Link State Aware Routing for Multiple Mobile Robots in Wireless Sensor Network

A. Oda and H. Nishi (Japan)


Wireless sensor network, MANETs, Routing algorithm, Simulation


In recent years, instead of wired communication, wireless communication technology has been utilized in many applications. Particularly, wireless sensor networks can be utilized as a communication medium of multiple mobile robots for environmental monitoring, security service, space exploration etc. In this paper, to accomplish reliable packet routing in mobile ad-hoc network, a novel QoS sensitive routing algorithm is discussed. Wireless network topology could be changing dynamically by robot movement, radio disturbance or fading in continuously shifting situation. Therefore, a packet routing algorithm should guarantee QoS by using some quality indicators of a wireless network. In proposed routing algorithm, routing table is constructed by using Received Signal Strength Indicator(RSSI) and the table information is periodically flooded in the network. Novel hash based routing entry management by using extended-MAC address can eliminate the overhead of message flooding. An analysis of the collision of hash values contributes to determine the length of the hash values, which is minimum required. Simulations are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed algorithm and to validate the theory in general wireless network routing algorithm.

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