and Irrigation on Sunflower Yield Grown under Saline Conditions
M.S. Gaballah, S.A. Ouda, M.S. Mandour, and M.M. Rady (Egypt)
515-047 Forecasting Water Demand for Effective Water Management During Drought Periods in the Greater Gaborone Area, Botswana
P.K. Kenabatho and B.P. Parida (Botswana)
515-051 Determination of Sustainable Wellfield Yield Considering Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction
J. Kotze, G. van Tonder, I. Dennis, and S. Zimmermann (South Africa)
515-802 Water Productivity of Food Crops in Gezira Scheme, Sudan
A.M. Adeeb (Sudan)
515-804 Water Quality Assessment in Al Jabal Al Akhdar Region of Oman for Sustainable Water Resources Management
M. Ahmed, R. Victor, M. Al-Haddabi, and J. Al-Handhali (Oman)
515-808 Water Resources Management in Botswana under the Increasing Effects of Climate Change
U.T. Umoh (Botswana)
Track Integrated Watershed Management FreeSubscription
515-018 Getting the Most out of Botswana's Rivers
D. Stephenson (Botswana)
515-029 Web-based Decision Support in Water Resources Management
J. Mustajoki, R.P. Hämäläinen, and M. Marttunen (Finland)
515-030 Preliminary Conceptual Model of the GIS based Rainwater Harvesting Decision Support System
J. Mwenge Kahinda, E.S.B. Lillie, R.J. Boroto, R. Dube, and A.E. Taigbenu (South Africa)
515-038 The Effect of Climate Variability and Land Use Land Cover on the Runoff Characteristic of Limpopo Basin, Botswana
B.P. Parida, D. Kgaodi, D.B. Moalifhi, and O.P. Dube (Botswana)
515-803 The Dwindling Lake Victoria Water Level
B.T. Mangeni (Uganda)
Track Wastewater and Stormwater Management FreeSubscription
515-034 Physical and Numerical Modelling to Support Management of Water and Sediment Flows in the Shotover and Kawarau Rivers, Queenstown, New Zealand
H.L. MacMurray, T.R. Davies, and S. Ruddenklau (New Zealand)
515-035 A Potential Shortcoming of Event-based Design for Stormwater Detention Systems
M. Pennington (New Zealand)
515-054 Centralized Municipal Wastewater Reuse Projects in Arid Areas with Emphasis on the Planning Process
R. Hranova (Botswana)
515-805 Stormwater Management in Informal Settlements
G. Lebitsa, O. Pule, and D. Stephenson (Botswana)
Track Issues in Implementing Environmentally Sound Technologies FreeSubscription
515-033 Sustaining Life - Learning and (More Than) Water
J. Goricanec and T. Hiley (Australia)
515-037 Soil Moisture Modeling and Application in Agricultural Water Management
B.F. Alemaw, T.R. Chaoka, and O. Totolo (Botswana)
515-039 Lex's Story – The Application of Appropriate Water Technology in the Highlands of Rural Kenya
T. Hiley, M. Hiley (Australia), and L. Rutherford (Kenya)
515-040 An Overview of Prepaid Water Meters in Botswana
L. Amusa, R. Chanda, M.A. Mpotokwane, and E. Segosebe (Botswana)
Track Additional Paper Presented at ATEF 2006 FreeSubscription
515-800 The Effect of Platinum Mining on Surrounding Soils and Vegetation: A Preliminary Assessment
M.S. Maboeta, S.J. van Wyk, L. van Rensburg, and P. Jansen van Rensburg (South Africa)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   N/A (Hardcopy) ;  $34.80 (Online) ;  $52.80 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

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Online Edition $34.80
CD Edition $52.80
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
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ISBN: 0-88986-622-8 ;
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-624-4 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

The topics to be covered include, but are not limited to: Model Development; Bond Graph Modelling; Numerical Methods; Mathematical Modelling; Physically-based Modelling; Agent-based Modelling; Dynamic Modelling; Continuous and Discrete Methodologies; Time Series Analysis; Simulation Tools and Languages; Discrete Event Simulation; Object-Oriented Implementation; Web-based Simulation; Monte Carlo Simulation; Distributed Simulation; Simulation Optimization; Simulation Uncertainty; Visualization; Virtual Reality; Optimization Theory; Linear and Non Linear Optimization; Combinational Optimization; Stochastic Optimization; Dynamic Programming; Multi-Objective Optimization; Optimal Control; Global Optimization; Network Optimization; Optimization Software; Semi-definite Programming; Semi-infinite Programming; and Algorithm Design and Analysis.

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