Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications    (SPPRA 2003)

June 30 – July 2, 2003
Rhodes, Greece
Editor(s): M.H. Hamza
368 pages
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Image Analysis FreeSubscription
404-015 Kalman Filter and 3D Warping based Image Prediction for Realtime Computer Generated Image Sequences
A. Kummert and M. Schnitzler (Germany)
404-023 Analytical Computer Calculations in Image Analysis: Correct Reading of Random Discrete-point Fields
A.L. Reznik and V.M. Efimov (Russia)
404-044 Analysis Tools for Gray Level Histograms
F. Martín Rodríguez (Spain)
404-059 Hill-climbing Algorithm for Efficient Color-based Image Segmentation
T. Ohashi, Z. Aghbari, and A. Makinouchi (Japan)
404-098 A Tree-like Representation of the Training Set for Classification Time Reduction
J. Lobato, J.S. Sánchez, and J.M. Sotoca (Spain)
404-103 High-Definition 3DTV System using Asymmetrical Multiplexing and Hybrid Stereo Image Synthesis
G.S. Lee, N.H. Hur, Y.K. Hahm, and S.I. Lee (Korea)
404-112 Edge Detection: A Symbiotic Dual-Species Genetic Approach
J. Levman, J. Alirezaie, and G. Khan (Canada)
404-113 Perfectly Flat Histogram Equalization
J. Levman, J. Alirezaie, and G. Khan (Canada)
404-124 Edge Detection of Multispectral Images using Nonparametric Local Density Estimation
Ch. Theoharatos, V. Tsagaris, G. Economou, S. Fotopoulos, and V. Anastassopoulos (Greece)
Track Coding, Compression, Retrieval, and Watermarking FreeSubscription
404-038 Colour Image Retrieval by Self-organizing Maps
D. García-Pérez and A. Mosquera (Spain)
404-039 Medulio: Development Enviroment to Create Content-based Image Retrieval Systems
D. García-Pérez, A. Mosquera, C. Ces, and M.G. Penedo (Spain)
404-047 A Progressive Image Coding using Region Property and Wavelet Transform
K. Yun, S. Cho, C. Ahn, and S. Lee (Korea)
404-071 A Blind and Robust Watermarking Scheme using the Wavelet Transform
S.I. Fraser and A.R. Allen (UK)
404-108 Structured Codebooks for SCS Watermarking
S. Bounkong, B. Toch, D. Saad, and D. Lowe (UK)
404-125 Subband Image Coding using Periodic Haar Piecewise-linear Functions
P. Slusarczyk, A. Dziech (Poland), B. Tibken, and A. Kummert (Germany)
404-127 Conditional Data Compression: The Lossless Case
B. Carpentieri (Italy)
404-129 A Digital Image Watermarking Technique using Modulated Pascal's Triangles
H. Kostopoulos, S. Kandiliotis, I. Kostopoulos, and M. Xenos (Greece)
Track Signal Processing Applications FreeSubscription
404-014 Classifying Myoelectric Signals using Minimum-distance Optimum Bayes Methods
A.O. Abdul Salam and Y. Al-Assaf (United Arab Emirates)
404-054 A PC based Data Acquisition and Signal Processing System for Measuring the Baroreceptor Sensitivity
F. İnce, S. Arica, and A. Birand (Turkey)
404-065 Using Hidden-Markov-Models to Analyze Concentrations from Biosensor Curves
J. Weitzenberg and S. Posch (Germany)
404-078 Wide-band Compensation of Presbycusis
C. Grasso, D. Quaglia, L. Farinetti, G. Fiorio, and J.C. De Martin (Italy)
404-105 Detection of Landmines using Acoustic Prod
D. Kumar, A. Prakash, and Raghul (India)
404-131 Semantic Characterization of Data Series with Application to Facility Control
A. Lisounkin (Germany)
Track Signal Analysis and Processing I FreeSubscription
404-016 A New Method of Estimating Compactly Supported Wavelet with Desired Support and Vanishing Moments from a Signal
A. Gupta, S.D. Joshi, and S. Prasad (India)
404-020 Distributed Power Control in Cellular Radio Systems using Projection onto Convex Sets
S.A. Rabee, B.S. Sharif, and S. Sali (UK)
