Modelling and Simulation / 687: Health Informatics    (AfricaMS 2010)

September 6 – 8, 2010
Gaborone, Botswana
Editor(s): F. Ogwu, M.N. Tanko, N.M. Seboni
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Applications in Environment and Engineering FreeSubscription
685-007 Magnitudes of Coupling Coefficients of Horizontal and Vertical Slots in a Dual Mode Filter
T.M. Pholele and J.M. Chuma (Botswana)
685-012 Effect of Insulation and Thermal Mass on Dwelling Indoor Temperature during a Heat Wave
K.J. Biliyok (UK)
685-025 Influence of Boundary Variation at River Bifurcation in the Upper Changjiang River
X.-h. Fu, S.-f. Yang, and R. Qian (PR China)
685-030 Spectral Analysis of Growth in Spatial Lotka-Volterra Models
K.A. Hawick (New Zealand)
685-044 Water Resource Development Planning using Remote Sensing: A Case Study with a Small Watershed
R.K. Das, E. Tembo, and B. Nkwae (Botswana)
685-050 Simulation of Solar Radiation Conditions for Northern and Southern Polar Zones
N. Nijegorodov and P. Monowe (Botswana)
685-052 Intelligent Agents for Modelling Country Reconstruction Operation
A.G. Bruzzone and M. Massei (Italy)
Track Applications in Other Areas FreeSubscription
685-027 Base Station Placement for Uneven Traffic in Cellular Network using Genetic Algorithm
B.R. Philemon, A. Kurien, and Y. Hamam (S. Africa)
685-039 A Computational Modelling and Design of the ADIRE Making Process using Modular Petri Net
S.A. Bello, M.L. Sanni, O.A. Odejobi (Nigeria), and F.J. Ogwu (Botswana)
685-040 Building Heating Simulation Design for Control Analysis
D. Gladwin, D. Rogers, C. Bingham, P. Stewart, M. Wilson, S. Mitchell, and R. Nortcliffe (UK)
685-042 Computer Proficiency among Fresh Undergraduate Students of the University of Botswana: Implications for Learning
F.J. Ogwu, E.N. Ogwu, and O.T. Eyitayo (Botswana)
685-047 Geological Modeling of the 2125 A/K20 Diamondiferous Kimberlite Deposit, Orapa, Botswana
M.A. Tait, P. Gaegopolwe, and K. Maphane (Botswana)
685-055 Modifying a WBL Programming System with a Tutorial Algorithm
S. Naidoo and R. Naidoo (S. Africa)
Track Mathematical Modelling and Applications in Financial Area FreeSubscription
685-011 Funding of Subprime Residential Mortgage Loans via Marketable Securities and Deposits
B. De Waal, M.A. Petersen, M.C. Senosi, J. Mukuddem-Petersen, and I.M. Schoeman (S. Africa)
685-013 Optimising Flow in an M/M/1 System with Shortage Cost: A Theory of Constraints Approach
O. Adetunji and V.S.S. Yadavalli (S. Africa)
685-017 Modeling Subprime Residential Mortgage Loans
M.A. Petersen, M.C. Senosi, S. Thomas, J. Mukuddem-Petersen, B. De Waal, and T. Bosch (S. Africa)
685-024 Response of Subprime Residential Mortgage Loan and Mortgage-Backed Securities Prices to Financial Shocks
J. Mukuddem-Petersen, M.A. Petersen, T. Bosch, and D. De Waal (S. Africa)
685-031 Damage Assessment of a Non-Homogeneous Uniform Strength Beam using Genetic Algorithm
S.K. Panigrahi, S. Chakraverty, and B.K. Mishra (India)
685-033 Parametrical Regulation of Economic Growth on the Basis of CGE Model of Economic Sectors
A.A. Ashimov, B.T. Sultanov, Zh.M. Adilov, Yu.V. Borovskiy, N.Yu. Borovskiy, and As.A. Ashimov (Kazakhstan)
685-036 Simulation of Optimal Stochastic Control Strategies by Maximum Principle
J. Štecha and J. Rathouský (Czech Republic)
685-043 Optimization of an Integrated Reliability Model of a Series-Parallel System with Cost Constraint
B.D. Sarma, C. Umashankar (India), and V.S.S. Yadavalli (S. Africa)
685-045 An Originate-to-Distribute (OTD) Model for Subprime Lending
M.A. Petersen, S. Thomas, M.C. Senosi, J. Mukuddem-Petersen, B. De Waal, and T. Bosch (S. Africa)
Track Special Session: Building Energy Simulations and Optimizations FreeSubscription
685-056 Comparative Study of the Performance of Displacement vs Conventional Ventilation using CFD
D.M. Madyira and M. Bhamjee (S. Africa)
685-057 Impact of Roof, Wall Insulations and Double Glazing on HVAC Energy Use in Residential Buildings of Bloemfontein
T. Kumirai and T.N. Ngonda (S. Africa)
685-058 A Simulation Assessment of Performance of Different HVAC Systems in an Office Building
M. Bojic, N. Nikolic, and M. Despotovic (Serbia)
685-059 On Photovoltaic Electricity Production by a Residential House in Reunion Island
M. Bojic (Serbia), A. Patou-Parvedy (France), and D. Nikolic (Serbia)
685-060 Simulation of Solar Energy Use for Building Heating by a Vapor Compression Heat Pump
M. Bojić, N. Nikolić, D. Nikolić, J. Skerlić, and I. Miletić (Serbia)
Track Symposium on Health Informatics FreeSubscription
687-001 Using Record Linkage to Conform the Patient Dimension of an Antiretroviral Therapy Data Warehouse
E. Kotzé and T. McDonald (S. Africa)
687-003 GIS Tailored Questionnaires for Assisting Health Care Management in Distributing Resources
M. Herselman (S. Africa), E. Niehaus (Germany), N. Ruxwana (S. Africa), P. D'Souza-Niehaus, N. Heyne, M. Platz, and R. Wagner (Germany)
687-004 Modeling and Implementing of a Novel Computer-Tailored Approach for Portion Size Measurement Aid
Y.C. Liu, S.J. Lu, Y.C. Weng, and W.K. Chiou (Taiwan)
687-007 Assessing the Healthcare Landscape WITHIN Developing Nations: Impact on Design Reality Gaps
S. Ouma, M. Herselman, R. de la Harper, and D. VanGruen (S. Africa)
687-012 An SMS-based Healthcare Information Storage and Retrieval System
A.N. Masizana-Katongo, G. Anderson, D. Mpoeleng, T. Taukobong, G. Mosweunyane, O.T. Eyitayo, and B. Gopolang (Botswana)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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ISSN: 1925-8003 ;
ISBN: 978-0-88986-876-2 ;
ISSN (CD): 1922-8058 ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-848-9 ;
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