Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks    (PDCN 2010)

February 16 – 18, 2010
Innsbruck, Austria
Editor(s): M.H. Hamza
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Grid Computing FreeSubscription
676-009 A Classified Cluster based Architecture for Resource Discovery in P2P Networks using Collaborative Agents
M. Sedaghat, M. Othman, and M.N. Sulaiman (Malaysia)
676-021 Grid Scheduling Divisible Load with Load Adaptive Computing Power
K. Choi and T.G. Robertazzi (USA)
676-039 Task Execution Availability Prediction in the Enterprise Desktop Grid
T. Ghafarian-M. and H. Deldari (Iran)
676-079 Agglomeration of Dependent Tasks for Efficient Scheduling in Grid Environment
M. Chakraborty, S. Roy, and N. Mukherjee (India)
676-082 A Novel Adaptive Support Vector Machine based Task Scheduling
Y.-w. Park, K. Casey, and S. Baskiyar (USA)
Track Parallel Processing FreeSubscription
676-011 The Probabilistic Double Token Ring
F. Haddix (USA)
676-028 Development of a Network on Chip for Parallel Processing Systems
K. Tanaka, S. Iwanami, T. Ohashi, T. Yamakawa, and C. Fukunaga (Japan)
676-047 Integration of GPGPU Methods into a PET Reconstruction System
S. Schaetz and M. Kucera (Germany)
676-053 Efficient Parallel Architecture of Median Filter
R. Medhat, H.M. Faheem, and M.E. Khaleefa (Egypt)
676-078 Node-to-Set Disjoint Paths Problem in Perfect Hierarchical Hypercubes
A. Bossard, K. Kaneko, and S. Peng (Japan)
676-087 Parallel Algorithms for Maximum Independent Set in Trapezoid Graphs
G.S. Adhar (USA)
Track Parallel Programming FreeSubscription
676-052 A Wait-Free Dynamic Storage Allocator by Adopting the Helping Queue Pattern
P. Stellwag, J. Krainz, and W. Schröder-Preikschat (Germany)
676-077 High-Performance Computations of Large Eddy Simulations of Compressible Jets
P. D'Andria, A. Viggiano, and V. Magi (Italy)
676-089 Preliminary Evaluation of Batch-Learning Self-Organizing Map Algorithm on a Graphic Processor
A. Shitara, Y. Nishikawa, M. Yoshimi, T. Abe, T. Ikemura, and H. Amano (Japan)
Track Fault Tolerance FreeSubscription
676-024 A Proactive Fault Tolerance Framework for High-Performance Computing
A. Litvinova (UK), C. Engelmann, and S.L. Scott (USA)
676-031 A Low-Power Fault-Tolerant NoC using Error Correction and Detection Codes
Y. Kojima, H. Matsutani, M. Koibuchi, and H. Amano (Japan)
676-054 Constructing Non-Dominated m-Group Coteries for Group Mutual Exclusion
T. Harada and M. Yamashita (Japan)
676-072 An Adaptive Multi-Agent Approach for Distributed Alarm Correlation and Fault Identification
A.A Mohamed and O. Basir (Canada)
Track Wireless Networks and Computer Networks FreeSubscription
676-012 An Efficient Inter-Domain Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks
N.F. Mir, S. Pumpichet, and H. Chan (USA)
676-032 Link State Aware Routing for Multiple Mobile Robots in Wireless Sensor Network
A. Oda and H. Nishi (Japan)
676-038 Channel Assignment Protocol with Weaker Restrictions in Wireless Multihop Networks
T. Kawai and H. Higaki (Japan)
676-046 HEPRA: History of Encounters Probabilistic Routing Algorithm in Delay-Tolerant Network
F. Alnajjar and T. Saadawi (USA)
676-050 An Experimental Model of Relay Deployment Planning Tool for a Wireless Sensor Network System to Monitor Civil Engineering Structures
C. Hirai (Japan) and K. Soga (UK)
676-058 Towards an Integrated Network Control Architecture
P.-B. Bök, D. Pielken, and Y. Tüchelmann (Germany)
676-059 Performance, Cost, and Power Evaluations of On-Chip Network Topologies in FPGAs
S. In, H. Matsutani, M. Koibuchi, D. Wang, and H. Amano (Japan)
676-062 Effect of Atmospheric Turbulent Channel on Bit-Error-Rate of Optical Wireless Link
A. Prokes, O. Wilfert, and M. Sigmund (Czech Republic)
676-073 A Minimization Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks
J. Curran and X. Chen (USA)
Track High Performance Computing and Architectures FreeSubscription
676-022 An Energy Efficient SMT Processor with Heterogeneous Instruction Set Architectures
K. Yoshimura, T. Nakada, Y. Nakashima, and T. Kitamura (Japan)
676-042 On the Parallelization of Meshless Methods for the Solution of the Diffusion Equation
R. Trobec and M. Šterk (Slovenia)
676-045 On the Tradeoff between Speedup and Energy Consumption in High Performance Computing - A Bioinformatics Case Study
S. Pawaskar and H.H. Ali (USA)
676-048 e-Infrastructure Support for nanoCMOS Device and Circuit Simulations
R.O. Sinnott, G. Stewart, A. Asenov, C. Millar, D. Reid, G. Roy, S. Roy, C. Davenhall,B. Harbulot, and M. Jones (UK)
676-055 Is Iterative Deepening Search a Complete and Optimal Algorithm for Java PathFinder?
N. Shah and R. Iranmanesh (Malaysia)
676-066 Stream Experiments: Toward Latency Hiding in GPGPU
S. Laosooksathit, C. Leangsuksun, A. Baggag, and C. Chandler (USA)
676-085 Split Disk-Cache Architecture to Reduce Read Miss Ratio
S. Baskiyar and C. Wang (USA)
Track Algorithms and Scheduling FreeSubscription
676-027 Coverage Overlay Backfilling: Efficient Job Allocation Scheduling Scheme for Large-Scale Mesh-Connected Supercomputers
Y. Ajima, K. Kumon, S. Sumimoto, M. Nagatsuka, T. Shimizu, and Y. Oinaga (Japan)
676-037 Low-Complex Task Scheduling Algorithms for Hierarchical Embedded Many-Core Architectures and Dynamic Applications
A. Guerre, N. Ventroux, R. David, and A. Mérigot (France)
676-063 Partial Session Guarantees in JStabilizer
C. Ciprian (Romania)
676-086 Heterogenous Task Allocation with Constraints
T. McArthur and H.H. Ali (USA)
Track Additional Papers FreeSubscription
676-013 A Reliable Transmission Protocol for Sensors in Poorly Connected Areas over Mobile Networks
B. Ray, S. Ananthanarayan, and S. Mishra (USA)
676-081 Message Flow Simulator for Evaluating Communication Algorithms
S. Yazaki and H. Ishihata (Japan)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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ISBN: 978-0-88986-834-2 ;
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-820-5 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

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