404-022 Inter Symbol Interference Cancellation for a Mobile Cellular Receiver using Lower and Higher Order Statistics
I. Morns and S. Sali (UK)
404-050 A New Method of Estimating Infinitely Supported Wavelet from a Signal
A. Gupta, S.D. Joshi, and S. Prasad (India)
404-074 Energy Detection of DS-CDMA Signals with Jammer Excision in First Stage
J. Lehtomäki, J. Vartiainen, J. Pyhtilä, and H. Saarnisaari (Finland)
404-076 An Approach to Correlation-based Source Separation
D. Zazula and A. Holobar (Slovenia)
404-080 A Pattern Recognition Approach for OFDM Frame Synchronization using General Purpose Processors
K. Nolan, P. Mackenzie, L. Doyle, and D. Flood (Ireland)
404-128 Wavelet-based Solution to Time-dependent Two-point Initial Boundary Value Problems with Non-periodic Boundary Conditions Involving Heat and Mass Transfer in Capillary Porous Bodies
H.N. Narang and R.K. Nekkanti (USA)
Track Speech Analysis, Recognition, and Synthesis FreeSubscription
404-006 Novel Endpoint Detection Algorithm for Speaker Recognition in Noisy Environment
C. Li, R. Venkateswarlu, and Y. Xu (Singapore)
404-037 Robust Wavelet based Sub-band Features for Speech Recognition
O. Farooq (India) and S. Datta (UK)
404-043 Real-time Implementation of Spectral Subtraction Modified by Wiener Filtering
V. Davídek (Czech Republic)
404-055 Auditory-based Acoustic Distinctive Features and Formant Cues for Robust Automatic Speech Recognition in Low-SNR Car Environments
H. Tolba, S.-A. Selouani, and D. O'Shaughnessy (Canada)
404-070 Auditory Model-based Tracking of Mixed Acoustic Sources
M. Képesi (Austria)
404-075 Acceleration of the Gaussian Emissions Computation in a Multi-stream based Continuous Speech Recogniser
V.C. Pera and A.J. Araújo (Portugal)
404-095 Imposter Modelling Techniques for Speaker Verification based on Probabilistic Neural Networks
T. Ganchev, N. Fakotakis, and G. Kokkinakis (Greece)
404-107 An Electronic Assistant for Automatic Control of Home-Appliances using Natural Speech and Distant Microphones
I. Potamitis, K. Georgila, P. Zervas, N. Fakotakis, and G. Kokkinakis (Greece)
404-117 Synthetic Speech Evaluation: The SUS Approach and Implementation for Portuguese
M.J. Barros, D. Braga, L. Coelho, D. Freitas, and A. Moura (Portugal)
404-801 VLSI Architecture Design for BNN Speech Recognition
J.-C. Wang, J.-F. Wang, and F.-M. Li (Taiwan)
Track Signal Analysis and Processing II FreeSubscription
404-083 Constrained Nonstationary Signal Processing by Pair-wise Separable Quadratic Programming
V. Mottl, O. Krasotkina (Russia), and I. Muchnik (USA)
404-084 Regression-test Model for High Dimensional Feature Selection
P. Bo and F. Jufu (PRC)
404-100 Detection of Weak Signals in Non-Gaussian Noise using Stochastic Resonance
V.G. Guha and G.V. Anand (India)
404-102 Fixed-point DSP Implementation of HVXC Encoder/Decoder on OakDSPCore Platform
P. Zervas, I. Potamitis, N. Fakotakis, and G. Kokkinakis (Greece)
404-106 Effect of Preprocessing and Sample Size on Support Vector Machine Classification of Nonstationary Signals
M. Brandt-Pearce and D. Reeves (USA)
404-111 Fast AM-FM Demodulation Image and Video Analysis using Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) Architectures
P. Rodríguez, R. Jordan, M.S. Pattichis, and M.B. Goens (USA)
404-115 Independent Component Analysis for Space-Time Mixtures
V. Duong and A.R. Stubberud (USA)
404-123 Signal Processing and Analysis for Non-destructive Internal Quality Evaluation of Fruits
G. Carlomagno, L. Capozzo, G. Attolico, and A. Distante (Italy)
Track Handwriting Recognition and Document Analysis FreeSubscription
404-045 Automatic Car Plate Recognition using a Partial Segmentation Algorithm
F. Martín and D. Borges (Spain)
404-061 Building a System for Writer Identification on Handwritten Music Scores
R. Göcke (Germany)
404-066 Character Segmentation of Camera Document
K.K. Kim, J.Y. Lee, and J.H. Kim (Korea)
404-067 Region-oriented Local Thresholding of Camera Document Image
K.K. Kim, S.Y. Chi, and Y.K. Chung (Korea)
404-087 A Handwritten Open-vocabulary Arabic Word Recognition System
M.S. Khorsheed (UK)
404-089 Bayesian MCMC for Biometric Person Authentication Incorporating On-line Signature Trajectories
M. Kondo, D. Muramatsu, M. Sasaki, and T. Matsumoto (Japan)
Track Filters FreeSubscription
404-012 MSE Analysis of a Reduced Complexit LMS-type Algorithm for Stereophonic Acoustic Echo Cancellation
K. Mayyas (Jordan)
404-021 Realization of the Third-order Transfer Function with Finite Zeroes
M. Dozet and N. Stojković (Croatia)
404-036 Wave Digital Band-pass Filter Implementation
A. Concha, M. Antošová, B. Šimák, and B. Pšenička (Mexico)
404-081 Stationary Wavelet Packet Programmable Filters for Real Time Signal Detection and Denoising
A. Marcianesi, L. De Marchi, and N. Speciale (Italy)
404-082 Frequency Properties of Median Algorithms used for Pulse Elimination
J. Sawicki (Poland)
404-086 Adaptive Line Enhancement of Complex Sinusoids in Noise with Multirate Techniques
E. Arias-de-Reyna, J.I. Acha-Catalina, and J. Biscarri-Triviño (Spain)
404-088 Non-Expansive Extension Methods for Biothogonal Filter Banks
M.E. Domínguez Jiménez (Spain)
Track Pattern Recognition FreeSubscription
404-040 Secure Fingerprint Verification based on Image Processing Segmentation using Computational Geometry Algorithms
M. Poulos, E. Magkos, V. Chrissikopoulos, and N. Alexandris (Greece)
404-042 Robust Shape Axes Extraction using Multiresolution Gradient Vector Fields
W.-B. Goh and K.-Y. Chan (Singapore)
404-046 Detection of Spatial Orientation Objects for Automatic Orientation of Arbitrary Arranged Metric Images
F. Boochs (Germany)
404-052 Shape based People Detection: A Comparison between Wavelet and Geometrical Features
M. Leo, P. Spagnolo, and G. Attolico (Italy)
404-053 Automatic Detection of Goal Event in Real Soccer Image Sequences
T. D'Orazio, M. Leo, M. Nitti, and A. Distante (Italy)
404-073 A Robust Approach for Contour Extraction and Tracking of Moving Objects in Video Sequences
A. Al-Hamadi, R. Niese, and B. Michaelis (Germany)
404-085 A Real 3D Object Recognition Algorithm based on Virtual Training
C. de Trazegnies, J.P. Bandera, C. Urdiales, and F. Sandoval (Spain)
404-099 Shape Understanding System: Understanding of the Cyclic Object
Z. Les and M. Les (Australia)
404-104 Hardware Implementation of Syntactic Pattern Recognition Algorithms
C. Pavlatos, A. Koulouris, and G. Papakonstantinou (Greece)
404-121 Detection of Small Splits in Car-Body Manufacturing
E. de la Fuente, F.M. Trespaderne, and F. Gayubo (Spain)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   $81.60 (Hardcopy) ;  $73.20 (Online) ;  N/A (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

For complete proceedings please choose one of the following:


Hard Copy $81.60
Online Edition $73.20
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
CD Subscriptions are not available for SPPRA 2003
ISSN: 1482-7921 ;
ISBN: 0-88986-363-6 ;

The main topics covered throughout this publication include: image analysis; coding, compression, retrieval, and watermarking; signal processing applications; signal analysis and processing; speech analysis, recognition, and synthesis; handwriting recognition and document analysis; filters; and pattern recognition.

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